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Thread: Please fix chain-healing npc's!

  1. #1

    Angry Please fix chain-healing npc's!

    I was happy to see that this issue was addressed and supposedly fixed - and dismayed to find npc's chain-healing like there's no tomorrow (which I suppose for them - there isn't - but that's no excuse).

    I have just spent the last 25 minutes trying to kill 2 orange npc's (Clan huntsmen) in a mission in Omni-E. I'm a level 33 doctor and even while chain-healing & first-aiding myself I cannot make any headway on killing these npc's. They heal themselves and each other with no end in sight. They are essentially invincible - this has made missioning impossible again.

    Please fix asap!

    Thank you,

  2. #2
    Well, I think they fixed the chain-healing already.

    If you remember the old-fashioned way MOBs were regenerating (aka chain-healing themselves), then you must definitely see the difference nowadays. Of course, MOBs are still healing themselves (if they are able to), but nowhere as fast as earlier, and they give up after a few heals (probably because they run out of nano engergy).

    What does make a difference is when you encounter two or more of the MOBs with healing capabilities at the same time. Then they begin not only to heal themselves, but also to heal one another. In that situation fights become really tough, at least for me. Fortunately, I'm a 'crat, and can have one attacked by my pet and another attacked by myself, in which case they don't heal each other that much. And if all goes worng, I can calm one or more of them to give me some relieve...

    Anyway, from my perspective I don't think chain-healing has re-appeared again. Fight against multiple MOBs with healing capabilities ought to be tough, especially if they are higher in level then you.
    Trinar, lvl. 50 bureaucrat on RK-2

  3. #3
    Well I agree that they have fixed chain-healing on certain classes of npc's as I have noticed only certain (seems especially adventurer) npc's chain-healing. In effect it looks like the npc's are continually applying a heal buff to themselves and each other - so not exactly a heal nano but has exactly the same effect.

    Regarding the difference in previous chain-healing mobs - certain classes I have seen improved - but other npcs are applying heals or buffs in a manner that has made them ever harder than the previous chain-healing bug (this could be because it's coupled with the lower damage currently being done to npc's... but the combination is brutal). Previously I have had no problem taking on non-chain healing orange mob's up to 3 with my MA Doc, so I do not believe that this is just an issue of monster difficulty.

    So in answer, previously even with chain-healing orange mob's of 2 - I could eventually kill them - now it is impossible. I think it is absurd to spend 25 minutes attacking 2 oranges (and continually healing and first-aiding myself the entire time - with a few zones thrown in) and not be able to take even one down past 50% health. Obviously other players and funcom also felt this was not appropriate as they "fixed" it. *And this is not the current regeneration bug as I can see them casting on each other as their health increases.

    I have played AO faithfully since the beginning (struggling through some pretty horrible gameplay bugs) - but I don't want game crippling bugs to slip through the cracks because they fixed 80% of the chain-healing npc's. Having at least a 20% (if not statistically more) chance of my 50% mission being un-playable is enough to make me call it quits.

    And my Doc kicks my Crat's butt anyday - so I know she's tougher than that...

  4. #4

    Lightbulb combating healing mobs

    Just something learned while playing mobs that heal themselves and their buddies.. First off they do so with much les frequency (thank you FUNCOM) but to stop them from healing atall try this... go buy the nano Mat Mattem incompetence or the Bio Met incompetence and blast em with it as a starter.. ive found biomet alone wil do the trick.. TA-DA!! they cant use their own heals because of a lack of skill! i blew throu several missions doing that and not a single mob treied to heal himself hope this helps!

  5. #5

    it was fixed for a couple weeks

    but it seems like it's back now. i had the same problem tonight. they're chaincasting constantly again and never run out of nano.

    it wasn't like this for a couple weeks, it's just been today. i have to assume something happened to cause the chaincasters to come back again.

    gah, mobs already get 3 times the amount of HP we do, why do they need to heal too? just pull them from the database.

    or drop their HP, give them FINITE nano, and make the game fair. hehe

  6. #6

    In my experience it is back, but not for all Mob types. MA and (incredibly) Doc type Mobs seem much less inclined to chain heal than Adventurer types. Advs are the real pains and even light greens can take a very long time to wear down.

    A tip for upsetting a chain healer... Go find yourself a grey or dark green mob with no healing nanos and low HP (like an NT) and let them double team you. Attack the weak mob and it'll act like a nano sink for the chain healer as the healer repeatedly tries to keep its health up. By the time you get to the healer it's got either no nano or very low nano...


    "Ah, but a man's reach should exceed his grasp, Or what's a heaven for?" - Robert Browning

    Leroy "Hossley" Prabel
    Lv 82 OT Fixer - RK1

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