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Thread: Adventurer offensive nano suggestion

  1. #1

    Thumbs up Adventurer offensive nano suggestion

    Just a quick idea,

    The most defining aspect of the Adventurer class is our Polymorphs.

    We've been having problems taking on green cons, the strongest of us (And I'm saying ultra tweaked) can probably take out yellows.

    Two and we're dead.

    An idea I had, was for an Offensive nano line for the Adventurer class.

    It would make use of our polymorph line (Which we already invest points into).

    A line of polymorphs that are *hostile* timed.

    Now for these hostile timed polymorphs, they certainly couldn't last as long as our normal buff style polymorphs.

    If we had a line that would just slightly *gimp* a target, with a hostile timer, so they couldn't remove it. Something that lowers AC for a time period of say 10 seconds.

    At the same time the target would be transformed into say, a rollarrat or something.

    The target could STILL ATTACK. But would be minus those stats for the duration of the polymorph

    At the end of the program, the mob/person would just turn back to it's original form.

    This would give us a "little' more power, and certainly would fall well within the profile for our profession.

    If we can turn people into things that *help* them, why can't we turn people into things that *hurt* them. Or at least disable?

    Just an idea

  2. #2

  3. #3

    Now this is a cool idea

    She turned me into a newt.

    A newt?

    Well.... I got better...

    heh kidding aside. I like this idea. Very very cool idea.

  4. #4


    I´m not giving up.


    hrrgh, made my throat hoarse to yell like that, but it would be nice with some response to adventurers issue from Funcom.

  5. #5
    Yea, that polymorphing idea isnt half bad. And every now and then adv could screw up the casting and transform opponent into a desert eremite

    Or some greater anun shredder or grimwolf at least

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