After 13.1 the "drop dead" bug seems to be back with a vengeance. What happens is that you are fighting but don't get any damage messages. Then suddenly you drop dead and find yourself at reclaim. This bug is unacceptable as it greatly disturbs gameplay.

Another "bug" I have noticed is that the visual range has greatly been decreased. You can only see mobs from like 10 meters away as they suddenly appear out of the game "fog".
The problem is however that you can not see if there are any "add" mobs around that will aggro . Also dangerous hard hitters that are aggro by nature suddenly seem to pop up .
This is extremely annoying as well.

The two above mentioned bugs were experienced in Deep Artery Valley , I am not sure if this is the same on other mobs and areas.

Next are mission mobs . It seems that your damage output against mission mobs is calculated as if it were PvP play.
Therefore missions are sheer impossible.Now missions have been off limits for months but it is time FC really fixes them , making xp per kill greater , handle the token issue for higher levels , implement team missions etc. The way the game is going you will have people maxing levels before the game is half finished with all the IP consequences that gives.

regards ,