M.E.R.C. organiztion was established during the Red War that took place on Mars. M.E.R.C. was established as privately run organization bought out by the highest bidder for Military purposes. Through the many glorious task completed they earned respect by their contractors as being elite and feared by those the forces they were set out to go up against. The Red War went on for quite some time as two hyper-corporations fought for the rights to mining resources on Mars giving M.E.R.C. a great deal task not only Military but expanding to fields of Trade and Diplomacy. After many years of combat on Mars the Red War finally came to close as M.E.R.C.'s contractors had finally won. M.E.R.C. no longer was needed on Mars therefore had no work there. They began to take jobs for lesser varies corporations. The Red War was a turning point for M.E.R.C. as it was the conflict there showed that they were elite and force to be dealt with. After many years another great hyper-corporation by the name Omni-Tek seemed to be having problems on vastly important operation on Rubi-Ka with conflict similar to that of the one in Red War. Omni-Tek quickly bought out M.E.R.C. giving them permanent employee within their corporation and full benefits.

However, soon after the occurance of this, an amnesty was set forth by Phillip Ross. The members of M.E.R.C. did not exactly agree with this move, and in a way, broke away from Mr. Ross. Then they soon decided to join The Black Alliance, a multi-guild Alliance. You can read more about The Black Alliance here.

If you wish to join M.E.R.C. proceed to the ComSat Relay Site here and access the Enlistment Page.

Thank you.