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Thread: Make solo missions shorter!

  1. #1

    Exclamation Make solo missions shorter!

    In my opinion solo missions are too long at higher levels.

    My MP is currently 73 and I find that missions are slowly getting harder and longer.

    This is a typical mission I get and the time it takes.

    10 mins at the mission terminal finding a sutable mission.

    10-15 mins on the jorney, includes saving at the closest location incase you die (I take long distance missions for the extra cash).

    5 mins to buff and prepair outside.

    1-1.5 hrs inside the mission to fully complete it and get a token.

    10-15 mins to get back and save your exp.

    Thid adds up to 2 hrs and 15 mins providing you didnt die, get disconected, crashed had to reboot or many of the other things that can go wrong.

    Now lets fit that into a persons scedule.

    They finish work at 5:30pm and walk in the door at 6:00pm, walk the dog, have a shower and eat their dinner and watch their favorite 30 min soap on tv.

    Lets say the time is now 8:00pm

    Boot up PC and log in to play AO and do their 2hr 15min (minimum time for a mission) mission to get some cash for their next lot of med kits and ammo and nano they need to buy. But wait they only got 30k from the mission and that new nano they need is 200k

    Oh look the time is now 10:30pm by the time they have sold all the mission loot and looked around the shop at new weapons and nanos. They dont have time to do another mission because they have to be up for work at 7:00am and need to go to bed.

    I could go into a similar scenario with teams and exp hunts. We all know how long it can take to get a team together and finaly get to your destination for the hunt. Then some die and its regroup time back at the op.

    My point in all this is to say that AO cannot realisticly be played for short periods of time. The game is more for people who have lots of time to spend on their PC.

    Solo missions need to be a lot shorter, especialy since its the only place to earn decent cash and tokens.

  2. #2

    Lightbulb Even better:

    Implement an option on mission terminal where u can choose from small, medium and large missions. All give tokens(same way as today. Small missions dont give tokens that easy, i know..), but the bigger the mission, the better the payment.
    I HATE small maps. They suck! No xp, long runs... I love big maps, though. Lotsa xp, lotsa loot.. But, then again, i got the time for it. And i fully agree that missions take time, and i miss too the option where u can choose small missions if u just wanna play for 30-60 minutes

    The only problem i can see, is that people can pick lotsa easy missions just to get fast and easy tokens.... But, i guess, if the chance to get tokens at small missions/dungeons are reduced alot, its no problem.
    Teknolord, Rubi-Ka 1 fixer.

  3. #3
    Bumping this great idea!

    Sometimes I have alot of time to play and sometimes I don't but it would sure be nice to have an option to choose the size of the mission map.

    Rewards should be dependent on the size.

  4. #4

    Sad thing is.. if you really want tokens in this game the only thing to do is at level 6 keep doing a mission and terminating yourself until you get 1000 tokens (which will need allot of backpacks)

    At level 50+ its almost pointless to attempt getting up to 1000 tokens...

  5. #5

    Thumbs down Bluefoot

    Bluefoot, i see your "concern", but i think that kinda discussion is outrageous AND ridiculous.
    Token boards are a bonus, something to struggle for, not supposed to be uberpowering help.
    Go play quake if u wanna be PowerNinjaGodofDestruction the easy way, i dont think nor would like AO to be a quakeish kinda game where all become supertanks easy as that.
    Teknolord, Rubi-Ka 1 fixer.

  6. #6

    there is a way to make the missions short

    set the mission slider right in this case, it would be to the full stealth setting, if set at full, in most cases u will get a 7-20 mob mission

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