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Thread: New GM Power

  1. #21
    I agree with the original post. I also hear a vast majority of OT players saying that they don't care about the ceasefire. I find it quite sad. If the original post's consequence is too harsh, perhaps:

    -First offense (Warning)
    -Second offense (pay a fine. Say, 10% of your bankroll) *ouch*
    -Third offense (Fired from OT Corporation - or - Exiled from the Clans by the Council)

    Re-joining? Sure, after say, 50 levels? Over lvl 150? Ok, 100 hours of gameplay? *oooo, that's gonna leave a mark*

    "You can't just talk to people anymore. You have to hit them in the head with a sledge hammer. Then you'll see that you have their strict attention." -Kevin Spacey in Seven
    Last edited by Slivicon; Nov 25th, 2001 at 06:36:34.
    Atrox Soldier RK1
    Squad Commander
    "You can't just talk to people anymore. You have to hit them in the head with a sledge hammer. Then you'll see that you have their strict attention." -Kevin Spacey in Seven

  2. #22

    wrong forum

    First poster- wrong forum!

    Secondly, there is NO cease-fire.

    Some of you guys keep saying there is- there isn't.

    There is an amnesty ONLY.

  3. #23


    So you want to:

    Punish all members of a guild, even those that have nothing to do with the conflict or roleplaying at all?

    Remove all tokens from a player who's only fault is roleplaying? (You loose all tokens when you change sides)

    Ban the speaker in Omni-1 - "Use your new gun on a clan member today!"

    And so on...

  4. #24
    Originally posted by Wyndrunneer
    To talk about how you disagree with the decisions of the boss, to talk about how he should be replaced are all with in your rights as an employee.
    But to act in a manner that you hope will bring about those desires is called industrial espionage, mutiny, or even (when like on Rubi-Ka the employer is the ruling authority) treason.
    If you do not see the difference between talking about an action and doing it, then I can not have a reasonable discussion with you. We simply do not have a common point of reference to talk about this.
    What if you thought your boss was doing something illegal, should you not do everything that was in your legal power to try and stop him? I don't know if what ross is doing is legal or illegal as I don't have a copy of icc rules and a company charter to go over so at this point I am willing to let others take what ever actions they want until it becomes clear.

    If you want my opinion the people who should be kicked out of the company are not the ones that speak/act out about the amnesty it was all those guard campers. I just felt sick every time I would run to the port in Lush Hills and see this group of people camping out to kill the juggernaut.

    Ok this is going way off topic so I will make this my last post on this. The fact is that the only reason we have the amnesty is a bunch of players in guilds wanted it, now there are players and guilds that don't want it. I see it as very silly to take one side and then not let the other side have there say. The Tir accord (and yes Zippo that was a cease fire and Ross was quoted as saying he supported it when the amnesty was started) and the amnesty were all brought about because of players actions and stated desires. So FC should only let the doves have a voice and not the hawks. If FC wants it stopped then they will stop it. I in no way will tell another player you are not playing the game the way I think you should play it. If they are not breaking any rules then let them have there fun. Role Play or not this is a game and I do not want a group of policy makers telling us how to role play. Make no mistake that is what this is all about role play. If at any time any of the players speaking out break the rules then FC will take action but until then we have to live with it because next time it could be you or me that is going to get hit over the head with the role play stick.
    Last edited by Tao_Man; Nov 26th, 2001 at 10:09:22.
    Morgan "Carpak" Flowers
    Omni nano crat
    "We are here to serve?"

  5. #25
    Zippo first this thread is about a change to the game, so it does belong in the Future Change area. Second read the articles that are in the story section of this web site. There is indeed a cease-fire strained though it may be. It began with the Tir Acords.

    Tao_Man if I believed the company I work for was doing something illegal, I would quit, then I would report them (with evidence of the wrong doing) to legal authorities.

    In game terms, I would join the clans and report the wrong doings to the ICC.

    Should someone be fired just because the leaders of their guild have come out in open defiance, both in word and deed? Well I guess if the /org kick isn’t working there might be some validity to this question. But as it is working now, not leaving those who are involved in insurrection is giving approval and support to those who are actively doing so.

    If my guild leaders start to do things that are clearly against my loyalties to my employer, and if I can’t change their course thru discussion, then I would no longer feel comfortable among them and would leave.
    General Blyzzard
    Division 9
    Strat Ops

  6. #26


    With the attempt at Radamen's life, is there any doubt that there is a need for this power for the GMs?

    Dark Carny and the rest of The Black Aliance should be Outcasts.
    General Blyzzard
    Division 9
    Strat Ops

  7. #27


    --Incoming Transmission--

    [a burst of static erupts momentarily from the com speakers as the small screen fades in to show CEO Ross as he turns to the camera to speak]

    Ross: Greetings [insertname (lets use "Agent" ]. I trust this line is secure?
    Agent: Of course sir, I've made absolutely sure.
    Ross: Good. Now lets get down to business shall we? I'm sure you must be a bit curious as to why I've contacted you.
    Agent: Not at all, sir. I always have high ranking executives beating down my door.
    Ross: Hmph, that's enough with the sarcasm!
    Agent: Sorry.
    Ross: Ok, I'm sure you're aware that there are those who are not exactly......pleased with the amnesty I've introduced. I expected that. But I will NOT tollerate any Omni-Tek employee's turning vigilanty on me!
    Agent: I gathered that, sir, but what does that have to do with me?
    Ross: I was just getting to that. I want you to keep an eye out, find out just who these would be vigilanties are.
    Agent: And if I do? What then?
    Ross: Nothing overtly, just find out who they are, gather information. I'll contact you periodically to get progress reports. We'll take care of it from there.
    Agent: Hmmm....what do I get out of it?
    Ross: You get to keep your job for one....and promotion isn't out of the question.
    Agent: Ah...well. That's something I guess......

    __________________________________________________ __

    That would be rather fun I'd say. I wonder if it could happen that way, since guild leaders ARE being contacted by in game execs at times...would go nicely with the game and story. It would also work towards what this thread is talking about. Getting fired or outcast and what not. I do love a good RPin .



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