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Thread: Low Damage output-major bug-Game killer

  1. #1

    Low Damage output-major bug-Game killer

    I know I'm not the only one that this happens to. I am constantly hitting mobs for only 35-45 damage. I am a level 43 MA, and what I mean is:

    You have hit a <mob> for 45 points of melee damage.
    You have hit a <mob> for 45 points of melee damage.
    You have hit a <mob> for 45 points of melee damage.
    You have hit a <mob> for 45 points of melee damage.

    Now Brawl and my MA skills are not affected, but think about fighting a orange mob and this happening? With that kind of damage output who's going to win?

    I'm not just talking about orange mobs, but all of them grey to red. This happens indoors or outdoors. I havnt tried it in PvP yet.

  2. #2
    Not all mobs have the same AC according to there color. Some in fact have more AC than most Orange Mobs (Enforcer Mobs).

    So say, he has 1000 AC. You hit for 1-145 Dmg Max Being 145.
    You hit for your maximum (145) but his 1000 ac absorbs 100 Pnts of that. So 145 - 100 = 45? Basicly its on a much larger scale. Brawl does alot more Dmg so thats why its not "truely" effected.

    Hope it helps

  3. #3

    Question Has anyone else noticed this for NT lvl 50 or higher?

    I have a lvl 57 NT and I used to be able to do missions with the difficulty bar a little bit to the right (more difficult) now I after the patch I can only do missions inbetween normal and easy (major difference).

    I seem to do a heck of a lot less damage than I used to. Before I could take a a mob of greens (2-4) and survive now a mob a one green and one grey will nearly kill me every time. Is anyone else noticing this?



  4. #4

    Err maybe it's they can take more damage..

    Err maybe it's they can take more damage. Either way any comments?


  5. #5
    I will answer the original person question since I have seen this a lot. my best friend plays a lvl 114 MA and his consistent damage is 102 now. It used to be 70 but with each lvl he raises MA skill and it gets a point or two higher. What seems to be happening is if your initiative (physical in the case of an MA) is not high enough to compensate for the MOBs evades then you can only get min damage. Now in the case of MA's who have high min damage this isn't so bad you are doing better than most people would in the same situation. If you want to see this for yourself attack something lower than you, waaay lower and watch the damage. Insane right its becuase your initiative has given you the highest range of your attack or a crit. I dual wield ql 118 riders my sword is from 6-296 but this actually means my min damage is only 45 but my high damage is like 400 crits are 850. I can hit the same mob as my friend and while he rattles of 102 every hit I can only do 45 and maybe a 200 every 5 hits. Your great min damage makes a big difference.

  6. #6


    I'm level 28 and this is happening to me constantly... my MA skill is 200 so I used to do 60-80 damage with normal punches.. It makes fighting some tougher mobs almost impossible

  7. #7
    I think your missing my point. This happens on all mobs, any level, any con. I dont think it's a AC problem or Int problem, but a game bug.

  8. #8
    I think it might be related to a flaw in the new PvP changes. since it seems to happen more often with NPC mobs, then maybe the game is confusing mobs with players?
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