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Thread: Enforcers...

  1. #1


    Enforcers are melee masters right? I mean no other class can really claim any different, the ENF is a bad mammajamma with a melee weapon.. Right?

    Well I personally dont think the big hammer is cool, and that support beam is more rediculous than a rat having sex with a grapefruit..

    BUT! The Enforcer can only buff 1 or 2 hand blunt....... W..T...F?

    How about just a simple 1 or 2 hand edged buff? Is that such a hard thing to ask for? Makes a heck of a lot more sense for the master of melee to be able to buff his own weapon skill rather than seek out a pencil necked Trader.

    Free the West Memphis 3.

  2. #2
    Have you tried Challenger, mine adds 70 1he

  3. #3
    My Adventurer and his dual Rider executioners can claim different

    Melee combat is more than just taking and dishing out damage. If you want to be a tank you need to be able to keep yourself alive. Healing is the most effective defense and in some cases the best taunt

    To claim that noone would disagree that enforcers are the best melee is a falicy.

    (and btw adventurers had a 1he/2he morph buff in the beta which we want back!!!)

  4. #4


    About the adventurer thing, I was saying that Enf's are melee masters , meaning that with virtually any melee weapon they are capable of being as good as you can be with them.. Not just the rider executioner

    Adventurers can be good with them , its true, and until pvp attacks doing 40% but heals still at 100% is seen to, the healing thing is something i wont disagree with

    I did think of something I'd like to see, maybe tradeskill related "pharma tech and weapon smiting maybe" thats hemlocks for edged weapons. basically poisoned blades.. I know the idea seems simple.

    A small DoT adjustment either using matter met and matter create in nano form, or the trade skills to "modify" the item.. I think 30,000 years from now people would still remember how to poison a blade.

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