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Thread: Yet Another Way for Missions to Break

  1. #1

    Thumbs down Yet Another Way for Missions to Break

    Doesn't it figure. Just when you thought the "mission" bugs couldn't get any weirder, Funcom grows weirder bugs.

    After the patch on the 18th, I was running a "go get me that one" mission. It said I was supposed to bring back the Superior Nanoclusters from such-and-such a location.

    I cleared out the dungeon, a tiny little one, one of those worm-gut ones. When I get to the worm's colon, there's my mission objective: a Superior Nanocluster sales terminal.

    Needless to say, it wouldn't let me pick it up and take it home.

    I petitioned twice on this, but no ARKs showed up to see it.

    - - - - -

    On a related note, I can confirm what others have said -- the "go observe this object" missions can be completed by single-clicking the object, at least some of the time. It'd be prudent, until you hear this bug is fixed, to always try that first.

    Being an old retired code-monkey, I'll bet I even know how this happened. This is how you're supposed to work the "go observe this mob" missions -- which you'll notice don't always work, either. Want to bet that two chunks of code got swapped around?

    Too bad you can't pick up mobs; but until they fix it you can at least select object containers on the ground and finish those missions.

    - - - - -

    I deeply love the idea of a science fiction, not fantasy, MMORPG. You couldn't pay me to play Everquest or Dark Age of Camelot. But when it comes to ship it, then fix it, boy in some ways Funcom makes Microsoft look good.

  2. #2
    From my own experience of the latest mission fix, observe/pickup item missions works as they should. They are also the ones with the best reward (2 items and max cash) so I don't see why people should run around doing the other ones.

    Finally free from this nightmare!

  3. #3
    I've been able to complete both "observe item" and "return item" mission types yesterday after the patch.
    "observe item" missions can be completed by picking up the object, BTW.

  4. #4
    Well so far I havent been able to complete find item missions so they are still at least partly broken.

  5. #5

    Odd mission

    Wasn't exactly sure where to post this (too many posts about missions), but it appeared to be a bug so here goes...

    Okay, I thought that FC stated in the patch notes for the mission changes that you could 'guarantee' yourself a token if you did clear out the place of all mobs.

    Fine and well, but here's my gripe.

    I did a mission today. Got it in Omni-Entertainment, was a 'grab-item' mission. It was located in Milky Way. I get there and go inside. A total of five rooms. Every single room was EMPTY. No mobs, no chests, nothing, except for the item I had to grab.

    So of course, no token.

    This hasn't just happened to me, I know of others as well that have had this. One person had two missions in a row just like this.

    At my level, missions are hard enough without the extra frustrations. I'd like to still be able to receive tokens, but this 'guaranteeing' yourself a token doesn't work if the terminals issue missions with empty playfields.

    Please fix this.

    Omni MA, lvl 102

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