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Thread: Dimension Shift

  1. #1

    Dimension Shift

    (this happened awhile back but i feel like writting about something)

    Dmanz enjoys his new life very much, but from time to time misses things he thougbt would never end. No one in this new but same world knows who he really is. Everyone just knows him by Dmanz, they dont know he first or last name. Now every once in awhile D likes to go for a walk, or a run rather, to places he misses so very much.

    "Well, atleast im getting a work out"

    D enters the area of Omni Entertainment and starts sprinting past the gaurds.

    "Hold it you clanner! Under the law of Omni-Tek you are not permitted to be here"

    Many Gaurds begin to shot this while trying to shoot him down

    "Get a bit faster and maybe I will think about listening to your law, but until then, See Ya Later"

    D takes off into paths between the buildings. He actually knows this place very well, as well as he knows his way around clan territory. Thinking that he doesn't need to run anymore he walks around enjoys the sites, and the memories.

    "There he is! Get Him"

    The gaurds have trapped D in an ally and he is stuck with a dilemma. He can either run and scale the wall or he can stay and fight the gaurds.

    Gaurds: "Willingly or not, you will come with us"

    The gaurds load their guns and get ready to use them if they have to. D just laughs to himself a bit and takes out a lighter in his pocket.

    Dmanz: "Fire... one of the most destructive forces... wouldn't you agree? Yet, you all claim you can "tame" fire with those little guns of your's. However, fire can not be tamed... only manipulated"

    D throws the lighter into the air and with in seconds a massive flame emerges from both of his hands.

    Gaurds: "Aim your guns now!!"
    Dmanz: "Now now good men. I do not wish to fight with you, but.. i just wouldn't move that much if I was you"

    D closed his eyes and concentrated. Suddenly flames surrounded the gaurds.

    Dmanz: "Later guys, was fun playing with ya, but now I must go, oh and dont worry about those flames. They will be gone in a bit, just enough time for me to get away"

    D starts running past the gaurds and throughout Omni Entertainment without thinking about where he is going. Almost instinctively he ends up in Rompa Bar, a place he hasn't been in a long time. Realizing where he was turned off the flames on his hands and slowly started to walk around noticing that he was the only one there. He walked over to a booth and sat down resting his head back and closing his eyes. Even though he knew he was the only one there, he started to talk out loud as if he were telling a story.

    Dmanz: "I remember it like it was yesterday. The 6 of us came here all the time.. what great times we have had here.. all the women that shot us down." <laughs to himself> " this place was like our home.. and we didn't need to run past guards to get here. We were great friends, but nothing can last forever. They started talking to each other about something, and when they told me i was VERY shocked. They wanted to leave Rubi-Ka, the place we have shared so many memories on. They said they were sick of the war and wanted to live somewhere peaceful. They had asked me to come with them, but I denied the offer and said my good byes to them and watched them walk out the door knowing I would never see them again. For a few weeks I sullenly walked the streets, at times regretting I didn't go with them. Then I was given an opportunity. I walked back to the Rompa Bar, what we called home, and saw a shady man standing in the middle of it. He had long messy hair and shappy clothes. He came over to me and told me that he had been watching me for the past few weeks. Then he gave me an offer to take me to a new place where I could start my life over. That we would take me to another dimension where I would still be on the same Rubi-Ka that I knew. I thought about his offer for a moment then I agreed to it. Suddenly the room became distorted and I passed out. I was awaken by a man on the Arriving Zone, I looked around and saw that it was the same, but different, post of events that happened were much different than that of the Arriving Zone I had remembered. The man had done it, he took me to a new dimension where I could start a new life. And that I did right away by choosing to go clan instead of Omni. Personally i like both Omni and Clan, in a way they are both the same. They have nice people, and grievers whom seem to be there to make your life worse."

    D is taken out of his state of mind by a buzzing noise on his comm

    "I really gotta stop talking to myself"

    D listens to his comm

    "Yo, pink boy, you coming to mission with us?"

    D shakes his head and sighs

    Dmanz to himself: "I'll never understand why they make fun of me for not liking the pink suit"

    To his Comm: "Not today my friend, not today"

    D sits back and takes a nap dreaming about all the fun memories of his old friends.

    (that is my RP story of how i came to atlantean, i hope you liked it and if you did let me know so i can write more stories without making people think "oh great another RP story by him again")
    Last edited by Dmanz; May 17th, 2004 at 20:59:18.
    Unity of the Rose

    D Dmanz Farrar 167 Martial Artist

  2. #2
    I liked it, keep it up!

  3. #3
    will do
    Unity of the Rose

    D Dmanz Farrar 167 Martial Artist

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