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Thread: No Healing Bug

  1. #1

    No Healing Bug


    The more I play the more this bug looks to be a serious problem. Suddenly you will not be able to use any treatment kits, nano rechargers, or first aid kits. Healing via nanos still works. Sitting, standing, running, walking, Esc-F1, all do not help. The only fix seems to be zoning and that is not always possible when hunting. It has happened to me both indoors and outdoors. Most if not all the times that I have been hit with it I was running away from someone or something (I'm a crat, we run a lot). So it might be triggered by hitting the first aid kit while running or something? I know there was a bug a while back where the first aid or nano restorer wouldn't kick in until you stopped running/walking.

    One other person mentioned that they had experienced this. Anyone else?

    Note: this bug was new (to me, at least) to 13.4 and is still here after today's patch.


  2. #2

    Post Its not new

    I had this exact same problem happen to me while in a mission under 13.2. The only difference was that I couldn't get out of the mission -- it kept saying something along the lines of "The server did not register zone transition. You have the choice of staying put or trying again." -- Ge thanks.

    I thought it was a client lag problem, but my pings were in the 100-200 range (DSL). I think it means the server and client are out of synch, because after ~5 minutes of waiting, it suddenly started working again.

  3. #3


    What I usually try doing is try to heal someone else who is standing near me (player or MoB) then heal myself and verything is fine again.

  4. #4

    Thumbs down

    I can't stand this bug. Very nerve-wracking especially when you're fighting a mob ... and that mob can heal no problem.

  5. #5
    An update, this bug is much worse than I thought. It happens to me all the time (never happened before 13.4) and I've found that I can't use, equip or unequip anything until I've zoned.

    Yesterday I was in that oasis in the middle of Varmint Woods. I couldn't save, I couldn't unequip my vehicle (meaning I couldn't use nanos), I couldn't complete my mission by giving the item to the mission booth, I couldn't do anything. I finally had to head for the zone border, which was a long way away. My pet was still responding to commands as soon as I gave them, so I don't think this was a lag problem. I have a feeling that it has to do with the new vehicle change that makes them equip and not equip, but that is really just a big old guess.


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