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Thread: Lifebleeders in lush?

  1. #1

    Question Lifebleeders in lush?

    Can somone tell me where the life bleeders in lush fields are? Also what lvl are they? could a lvl 41 soldier with a group kill them?

  2. #2
    northwest from the omni outpost, and i have no idea if you could kill it at that level, maybe if you had a good damage shield and a heavy hitting group ( i think the bleeders are around level 70, and i've never played a soldier past level 20 so i couldn't say just how good the shields are, but i'm quite sure you'd need a doc )
    bleeders don't have much in terms of AC, but they do hit quite hard (don't remember exactly, but it's either rad or chem damage), and with the level difference, i'm sure they would hit quite fast as well, so i'd say your chances are around 40-50% provided you've got some heavy firepower for your level.
    if not, i'm quite sure you'll die horribly

  3. #3
    they are between 65-70 i believe, my lvl 70 gladiatorbot can solo them as long as i keep healing him.

    Lifebleeders have a tendencie to agro docs real bad

    your best bet is to wait till your lvl 45-55 and go in a full group
    if you go in a bad group they can mess the whole team up
    i saw one tear thru 2 whole teams before my bot got to it.

  4. #4
    They're right. Bleeders would be extremely tough at that level. Maybe if you pulled them far enough away from everything else that an enforcer could mongo it might work. You'd still need a strong, full team with at least 2 healers to keep the tank alive.

    Another place to look in lush is in the far north. The mountains up there in the western part have a few nooks and crannies. You'll tend to find large numbers of mobs in those areas. They seem to spawn up there and just don't wander out. Since no one bothers to go up there to hunt, the mobs just pile up.
    Heals - they're not just for tradeskills anymore
    Hypos omni doc RK2 <-- stupid enough to have thought that going past level 150 would help her be a better doc
    Phlair omni mp RK2 solo char
    Nerfbat omni enf RK2 awarded the hammer of braveness
    Shadow Ops

  5. #5
    on a side note has any other engineer noticed that pets seem to head for them without you telling them to
    my pet would get done killing a shade or one of the others that spawn nearby and then take off after any lifebleeder that comes close its like he's attracted to LB's

  6. #6
    A pact of well equiped soldiers will have no problem with lifebleeders.

    I was with one such group before. We had no doc. I'm an ADV.

    We killed the LB before it even got to attack the group members.

    LBs are not well armored and do not have that many hitpoints. Hard hitting range attackers can take them down fast.

    The only problem is when they suddenly spawn while u are already in the middle of a fight.

  7. #7
    They hit you with radiation damage. At the level you're likely to encounter them, your radiation AC is going to blow. All my principal AC's, energy, melee, etc are well over 1300, but my radiation is only at 400.

    End result is that they hit you hard and often

  8. #8
    We went to lush with no healer and took out lifebleeders. We were from lvl 45 to 55. We did have good ranged chars and rooted it good. It can be done but be careful. I say one rip through a group like a hot knife in butter.

  9. #9


    I'm a lvl 89 Engineer and I normally do "cash" runs in Lush. I try to take out every last one of those lifebleeders I can as I have seen people croaking left and right when they run up against them. Yes your right it does radiation damage and that isnt one of the "popular" AC's so yours should be pretty low.

    If you really want to check out a pile of fun.

    Take the road out of West Athens. This is on the "longest road" area. You'll run across a part of the road where it has a "pit" in the center of it right right at the pit and go across country just a hair (this is about 4-5 mins car time down the road). You will enter "nano camp" but before you enter you'll notice 4-5 lifebleeder types I didnt catch the whole name but it was fadesomethings look just like lifebleeders but are a bit lower in lvl as my bot took out 2 of them without losing a whole lot of health. If you continue further in the same direction you'll come across dozens of em. FYI: The fade "lifebleeders" seemed social its either that or they will attack anything that moves.

  10. #10
    there are also some higher lvl LB types that wander 20k
    MP lvl 139 Mysticknight

  11. #11
    U have lifebleeders... then u have fatestealers.... then u have chaos minions.

    Errm.. anymore higher level versions ? I used to think Life Bleeders are bad.... but I've found worse...

    U guys know about those Anuns and Blieswarms ?

  12. #12
    hmm after those you get Soulsteppers, Grevius Wounders and Doom Bringers (not sure about right spelling)
    They all are badass things and while thier HP and AC suck they can take out you damn fast thx to Rad Damage anf fast attacks.

    And thier common family name are Nano Freaks
    Cyrus "Makarov" Scola (so called creator of never released Kamikazebots)

    Kids= 30sec pleasure +18years of suffering.
    Al Bundy

    The entire free-trade community from North, Central and South America, along with the EU and the rest of Europe, Russia, the former Soviet States, India, Communist China and the rest of Asia along with industrialized Africa (mainly S. Africa) all know what slag is, and use that term regularly.
    So just what culture is being offended by the term "slag"?

  13. #13
    LB aren't good to hunt in lush, they're there to kill people hunting at NW caves (It's fun though, because it tends to break the monotony of hunting... Although I loose like 90k experience everytime I hunt there because of them)

    With a good tank, when focusing an attack on one of them, they're somewhat easy to kill. However, they hit hard (with my crappy armor, it takes them only four hits to kill me), and since it's often laggy around NW cave, I frequently die once all the damages are sent by the server at once, with a full life bar...

    They're very dangerous when they attack one party's member by surprise, also sometimes you get two in a row (you feel safe because you just killed one, then another one show up and wipes your ass)

    I don't think anyone going at NW cave in lush bother to hunt LBs, they hunt mutants and just kills LB when they have to.
    Last edited by MORB; Dec 19th, 2001 at 13:48:42.

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