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Thread: Adventurer Wilderness Cloak

  1. #1

    Lightbulb Adventurer Wilderness Cloak

    As a character designed with soloing in mind I've had an idea for a new nano "Wilderness cloak" - works in the sameway as a cloaking device but only cloaks you whilst not moving - for instance you are out adventuring in a high agro mob infested area and you see agro mobs you activate your cloak nano - while moving you can be seen but as soon as you stop moving you can blend in with the wilderness - so for instance you see a lot of agro mobs moving your way, lets say in manteze forest 4HO activate the cloak and stand by a tree and the mob could walk straight past you. A second bonus to the nano could be that whilst wearing it mobs would after be much closer to agro say 50% of the normal distance while you are moving. I like it - then again I'm an adventurer

  2. #2

    Wilderness Cloak

    I think a wilderness cloak for adventurers is an excellent idea. Adventurers have no damage nano's; their role is one of reconnaissance and exploration. To be effective, an adventurer must blend with the environment.

  3. #3

    reconnaissance and exploration?

    Then why does my title say "Hunter"

  4. #4


    Ops! A mistake by Funcom, it should read HUNTED.

  5. #5
    Spiritminx shares my views exactly - and if we could benefit other players by being able to cast an individual or team version as well, there may be more benefits to having an adventurer along - Imagine an NT nuking a creature if we have cloaked them, because of the lower aggro chance the tanks will be able to pull the mob away before the NT takes on too much harm. Although granted to use it in PVP a cloaked person should be easier to see than in a 75% zone, otherwise it would give an unfair advantage to campers - or maybe a +100% nano cost

  6. #6


    Yeah I like this idea a whole lot!

    The nano wouldn't have to cloak you or the target from PCs just the mobs... in this sense, PVP wouldn't be affected at all.

  7. #7
    One of the main thing a hunter has to do when hunting something is to make sure the victim isn't aware of her/his presence. Running up to someone screaming and waving a club is not a wise thing to do.

    Finally free from this nightmare!

  8. #8
    What a cool idea Ulakai! It fits in perfectly with the spirit of the Adventurer.

    *It would only effext MOBs so no PvP imbalance.

    *Only Works 100% while standing still, can't see PvM imbalances there.

    * Reduces MOB visiblity of you while you are moving by half (more than half, hell it can be tweaked). Again can't see this being a big imbalance to PvM and it suits the adventurer so well being able to blend in as Spiritminx said.

    How do you envision it working once you've opened up on a MOB ? You're under the tree with the Wilderness cloak on and to MOB's, you're invisible. 2 Mobs come near, one very close and one a bit further away so you shoot/hack at the nearest one in range. With the cloak still on/nano running does the 2nd MOB see you ? I assume the one you're attacking would.

    In some respects it's similar to how conceal used to work before it was nerfed but that worked even when you were moving which is one of the reasons it was nerfed I guess.

    I can see FC restricting it to Adv's only but tbh I'd be happy if I got it for Adv's only. Any update to our class would be welcomed right now.


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