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Thread: no NT changes?

  1. #1

    no NT changes?

    i thought that there would be at least some nanotechnician changes since there have been a lot of complaints. How come other pretty good balanced professions are being improved while nanotechnician profession remains total crap. Why are u guys ingnoring these complaints? What is the point in posting ur complaints in this forum when they are just being ignored

  2. #2
    Psych, Cz has addressed some of the NT concerns and posted on my suggestions.

    Go check out the NT forum and add any constructive suggestions you have.

  3. #3
    He doesnt tell you anything except that you can't have your range back and the typical "I'll pass that idea along". The rest is pretty much BS to keep the NTs from canceling their accounts. But it is a good read or laugh if you are bored.

  4. #4
    Originally posted by Clute
    He doesnt tell you anything except that you can't have your range back and the typical "I'll pass that idea along".
    Well, I can't fix it myself, since I'm not a programmer, so I have to pass it along. I still think most people at least appreciate that we let you know we're aware of it, and handing it over to the right people.

    How about I tell you that we're nagging the people who can fix stuff on a daily basis, 'till they almost throw things at us. Does that help?


  5. #5

    Question Regarding....

    Originally posted by Cz

    Well, I can't fix it myself, since I'm not a programmer, so I have to pass it along.
    What do you pass along anyway?

    Just that
    "The da** NT's are complaining about being nerfed again. Can you tell them that they aren't"

    or do u give them the full thread with stuff and ideas on what to fix?

    I feel that the developers are being @$$ holes with us NT's atm. (whine whine whine. I pay for playing a mage class)
    ..:Dark "Xephiroth" Scorus:..
    124 NanoMage - Nanotechnican:..

    57 Atrox - Enforcer:..

    32 Opifex - Shade:..

    Ignorance is bliss:..

  6. #6
    I dont think it helps much at all. It gives people false hope.

  7. #7
    Originally posted by Cz
    How about I tell you that we're nagging the people who can fix stuff on a daily basis, 'till they almost throw things at us. Does that help?
    No. Someone above both the dev and cs teams needs to tell them that getting information to players is a top priority and it will be everybody's jobs if it doesn't start happening soon.


  8. #8
    Funny I thought there would be some fixer changes by now seeing as it is often agreed upon that we ARE the most nerfed profession in the game. NTs got some love once I seem to remember, give us all a turn. Fixers have never really been addressed.

  9. #9


    The problem is no accountabiliy.

    0 none nadda zilch. Funcom consistantley states we are looking into it, however they offer no dealines beacuse tey know they could not meet a deadline.

    They have no need to tell us anything. ever.

    why should they look at all the harrasment they recieved over te special gift. somone promissed somthing and they could not deliver and they took heat from players, hence they will not give deadlines.

    but riddle me this bat man, if all of this has been disscused why thei sther no mention of teh fixes in the envisioned section of the webpage?..............

    isnt the web page a free forum where you can post ideas in development in order to alert people taht you are truley working on it?

    well that probably wont happen just look at the team missions anyway. how long and how many times has that been posponed or pushed back?

  10. #10
    Originally posted by Cz

    Well, I can't fix it myself, since I'm not a programmer, so I have to pass it along. I still think most people at least appreciate that we let you know we're aware of it, and handing it over to the right people.

    How about I tell you that we're nagging the people who can fix stuff on a daily basis, 'till they almost throw things at us. Does that help?

    If it's cookies they toss at you i'm worried. I heard you like cookies and might leave them alone if that was the case...

    Seriously thanks for looking into it. Might help if were to get a regular update on stuff in progress.(outside this board) Even if it's only a note stating the suggestions you sent to the devs. Check the NT board it has far higher number of posts than any other board. How about a top ten for that board, or a sticky thread with regular updates from you guys to give us the warm fuzzy that you are looking into fixing the issues we bring up.


  11. #11

    Lightbulb There is an NT change

    Guess what NT's now while in pvp trying get that 9 second nano casted while hiding you get auto attacked by someone so your probably dead by the time you get it off.... How is NT useful again?

  12. #12
    Who says we have to use the 9 or 10 second nuke anyway? As you get higher level, I saw some pretty nice nukes that only take a few secs to cast.

    It would still be hard or nearly impossible to beat someone who gets to burst/fling/full auto though.

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