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Thread: Suggestion: FC please read(Contructive idea within)

  1. #1

    Smile Suggestion: FC please read(Contructive idea within)

    I've been playing awhile, since beta 4 with a month off after release, and there are only a few aspects of the game I still find frustrating.
    Shopping needs to be improved greatly. I've seen many of posts with suggestions on improving the shops, but that's not what I'm talking about.
    The "Shopping Channel" is alright, but it seems to me that there has got to be a better system. I've noticed that the SC has become increasingly crowded and I find it hard to pick out items/names sometimes. Not to mention spammers and off topic crap floating by. Not to mention people who bid on items and then back out at the last minute.
    It's to bad that there isn't an automated auction booth or terminal that users could use to sell their stuff.
    The core of my idea is simple, a user approaches the "Auction Booth" and opens the interface. The interface would simply contain a list of the users items available for auction, like a store list, and the items current and minimum sale price. Just drag new items into the list or take old items out. The items would have to be removed from the users inventory, in order to prevent double selling. I guess you'd probably need time limit on the auction i.e. 1 to 5 days. Maybe a nominal fee charged to the seller based on the sale price i.e. 5% or something like that.
    It seems like a simple idea, but it would probably to hard to implement.
    I know that there are sites on the Web dedicated to the exchange of items in AO, but I always hate writing down all the particulars of an item and sometimes people just sell the item in game before you even bid on it.

    Any feedback from FC or other users would be good.

    Just my 5 cents worth, I'm Canadian so our dollar isn't worth much.

  2. #2


    I'm Canadian too and our Dollars really suck.

    Why not merge with the US?

    /me hiding behind a atomic-proof wall.
    Suel, ADV, RK2
    Omni, my body is yours... But not my freedom.

    Please forgive my frenchy english.

  3. #3


    This is an idea I'd really like to see. It'd make it so much less tedious. On the down side though, I bet the auction terminal would get flooded real fast. You'd have to have something that sorted things out into armor, weapons, etc...

  4. #4
    I would really like to see an 'auction' terminal in addition to being able to use bank terminals to trade over long distances.

    We use the grid to move us. We use the grid to move our stuff. We use the grid to move stuff to us. Why can't we use the grid to move stuff to somebody in particular?

    I think it'd be rather simple (not to implenent, to use). Make a new '/' command, that you could only use when you are logged into your bank. It'd go something like this:

    [TRADE CHANNEL] JoBob: Rider Exec, q57
    [TRADE CHANNEL] Jimbo: I'll take it! how's 57k sound?
    [TRADE CHANNEL] JoBob: You got a deal!

    I log into bank, he logs into bank, we message each other when we are ready. One of us types the other's name into the terminal, a trade window opens up. He drops in the sword, I drop in the cash. We both hit accept, and the trade is done. None of this running all over creation; only to the nearest bank.
    The pen is mightier than the sword, you say? Very well, get out your pens, essay writers, and prepare to have your logic tested by steel!

  5. #5
    Taelyn: i agree there would have to be a several tabs sorting the gear forsale, maybe into Amour, Weapons, Implants and a Misc. kind of like the wear interface.
    To bad this will probaby never get implemented in AO, especially after a night like last night. The "Trade Channel" became the "Let's argue about nothing and flame each other Channel". FC either really needs to crack down on OT "conversations" in the TC or gives us something better to work with.

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