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Thread: PvP and the 'T' button

  1. #1

    Lightbulb PvP and the 'T' button

    (reposted froma reply to a thread in game-mechanics, more appropriate here)

    Knowledge is Power 'n all that
    Allowing an enemy to 'T' you is like
    putting a big 'GangBang Me First'
    sign in the Docs . .
    We want strategy!
    I want to be able to throw an omniMed
    cloak on my nano-enforcer to really give
    those clanners a nasty suprise >: )
    "nanobreed. . waitt armor .. omnimed cloak..
    must be a doctor, right?" SURPRISE!

    hide the profession info from opposing sides
    give us some chance to use psychology/strategy here

    picture the battle scene
    where a team of clanners out to hunt encounters a team of omnis
    a couple guys in nano-armor .. docs? NTs? MPs? nano-enforcer? (lol)
    a couple guys in omnipol .. one has a sword .. adventurer? enforcer? possibly MA?
    choices must be made quickly .. players must watch other players
    and react quickly to the enemies actions..
    frantic team communication as individuals start to figure out
    (or take wild guesses at) who is who .. a fluid dynamic battle . .
    instead of the situation now where the 'order of aggro' is predetermined by the 'T' button.

    Players are smarter than mobs
    we dont need a hatelist of who to attack first
    We should have to figure that out on our own

  2. #2

    Thumbs up Completely agreed!

    Do that Funcom!!

  3. #3

    Knowledge is power, as people have said.

    In political zones, the 'T' key should only give you "Omni" if you're clan, and vice versa. Nothing else.

    Oh, maybe a very general power level indicator coud be given, sort of like the "POD" on mobs. But no exact levels, and especially no profession.

  4. #4

    Talking GREAT!

    That was a great idea! PLEASE FUNCOM DO THIS! It would be really cool!
    Kind Regards
    Prince "Morphex" Olveda

    Agent Professional
    Proud Member of Legion
    [pic] [stat] [eqp]

    Unknown: "I am a nobody, and nobody is perfect; therefore, I am perfect"

  5. #5
    this is a great idea...replacing the T-info in 0-25% zones with a simple POD indicator would lead to actual STRATEGY in PvP allowing you to appear weaker (or stronger) by using deception and cunning...and would cause those griefers praying on non-pvp oriented classes to get a nasty surprise now and then

  6. #6
    Im all in for this .. ! - great idea


  7. #7

    Thumbs up ditto!

    love the idea about altering the player info in 25-0% zones. FUNCOM PLEASE DO THIS, it will solve any problems in PvP, especially camping. When someone grid camps, they might hesitate to attack someone, if they look mean and nasty, and DONT know there lev, prof, etc.

    "Winning isnt everything, its the ONLY thing." --Vince Lombardi

    USNPILOT solitus soldier RK2

  8. #8

    Thumbs up


    "Friend or Foe" doesn't mean complete bio!

    "Two things get a warrior through life: A staff and a laugh. If you lose either one, you're done for." -- Cwest

  9. #9
    The problem with this is that the T info is the only way of knowing if you are able to attack your enemy or not.

    The grey/green/yellow/red info is often useless. I can't attack some greens, while some reds >can< attack me, so this information is necessary.

    This problem is even more extreme at high levels, of course. If you're level 150, probably most players are grey to you, but some of these greys can attack you and some can't.

    So, if you're gonna take away the T information, you'd have to replace it with a realistic grey/green/yellow/red bar, which actually let you know who you could and couldn't attack.

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