Mind you, i'm not very experienced in AO's PvP combat system so if anything below is out of whack, please correct me.

Wouldn't it add a new twist to multi person PvP if the aggro enhancers and aggro NFs, when used on another player, actually made that player change its target to the originator of the aggro? Someone with high Psycology skill could have a greater chance of resisting the aggro enhancer and someone with high nano resistance skill could have a greater chance or resisting aggro NFs.

This could really add to the tactics in combat. I'll give an example.

Two opposing teams goes into combat. Both teams consists of Soldier, NT, Doc and MA of equivalent level. Lets assume the doc is the primary target for both groups since he is the best healer. Both teams target the doc of the opposing team. Now everyone with some sort of aggro device/NF targets someone else in the opposing team and tries to force that character to change its target to himself/herself. A successful aggro would mean that one of the opposing team would automatically switch its attack from the doc to the originator of the aggro, thus giving the allied doc a better chance of survival. The character that got his target changed will now have to re-target the doc. Under the current combat rules that would mean go out of combat mode, re-target the doc and then enter combat mode again.

Does this seem like a viable addition to PvP combat?

Andai / Romulus