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Thread: There is no toilet in my apartament

  1. #1

    There is no toilet in my apartament

    I'm sure this must be against some kind of code. I find sitting on the toilet a great way to think about how I'm going to develop my character. Sadly tho, I have to do missions when I want to think about my character to find a toilet or go into some noisy club that isn't good for thinking at all. My character really needs a quiet toilet of her own.

  2. #2

    Thumbs up Yes

    I agree. With a working shower. maybe some useless home building mags.

  3. #3
    what about a damn bed...

  4. #4

    Angry I want a bed!

    Wish list:

    Bed for my apartment...
    Couch for my apartment...
    Bathroom for my apartment...

    Oh hell, I want an apartment.

    Okay, but in all seriousness, we get these 'homes' for us, walk in and see a big white room just waiting for me to rush to the stores so I can decorate. Then I find out that couches, beds, etc, DON'T EXIST!

    /me cries

    I mean, those clanners that we always have to fight in mission buildings get beds and couches.

    I know there's a TON more stuff more important then this that needs to be done (especially fixing the fixers/MA's/soldiers/etc etc!), but is this something that is even being considered in the future of the game? (hmm, guild houses come to mind as well...)

    It'd just be really nice to have something personalized in this game. A place of my own to go to and relax after a hard day of killing baddies in Pleasant Meadows.

    Has anyone heard an official reply from FC on this topic?

    BTW, good job with the patches! Keep it up!

    -Dezzie, 105 MA
    -Aikera, 73 soldier

  5. #5
    I believe that nanobots are programmed such that you no longer require a toilet or shower. You don't want to know how.


  6. #6
    Yes and please give us a bed and let us lay down on our backs. It would also be nice if we had togglable emotes. Hit it once it starts, hit it again it stops, for something like laying down.

    Also there is more to sex than doggy style. please give us some more useful emotes =]

  7. #7

  8. #8
    If you really, *REALLY* need a toilet, take an in-town mission. There's bound to be one in every other room.


  9. #9
    I want a harem.
    NT phone HOME!!

  10. #10
    hehehe garzu ...why not contact silke entertainment?

  11. #11

    Re: There is no toilet in my apartament

    Originally posted by ULTRA1
    I'm sure this must be against some kind of code. I find sitting on the toilet a great way to think about how I'm going to develop my character. Sadly tho, I have to do missions when I want to think about my character to find a toilet or go into some noisy club that isn't good for thinking at all. My character really needs a quiet toilet of her own.
    Go to any decent club, they all have toilets

    But it's true some way to 'personalise' apartment will be nice.
    And also some way to invite poeple in.

  12. #12

    Re: There is no toilet in my apartament

    Originally posted by ULTRA1
    I'm sure this must be against some kind of code. I find sitting on the toilet a great way to think about how I'm going to develop my character. Sadly tho, I have to do missions when I want to think about my character to find a toilet or go into some noisy club that isn't good for thinking at all. My character really needs a quiet toilet of her own.
    LOL, that was funny
    NT phone HOME!!

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