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Thread: Events on RK2

  1. #1

    Events on RK2

    Simply put we have had none. Now I know, as everyone else, that RK2's population has drastically declined over the past few months. I'm not sure if it's because of DAoC comming out or people are re-rolling back to RK1 or what, but we need one of 2 things.

    Story Events (we have had none, content yes but events none).

    Server intigration. Yes there are so few people on RK1 right now (an average of 20-30 in Tir at any one time) we should be able to move characters over to RK1. I myself refuse to re-roll again. I had a lvl30 Fixer on RK1 since day1 and when RK2 came out, to get rid of the major disconnects and lag I was experiencing, I completely re-rolled to RK2.

    Now I'm at lvl45 and theres no way I'm re-rolling again. I already play DAoC about as much as I play AO but if I had to re-roll because there aren't going to be events on RK2 do to population, I'll just quit playing because it isn't worth it for me to re-roll again. I am a very slow leveler (as you can see.. only lvl45 since day1 on RK2) and thats because I'm a roleplayer. I just don't have the patience to restart my Fixer.

    So Funcom, can we get some answers?

  2. #2


    Well, it was nice of them to try to orginize a party yesterday at Galway Castle.

    But it did not turn out to well since we first had some problems with Omni-guards that keept on spamming the invitation to omni to all claners present, and it was a lot claners present, everytime they met them. We also lacked music at the pool party.

    Anyway some bright fellow suggested that we moved on to Baboons instead to get rid of spamming guard. said and done we ran over to Baboon, which is nice, to have it so laggy by all players present that you could hardly use your keyboard to write and you could definatly forget doing anything else like open or closing windows or changing quick bars (I do have cable and the connection was green).

    It was a pity since we probaly could have had some interesting RP there otherwise, but Funcom need to fix so that we can be more at same place without these enormus laggs.

  3. #3


    I repeat here the Event was not an funcom one at all it was a player one if funcom have done it the mob would not have spoke lol


  4. #4
    I've heard of a few events on RK2.. But not till after they happened. Could you give us a better way of knowing what's up FC? Like, if you're going to do a big event, could you give us warning? You don't have to say what the vent will be or anything, just that 'something' is going to happen on day x at X time GMT.. It'd be a big help I think.

    Then again so would more events on RK2

  5. #5


    For this last event they have make the announce 4 times so it s was nice from them but it s hard to prevent an attack from cyborg 3h before (not really RP) but they only prevent fixer or something like that (fixer got the message from one indic)


  6. #6

    Question Events on RK2

    Was anyone around Athen the other night when the guards went Cyborg reporting mad - yet no Cyborgs appeared?

    Apparently the guards were firing etc but nothing was on show.

  7. #7
    Cyborgs missed the dress rehersal again I take it... So hard to find good help these days, but the show must go on.


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