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Thread: Tremble Notum miners Tremble! For you shall look death in the eye On April 4th!

  1. #61
    No, it ain't that easy to settle, unfortunately. Omni-Tek has had quite its experiences of seein' tha hand that feed bitten, so pardon us fer bein' so wary, I ain't convinced either that this would stop tha hostilities in a snap of fingers. While I know that certain elements among tha NLF are people whith whom a discussion can occur, there are others who're simply too entrenched within their ways to accept tha facts, and would find any reason and opportunity to 'proove' us wrong, claim that tha data is wrong, that it has been edited, or created bit by bit... I letcha imagine tha rest, it ain't that hard.

    It ain't bein' prejudiced, it's bein' realisitc. If tha NLF could accept to lay down arms fer a second and talk, then, mebbe, Omni-Mining wouldn't be so wary to disclose some more complex information. (And I dun't mean something like tha so-called attempt at 'peace talks', thrown in after a very public threat as if to save tha day and give 'emselves good conscience, where it was clear from tha start that tha core matter was a "stop mining at once, right now, or we make ya pay", without any other solution to be envisioned, and knowin' very well that never could Omni-Mining agree to such demands.)
    Jen Markarian - Put the weirdness back in Omni-Mining
    Updating my stories -- 19/03/08. Going slowly, but certainly
    Anarchy Reloaded - AO webcomics for the sake of being silly

    I never want to lose what I have finally found
    There's a requiem
    A new congregation
    And it's telling me: go forward and walk
    Under a brighter sky
    -- Delerium, Euphoria --

  2. #62
    It is indeed true that the NLF has made no promise of ending aggression in the event of evidence produced. This is simply because evidence received cannot be prejudiced as impartial, when it comes from Omni-Tek. As such, we must first evaluate any evidence given to us, and after that, if the evidence is accepted as true, hostilities can be ended.

    I am most certain of the fact that no peace is to be had until undeniable proof is provided by a neutral party, such as ICC.

    As for talking, I wouldn't call dishonoring our Queen as "peace-oriented". For such talks alone you have placed on yourselves a stigma of mistrust from most, if not all, NLF members. Also, the immediate stop of all mining is the only satisfactory solution to our problem, because it is the only thing that will surely let the Notum regenerate, if such a thing even occurs at all. Why Omni-Mining has no wish to oblige, is well known to all parties. Still it seems odd that they cannot even consider such an action, just like they say we cannot consider ending our hostilities.
    Last edited by Daniel Tinander; Apr 15th, 2004 at 11:36:01.
    Daniel "Cobrian" Tinander
    Priest of the Meta-Physical Order
    My Roleplaying Profile

  3. #63
    It is indeed true that the NLF has made no promise of ending aggression in the event of evidence produced. This is simply because evidence received cannot be prejudiced as impartial, when it comes from Omni-Tek.
    Well this time, nobody can blame Omni-tek or Omni-Minin' from sufferin' from "prejudism", can they. Pot, kettle, black.

    As such, we must first evaluate any evidence given to us, and after that, if the evidence is accepted as true, hostilities can be ended.
    An' we must sure be first that this evidence will make tha hostilities cease, an' won't be kept under observation fer too long while terrorist acts go on. Please tell us, how are we s'pposed to trust after such satements.

    I am most certain of the fact that no peace is to be had until undeniable proof is provided by a neutral party, such as ICC.
    Which they likely won't do. If ya want proof, ya'll hafta accept what we can give, and not reject it "just 'cuz it comes from Omn i-Tek".

    As for talking, I wouldn't call dishonoring our Queen as "peace-oriented". For such talks alone you have placed on yourselves a stigma of mistrust from most, if not all, NLF members.
    Keep tha testosterone level down. I know what yer referrin' to, I ain't as stupid as to not feel tha personal attack in this, and I wouldn't be so proud if I were ya. Shall I also remember that ya were tha one to throw insults and open hostilities, before any word 'bout yer QUeen was even let out? Fer so-called "insults" made by someone else than me, ya and yer friend insulted me, issued stupid and disgustin' breedist arguments, threatened and insulted a child who never even had heard of ya b'fore, and issued death threats not only on me, but also on said child. I wanna think though that this is only yer position as an individual, an' not of tha NLF as a whole, given that there are some of yer people I've been able to talk quietly to in tha past. But please, dun't make claims fer peace, when yer words or actions sound so harsh. Leave tha peace talks to those of ya who're a lil' more cold-headed.

    Also, the immediate stop of all mining is the only satisfactory solution to our problem, because it is the only thing that will surely let the Notum regenerate, if such a thing even occurs at all. Why Omni-Mining has no wish to oblige, is well known to all parties. Still it seems odd that they cannot even consider such an action, just like they say we cannot consider ending our hostilities.
    Simple answer. Puttin' aside all profit matters, they can't consider it, cuz it ain't their prerogative. Such a decision must be taken by Omni-Tek's board of directors, not by Omni-Mining. Seems odd to me that this thought has ne'er occurred to anyone out there, really.
    Jen Markarian - Put the weirdness back in Omni-Mining
    Updating my stories -- 19/03/08. Going slowly, but certainly
    Anarchy Reloaded - AO webcomics for the sake of being silly

    I never want to lose what I have finally found
    There's a requiem
    A new congregation
    And it's telling me: go forward and walk
    Under a brighter sky
    -- Delerium, Euphoria --

  4. #64
    *laughs heartily*
    Come on, guys crack me up with this rhetoric on the state of the "evidence". Here is the point, and fact: If this evidence is as solid as it claims to be, and that notum is infinite, there is NO danger in releasing it. Wherein would that danger lie?!? Cant you see that proving this would make every last soul on Rubi-Ka happy? Mining can commence as usual, even intensified......the nanomages wont die, and should be happy as hell....
    You guys are stubborn as hell, and just DONT want to see the benefits...thus creating paranoid scenarios to justify your own secrecy and violentia. Stop it.....
    MR. Tinander...your argumentation scares me as much as OT's argumentation. You should know as well as I, that should you be given a report that proves, through valid scientific argumentation and test, etc, that notum is infinite; there is no more to argue about. Does not matter if said report comes from ICC, OT, Clan or Neutral. Its the validity of the solid evidence that counts.
    Now come to your senses, and at least sit down together, go through this evidence with Omni-Mining. None of you are any better than the other.....initiate proper talks, and work this out. Kidnappings, violent acts, etc will accomplish nothing but dig the ravine between you even wider.
    I challenge both parties to be the first to stretch out a hand, and start laying the groundwork for real talks. You both claim to want the best for Rubi-Ka, and its show it.

    So far, the only person saying so is the head of a clan who disagrees personally with his own clans mining efforts and admits he is not a spokesman for the NLF. This hardly inspires confidence in your claims.
    This, milady, is what being free clan and I dont need to agree, and blindly see eye to eye on all matters. We are run democratically, and there is in fact room for personal opinion. One day, you might get to experience that also......
    Last edited by Cogs; Apr 15th, 2004 at 13:44:58.
    Anthony "Cogs" McDuff
    Veteran, Cerberus
    220 Supreme Creator : Master of Wheels...the lingerie modeling robot!

  5. #65
    Originally posted by Cogs
    You guys are stubborn as hell, and just DONT want to see the benefits
    It’s not that we don’t see the benefits. It’s just that the benefits that are being promised (though, not by members of the NLF, but by an individual who has admitted to not being a spokesman of the NLF) do not outweigh the potential risk to current Notum mining efforts.

    Coupled with the fact that the only NLF member to participate in this conversation since their failed terrorist attack has said that they will reject any data not supplied by the ICC, I am not filled with a great deal of confidence that this matter will be solved anytime soon. Talks have clearly broken down, and with the NLF’s appeal to a higher power, I don’t see how they can restart.

    It’s a simple cost/benefit analysis. I was taught to do cost/benefit analysis when I was a child, but then I had the advantage of an Omni-Tek education.

    Originally posted by Cogs
    This, milady, is what being free clan and I dont need to agree, and blindly see eye to eye on all matters. We are run democratically, and there is in fact room for personal opinion. One day, you might get to experience that also......
    I wasn’t attacking democracy. I was attacking your ability to make policy decisions for a group that your not even part of.
    Marisha Durousseau, War Dominatrix of The Honored Maidens

    Resources exist to be consumed. And consumed they will be, if not by this generation then by some future. By what right does this forgotten future seek to deny us our birthright?--CEO Nwabudike Morgan, "The Ethics of Greed"

    Read Marisha's Journal, and see what she's doing

  6. #66
    (( I will reply to all peoples post soon enough, but a quick comment for a quick post))

    We mine just enough for ourselves. If perhaps Omni-mining did such things they wouldnt be the target of terroristic attacks.
    (( Omni-Mining does NOT partake in the notum wars. We have a OOC and IC reason for this. If this was about notum towers then this your post was a tad off. ))

    I do not want to call you anything rude, but open your eyes. What does Omni-Mining do? Mine notum. For who? The galaxy. Omni-Mining provides the notum for the galactic market. If you knew anything about this market, you would know that it is in huge demand. What you ask for can not be done.

    Not to mention, nice try in trying to increase your clan market. Then you say we are the ones who are greedy. You indirectly just said, lower notum output to increase the Omni-Tek notum prices. Higher price means more clients may go to cheap and low quality clan notum. Thus increasing your markets. Do I really think you would "mine for [your]selves" then? No, you diffently would not.

  7. #67
    Last edited by Volais; Apr 16th, 2004 at 02:20:10.

  8. #68
    To mr. "Volais" Lockhart, I would need to correct you. We mine not for ourselves, my friend..our notum goes the same way all other notum goes....offworld, via Omni-Teks apparatus. And, the ICC ensures we get the same rates, or at least comparatively.

    To miss Moscardelli, just what on earth does this statement mean?
    Higher price means more clients may go to cheap and low quality clan notum.
    Are you going to tell us some story now of how Clan mined notum is of lesser quality....*shakes his head*
    Anthony "Cogs" McDuff
    Veteran, Cerberus
    220 Supreme Creator : Master of Wheels...the lingerie modeling robot!

  9. #69
    Originally posted by BigGreen
    The enemy of my enemy may not be my friend, but I'm going to enjoy seeing them fight. It will not benefit either side, while we stay as strong as before.

    Mind if I tag along? I could sell souveniers. "I attacked Omni-1 and all I got was this stupid T-shirt" would be a hot seller....

    Cuse me, just was reading these threads sipping on a two jigger and this "t-shirt" slogan thingie caught my attention.

    But wouldn't it read more like...

    "I attacked Omni-1 and all my bio-clone got was this stupid t-shirt!"

    I sure see why yall stay a lil confused. You do not seem to "see" things through to conclusion in the "most" logical reason.

    I bid you all a good night.

    Doc J out.
    Guttus the blade

    "If it can bleed, it can die"

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