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Thread: What bugs my soldier

  1. #1

    What bugs my soldier

    1. My tank armour doubles my nano cost. Is this to prevent nano classes from wearing it? Well, soldiers are paying the price for it, and it stinks.

    2. Why can't I cast Total Mirror shield ontop of deflection shield? They're hardly the same thing, don't give me this better nano already running crap. Picture this: a mob is beating the crap out of me. 1. Remove tank armour, 2. Cancel Deflection Shield, 3. Cast Total Mirror Shield, 4. Put on tank armour, 5. ...your remains will be available...

    3. Take it easy..

    4. Wait until previous special attack is finished.

    5. Burst usually does the same damage as a regular attack.

    6. I have no way of knowing if my Full Auto is 1 minute or 1 second away from recycling. The special attack hotkey icons aometimes display bright when if fact they're unavailable and should be greyed out. And why did they remove the 'n' key as the Fling hotkey?

    7. Nerfed Deflection shield. Oh ya, that Medusa is real impressed with the 9 points I reflect back. Oh, but the mobs deflection shields are the original unnerfed version did ya notice?

    8. Gotta buy another of my usual 5000 round batches of ammo. clickclickclickclickclickclickclickclickclickclick clickclickclickclickclickclickclickclickclickclick clickclickclickclickclickclickclickclickclickclick clickclickclickclickclickclickclickclickclickclick ....

    Marquis "Avedis" Gaviglia
    Level 90 Soldier

  2. #2

    Lemme add a few things.

    9. Why can't I switch weapons while I have Mirror Shield on? this has killed me a few times when I totally forgot to switch weapon before I enganged the MirrorShield.

    10. Why can't I switch weapons right away if I empty my clip? This makes no sense whatsoever. There is already a delay added to switching weapon why the extra penalty? This is also a killer in most cases.
    Atrocious - taking ugly to the next level.

    Atrocious - Atrox Enforcer - Member of Ancarim Iron Legion
    Aniana - Solitus Engineer(Uber gimp) - Applicant of Ancarim Iron Legion
    Plasmatiq - Solitus Soldier

    Plus countless other alts I play with once in a while.

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