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Thread: /org commands seem to be broken on ALL levels post emergency patch after 13.0

  1. #1

    Exclamation /org commands seem to be broken on ALL levels post emergency patch after 13.0

    That little patch you released the morning after 13.0 broke ALL /org commands.

    On all ranks (Including Leader) you cannot

    /org invite
    /org promote
    /org kick
    /org governingwhatever

    In each instance there is a confirmation message display'd to the entire guild yet NOTHING happens.

    In other words, our entire guild can no longer recruit ANY members, or promote old members.

    You nerfed the Faction guild format, so you basicly forced almost all orgs to adopt a Department style format.

    The next day you removed our ability to invite period. As well as promote.

    Why is this a problem? ... Why should you have fixed it BEFORE the weekend?

    Because now you just caused one HELL of alot of problems for existing leaders, you forced them to change rank structure, which demotes EVERYONE to applicant.

    Then the next day you broke all the /org promote and /org invite commands.

    So now I have a guild full of applicants, that are all angry because they can't be promoted to the rank they *already* held.

    Please fix this last friday.

    --- This is what you would call a GAME BREAKING problem.

    If you stop us from repopulating our guilds, we will cease to have guilds.

    With no guilds, you my friends .... have no game.

    Fix them.

    - Windowlicker.

  2. #2


    Friday's patch killed all these commands. The 'fix' was far worse than the bug.

    Guys, this should be a high priority fix.
    Tom "Davyn" Gabriel
    Titan Mining, LLC

  3. #3


    I can't stress the severity of this problem... we are on an enforced recruiting freeze because of this totally stupid problem. FunCom, you take the cake - you havn't even addressed this as an issue in any of your announcements or on your startup page, and this IS a game-breaker.

    You MUST fix this AT ONCE! You should patch this today! This is utterly unexcusable and needs to be taken care of immediately. This alone is almost reason enough for me to leave this pathetic beta; you have no idea how frustrating it is to interview new recruits only to have to tell them that "we want to add you, but FunCom broke those functions, so we're not sure when we can add you into our guild - please stay in touch regarding this" and now I've got 15 messages waiting for me each time I log on! Come on already guys, fix this!

  4. #4

    /me sigh

    Im here to express the conserns of my self and my guild as to the situation with the /org promote /org demote /org invite. please post a update as to when this issues can/will be addressed.

    This hurts the guilds seriously in that we cant recuite and our ranks are back to meaning Zilch.

    on the bright side at least the Guild tags are showing up
    Last edited by Xyberviri; Nov 21st, 2001 at 10:15:08.
    ~I am the Virtual Virus

  5. #5
    Thank You FunCom for fixing this finally. Please be more careful in the future, and I beg you to consider ways of getting more players to test patches on the test server.

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