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Thread: Bank Accounts / Safe Deposit Box / etc.

  1. #1

    Post Bank Accounts / Safe Deposit Box / etc.

    I was thinking, it would be good if the "bank" actually stored credits. Even better if you could get interest on the money in there, better still if you could *invest in stocks* (maybe only if your Omni?).
    There should also be some way of exchanging credits and items between 2 of your characters.. like for example being able to put a public access PIN code on your bank terminal account (you'd also get an account number to enter - or your character name). That way you could log on as your other character, click "log on" on the bank terminal, put in the account number / PIN, and access the items. Although it could be used for letting other people at your stuff if you wanted, I think it's better for just between characters.
    But perhaps this is breaking the roleplaying a bit? Acquiring stuff like that?


  2. #2

    Re: Bank Accounts / Safe Deposit Box / etc.

    Originally posted by fugit
    I was thinking, it would be good if the "bank" actually stored credits. Even better if you could get interest on the money in there, better still if you could *invest in stocks* (maybe only if your Omni?).
    There should also be some way of exchanging credits and items between 2 of your characters.. like for example being able to put a public access PIN code on your bank terminal account (you'd also get an account number to enter - or your character name). That way you could log on as your other character, click "log on" on the bank terminal, put in the account number / PIN, and access the items. Although it could be used for letting other people at your stuff if you wanted, I think it's better for just between characters.
    But perhaps this is breaking the roleplaying a bit? Acquiring stuff like that?

    No, sounds good to me. Just don't be surprised when every fixer asks for a hacking tool to loot your bank acount - it would fit our shady nature - that's for sure. Also, have you considered what effect 'a falsify stock' fixer nano would have on the market? And I'd disagree that the stock market should be OT only. I think it should be only available through OT channels, but let Clanners purchase stock shadily and let us produce counterfit stock as well. And yes - I'm aware I'm dreaming...

    Heck, now add a few back room casinos into clan territory and let a few elite omni's who wish to loos- I mean participate, have to sneak in. Now the whole leet fighting/cage match thing can attain a whole new level of realism.

    On a separate note: Does anyone else think the Reet Retreat needs a few pool tables?
    Sometimes, old fixers die in Bitterness.

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