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Thread: Please FIX some MAJOR BUGS that badly effect soldiers (and other classes too)

  1. #1

    Please FIX some MAJOR BUGS that badly effect soldiers (and other classes too)

    Please take the time to fix the growing number of bugs that have been ailing soldiers.

    Start with the lose melee attack when you zone with a gun equipped. MAs will like this fix too. This has been around since 11.x or so. IT'S ABOUT TIME IT GOT FIXED.

    Fix the reload bug that prevents manual reload after using a special. This bug is VERY bad when your gun is empty on a normal shot and you use a special. Sometimes it takes 4-6x normal reload times or requires you to zone. Again a VERY OLD BUG.

    Fix the special attack bug that says: "please wait till other special attack finishes" This is a newer bug, but is devastating since you can't attack with the weapon you switch to except for normal attacks even if the specials ARE available. If say you used burst on a stiner, switched to a FP and try to hit FA, even if you haven't USED FA you have to wait for BURST to recharge before you can use FA. FIX THIS.

    Fix the PLEASE WAIT TILL OTHER FIGHT ENDS bug. If a mob is dead, why do I have to wait 10 seconds till I attack another or wait till it attacks me. NEW BUG.

    Can't switch weapons till Mirror Shield Terminates. NEW BUG. It kind of RUINS the whole point of the SHEILD, which I imagine is to give you more STAYING POWER in combat. Instead, all it's good for now is running away with. yes you can try and get all your specials off then switch to your grind gun and then use the MK but by then either its dead or you are dead. PLEASE FIX THIS ONE SOON. another NEW BUG.

    Fix the ARMOR BUG on high level mobs. Oh this was fixed? NO it wasn't fixed. on any master of a soldier, program thief, NT, and SEVERAL others, all I can hit for is 1 point of damage, that's right 1 point of damage with a ql188 nova, and a 750 attack rating. 1 point of damage over and over except for crits. Burst does a WHOPING 3 points of damage. I could do MORE damage with my ql1 solar powered assault rifle and save money on AMMO.

    Weapon switching bug. IF you start to reload you cannot switch weapons. I don't know why I would PUT RELOADING above my SURVIVAL. Maybe we could change this.

    Anyway before you "rebalance" the soldier class FIX THESE BUGs so we can see how playable the solder is in his current state. These bugs alone reduce his usefulness dramatically. Please FIX THEM.
    Last edited by Nichola_Six; Dec 9th, 2001 at 00:01:59.

  2. #2
    i believe that not being able to switch weapons with MK up is to do with the 20 second recharge timer on the MK sheild itself.

  3. #3

    MK Shield bug...inexcusable

    Heres one that Funcom should be jumping on ASAP. Why is it when I have a deflection shield nano running, I try to cast MK Shield and get message "better nano program already running". Total crap. Obvious bug that I can't believe would be to hard to correct. Hey funcom, I realize that Soldiers are last on your list but hey, this ones kind of obvious. Fix it. Now.
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