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Thread: Discontent

  1. #21
    Sidarion who? Funny how you magically turn up now when you have not taken part in anything that was EG in months. Yes...very funny indeed.
    -Finalizer Vixentrox-
    Former President and Founder,
    -Whisper's Edge-
    Former Member of the Atlantean CoT Clerical Staff

    Socializer 73% Killer 53% Explorer 53% Achiever 20%

    Kissysuzuki -
    WTB small enough brain and lack of imagination to be able to sit and solo hecklers for 5 days straight.

  2. #22
    Focus.... Reach within... find the harmony...

    Snowlions hands slowly work peacefully delicate patterns in the air but the inner peace do not come. She remembers the final meeting she participated. She remembers announcing CA's withdraval from EndGame alliance.

    Focus... Concentrate...

    Snowlion is moving faster now. There is nothing peacefull in her movements anymore. Fast strikes. Blurr in the air...Almost week has passed from that dreadfull day. There is accusations. Scandal stories. Misplaced words and outright lies. Omni is on the offence... People place the blame on the fallen End Game alliance. People blame her Clan... She remebers the last moments of the former alliance. She remebers the silence where once had been joy. She remembers the blood shed and bled for duty.

    Focus... Rage...

    Snowlions feets and fists strike the practice dummy. Sweat glistering on the skin. Finaly the memories of old float on the surface of tortured mind. Friendship. Fellowship. Yes. Once there was trust. Once there was laughter. There was no CA. There was no single clan there was only friends. Maybe that will be again. "I will learn from my past mistakes".

    Focus... Peace...

    Snowlion is moving slowly again. She has found the harmony and inner peace. People will talk. There will be scandal stories.
    What cant be beaten must be accepted. She remembers the old friends. Alliance did fall but her friends are still there. She will fight for them, bleed for them, die for them but no longer for duty and obligation. She will do it for friendship.
    Last edited by Snowlion; Feb 27th, 2004 at 16:33:16.
    Snowlion 220/21 ma
    Snowserpent 207/x MP
    Mediheli 209/x Doc
    and some other lowbies

  3. #23
    What arrogance, Sidarion? The fact that I don't consider this a matter for people who are not and were never part of Endgame? I hardly think that qualifies as arrogance. Go back to harrassing girls in private comms and using your officer rank (if you have rank now, that is) to cover your ass. You were always better at that than you were at spreading false rumors. I suggest you pull your own head back inside the vehicle, as passing traffic is moving at a very rapid pace.

    Daimoness, I am quite aware of your close friendship with MD and Windguaerd. I have many close friends outside EG as well, some of whom know some of my reasons for wanting to leave. They don't come here making assumptions and sticking their noses into business that is not their own, and I would appreciate the same consideration from you. Contrary to what you and others seem to want to believe, we don't want to hurt the former Endgame guilds any more than is necessary, and a public discussion of our reasons for leaving (and ever since the recent article on AOVault, even discussion on the Endgame forums must be considered public) will only make this more painful for them. Please back off and let us go our separate ways in relative peace. Thank you.

    OOC: And who said anything about your looting practices? That's kind of my point, I don't tell you or your guild what to do in game and I'd prefer you showed the same courtesy. Some goofy stereotype of roleplayers hating high level gamers is quite beside the point, not to mention silly and untrue.
    Delia "Aerinyi" Jett
    General of Whisper's Edge

  4. #24
    *scratches head*

    ...well, I'm not going to close this, and I'm not going to remove posts. I do smell the suddle stench of mud tossing, and I suppose I just want to say, take it easy...

    if you have questions or concerns, do PM me please.
    ~ CJ ~
    Formerly known as Timelapse

    Certified AO Forum Freak!

    ~ Check out our old comics here! ~

  5. #25
    Originally posted by Timelapse
    I do smell the suddle stench of mud tossing
    Precisely the reason there is not, was not, and hopefully will not be a public discussion of all of our specific reasons for leaving, or for the way in which we left. Because it will lead to nothing but mudslinging and personal attacks, and that is not what we want this to be about.
    Delia "Aerinyi" Jett
    General of Whisper's Edge

  6. #26
    I agree, Aerinyi.

    Lets leave it at that, then.

  7. #27
    Agreed. Time to move on. Talking won't change what has happened. Time will ease the feelings.

    I'm leaving it at this. Good luck on your travels, each of you.

    Corrine Daimoness Wright
    - Veteran of Apocalypse
    - General of the Mercury Dragons (ret.)
    - Member of the Grumpy Old Crat Bunch

    If ye love wealth greater than liberty, the tranquility of servitude greater than the animating contest for freedom, go home from us in peace. We seek not your counsel, nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you; and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen. - Samuel Adams

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