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Thread: Game crashes then lock up every other time I zone!!

  1. #1

    Thumbs down Game crashes then lock up every other time I zone!!

    Ok literaly every other time I zone AO CTDs then my computer locks up. I hae been playing since the begining and I am amazed to see crap like this still happening.

    I ran the optional graphics accelerator patch.

    PII 366
    390+ RAM
    64mb graphics card
    win 2k

  2. #2
    Hate to say it but had the same problem with my old system until I went to a full 512MB of memory. New system is a 1.4 Athlon with 1GB and have almost never had the problem since. It is pretty graphics intensive and they may still have some memory leaks.

    You can also tweak the graphics down a bit and that will help.
    Roguespierre - Clan Adventurer
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