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Thread: Tank armor again

  1. #1

    Tank armor again

    Hi all,

    Please, please, please. Reduce the nano-delta for tank armor to 25%, or add some kind of nano-delta to the hanshi / secondus coats.

    I am so tired of seeing everyone running around in those coats. It hurts my eyes and is ruining the look of the game.

    Yes I have about 7 coats of various types and qualities, but after much debate, I refuse to wear them and conform to the other 1000 people who do.


  2. #2
    before patch everyone was wearing tank, now most wear senpai coat, rest is wearing nano coat .i see no problem here since there is not much more to wear for extra AC. if you dont like that, just take your coat off and live with it. after lvl60 every class is wearing same or nearly same outfit, elite and (red) tank, senpai, nano and nanocloak, some docs biomech and nanocloak. id love to see social armor over my armor and the game lacks clothes to have unique looks for guilds.

  3. #3
    A penalty on coats would be very bad, AC as it is with complete ql200 armor sets is capped already at max 4500 and that is not really enough at higher levels.

    What I would like to see and you dont see tank armor anymore at all so it's out of the game anyway because of the stupid "fix", is double AC that matches the double nano cost, so ql200 coat with 1000 in the main ACs and tank armor gets 2000 AC.

    Or removal of the nano penalty on tanks...the evade/runspeed penalty is really enough, as it is not even better than a primus coat.

  4. #4
    I miss seeing people in tank armor. It looked sharp. It is true, lots are in nano cloaks and the blue cloaks. Maybe when Biomech cloaks are fixed from a chest to a back piece well see another style.

    Off topic, it's a shame that cloaks hide the armor underneath. It would be nice to see "back" slot items that are as important at cloaks.


    Sent, looking for his run speed jetpack.

  5. #5

    Thumbs down

    As all my enforcers friends that can find the creds, I've thrown away my Tank and grabbed a Decus.

    Very unsatisfaying.
    "Donner à des millions une connaissance de l'anglais, c'est les rendre esclaves". (Hind Swarâj, ch. 18)

  6. #6
    Nano Cloaks - crap armor rating
    Tank Armor - Stat Penalty
    Primus Coats - great armor, no penalty

    This is the reason rubi-ka is turning into blue. Instead of nerfing primus coats, I say give nano cloaks bonuses, and tank armor the "best" armor rating. Easy solution.
    Last edited by Billy Talent; Dec 5th, 2001 at 14:53:27.

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