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Thread: Change Profession?!

  1. #1

    Change Profession?!

    The ability to change your profession – this is still in discussion as to how we want to implement this and to what degree, but it's something we think players would really enjoy – Coming around summer

    Is this a permanent chnage or short period, Ach ...either way is silly...

    Had enough with your lvl 100 enf..lets just swap over to MP and get the whole lot of new fun stuff...

    Is this just anther "lazy" way for making a char..
    What happened to, "Create new character" ? :P

    Guys, views? First IP reset now this...
    I know its in discussion at FC but still....
    I think is stupid, yeah it will make people happy but whats the point?


  2. #2

    more complicated i think

    when you create a character,
    the voiceover tells you you WILL have the option to change professions.
    so this has always been intended
    and i think it will really make for some interesting options for 'hybrid' characters .. given that the IP youve spent in certain skills for half your life is still invested, and then you change professions and start learning new skills with different costs. . will you still be able to use your old nanos? who knows .. but i dont think this is anything like an IP reset . . without more info about what they're planning it's hard to guess how this would play out. . but the idea is definately interesting to me ..

  3. #3
    I think it's fair and it makes sense. The rules have been so changed since game launch it's only fair to let us take our invested time and put it somewhere else. Since funcom has frequently changed the rules on us it's fair for us to say that if we knew things were going to be that way we would have made different choices.

    I have a 115 soldier, and if i started a character in this current environment I'd choose a MA. Since I have a very nice MA re-roll already, I think it would be great to take the IPs and level of my soldier and make a combat doc, though nanobreed would prob be better, sol will still be useful.

    Remember, it won't be an easy transition, you will have to re-allocate your Ips from scratch I'd imagine, since starting over as a doc with the ability to use doc crystals and having a 800+ in assault and 700+ burst, sure won't be fair to the other docs. The IPs i get per level now will let me advance quickly thru the doc nano line, as will the new lowered cost of those lines. You will need a totally new kit of gear which will be very expensive. Such a transition will take some time, you will need to gather most of your gear for the transition before actually making the change.

    The only way it will work is with an IP reset.

  4. #4
    Huuuum Hhhhuuuum hum hmmmmmmmmm?interessting...meow...aheahehaehaeh...m eow

  5. #5

    i dont know . .

    "Remember, it won't be an easy transition, you will have to re-allocate your Ips from scratch I'd imagine, since starting over as a doc with the ability to use doc crystals and having a 800+ in assault and 700+ burst, sure won't be fair to the other docs. "

    actually, i think this might be exactly what the plan is,
    hence 'hybrid' characters . . remember that that soldier
    turned doc will have a huge weapon advantage compared
    to other docs, sure .. but he has also been spending all
    those levels worth of IP in very blue nano skills .. so he
    would be significantly disadvantaged in actually healing ..

    for the most part, i think changing professions would
    be a RP thing (or just a bored with current profession thing)
    that would rarely 'uberize' anyone and usually result in
    a more overall mediocre character (when looking at the specific
    things that new profession is supposed to excell at) . . but, hey,
    anything that allows players to be different is a good thing IMO

    right now you have a dozen professions with mostly very clear
    strategys on how to play, what to wield, etc etc etc
    and adding another layer of diversity to character development
    would enrich the overall game, and take characters out of
    these well-defined boxes and give us all the option to be
    much more unique, as the combinations of profession-switches
    (if allowed various times at various stages) are endless . .

    I know that's a headache for the uber-template guys,
    making having the 'perfect' toon much more complicated
    and less obvious, but i really like that myself.

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