Omni-Pol incident report 23.XC.476

Interrogator A54-C

In the year of 29,450 AD a child was born to notum mining consultants Alphonse and Mariah Cordiero ( Homo-nano, employee nmbrs; 2331CC-HN,1322ED-HN ) at the Clon**** mining facility. The child was not registered at omniteks birthcontrol centre but apparently smuggled out of the planet and placed in the care of an outlaw adoption facility. This is a direct violation of the OT-standard work contract and the perpetrators have lost their retirement privileges as well as recieving a 50% paycut for theft of future labor. The childs assumed name is Malcolm "Kirneh" Cordiero and an ICC-wide missing-employee report has been issued. Case closed, employee 1487ED-HN lost, presumed dead.


I was about 20 years old I believe, when I found this report. Sitting on an outdated notebook in an outdated freightshuttle working my as off for scraps of food and the "promise" of a fake citizenship, I was hacking into Omni-Pols security files for a reference of the name on a crumpled piece of paper I had had in my care for as long as I could remember. It had been a hunch, only the dream of once maybe owning an appartment, enjoying the benefits of being a citizen of some society, but who would employ a person with no references. No trace whatsoever. Everytime I had applied for a job the terminals refused my application. "Wrong data enterd please retry" became my life mantra. Of course there was wrong data, there was no data.

Until the age of 10 I was fed and kept by two people whom I came to know as mom and dad, though they showed me no affection, and resented my calling them so, they kept me and taught me the basics of life. Then on my tenth birthday they said the funs had ran out and left me at the closest starport... Needless to say, it wasnt run by a corporation. So I was forced to do whatever I could do at the spaceports of nearly abandoned planets whose natural resources were devoured for a long time ago and where no corporations had an interest of keeping the order and naturally more shady businesses found they could utilize the infrastructure once used for the mining corporations.

It gave me an interesting perspective of life, runnning errands for ppl who must not be seen, and needless to say I learned alot on how to aquire stuff and services, not neccesarily the legal way. But I kept a dream of entering a law abiding society, and the luxury liners of Omni-Tek that kept passing the spaceports and the recruitment campaigns made me keep looking for my name in every database i could access. Especially Rubi-Ka intized me, offering an appartment in Omni1 and a sheltered life on Omni-Teks most profitable colony made me do the most important thing i had ever done, -Hack into OmniPols Dbase. After reading that incident report I got filled with a resentment for my parents who had taken this life away from me and I could not see why they would not let me take part in the grand company of OmniTek whose reputation was excellent.

However I did send a report of my findings to the Omni-Tek corporation of Rubi-Ka and they stated that they would gladly take in their employee again, after all they had obligations toward ant child born into their service. Filled with new hope I got a ticket for the next shuttle to Rubi-Ka.

Arriving at Omni1 though I was quickly secluded from the other colonists and led into an interrogation chamber where I was told that I had commited a crime against my employer and would loose all retirement benefits, and work for free for the 25 years that I had been away from work. I would be put into Notum mining in a prison colony for these years after wich I would be released to forge my own future in the boundaries prescribed by my contract... In a state of emotional dissaray I was placed in an armed escort taking me to my colony, and workplace, I was a citizen of Rubi-Ka allright, and I should have known better than to leave for 20 years without prior notice, it seemed. The second day of our journey, however the convoi was ambushed by what I found out later to be Clanners and the prisoners released.

Recovering from the ambush I was in a major city, with armed guards at every corner... Athen, this was large scale, compared to the spaceports of my youth, but I knew how to hide and thus I found Sinfle, who told me about the Clans and their struggle, she even invited me to join her and a group fighting for democracy on Rubi-Ka in a civil war completely unknown to most of the galaxy, covered up by Omni-Tek public relations no doubt.

No longer angry with my parents I joined The Souls of Retribution and started to forge the society of wich i dreamt... One of law and order, and equal oppurtunities.

Kirneh, level 55 Fixer, Souls of retribution, Rubi-Ka 2