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Thread: Potential Change to Nano Casting

  1. #1

    Potential Change to Nano Casting

    One thing I noticed about using nano programs is the fact that your nano pool is used before the program gets going. I don't know about the rest of you, but I like the idea of the nano cost only be applied when the nano is complete. I don't know how many times I have started to use the wrong nano and moved to stop it and still get penalized for cost of the nano for that error. Also, from a gameplay point of view, I sure wouldn't send my nanobots to attack or to heal someone without a full set of instructions, ie when the program has been completed. I think this would be a minor change that would help ALL professions, so what do you guys think?

  2. #2
    My thoughts on the matter are to make it use nano at a constant rate during the cast. Then change fumbles to happen at a random time during the cast.

    Fumble in the middle would mean 50% nano lost. Rather than the 100% we get now. Plus the casting time would be that much less.
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