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Thread: Planet Wide Strike

  1. #1

    Planet Wide Strike


    We the residents of Rubi –ka 1 (Omni-Neutral-Clan)
    Shall not move one inch from the city of Newland, We will no longer work in your mines or do your secret missions, We will no longer kill the spawns of mutant monsters that you have secretly let loose upon us until a representative of the great governing body of funcom or Philip Ross himself meets with us to discuss some fundamental flaws in there Upgrading of Planet process and the direction that they are taking the Planet.
    1. They reduce our effectiveness and secretly let loose stronger scientific mistakes into the wilds of our planet (chain healing and double strike is back)
    2. 50% missions should generate all greens- Mr. Ross how many times can I regenerate before I no longer have a soul I really am tired of seeing the reclaim terminal (as it stands right now you get everything from gray to orange)
    3. Missions are STILL BUSTED-Thank you for giving us missions in areas that don’t take an hour to get to-Now could you maybe make them so they would work?
    4. Range nerf for caster 40m’s puts us within range of shooters in missions can we at least have 50 so we can use our roots like we are supposed to? Casters are not a tanking class either give us more hit points to become tanks or lower mob damage (see number 1)
    5. Game mechanic nerfs – We the residents of rubi-ka acknowledge the need for some balancing to be done but major changes to the game mechanics should be met with some type of skill sellback system
    6. We the players of rubi-ka want-NO WE DEMAND that you start listening to the players on your test Planet. Every bug has been found on the test Planet and pointed out to you yet you still go live with your planet upgrades-WE DEMAND that this stops. From this day forward WE DEMAND that a planet upgrade only be implemented if it is relatively bug free and has no planet stopping bugs (Yes we acknowledge that no planet upgrade will ever be 100% bug free but the Planet stopping upgrades must stop)
    7. All types of character classes have been effected since Planet upgrade 12.6 and we believe we should have a say in what is happening to our great planet

    This protest will commence at 5pm EST on Monday November 19th in the Neutral city of Newland
    When a representative of the planet governing body shows up we would like you to transport all leaders of all guilds (Omni-Neutral-Clan) to a secure location to hold a forum on what they think. And to hear what the reprensitives of the planet governing body think and discuss what can be done to fix planet resident grievances

  2. #2

    I hope I can be there protesting with my gimpy NT.

  3. #3

    Cool lol

    hehe... good one. Nice and even in character

    Though I doubt he'll listen son..

  4. #4
    bumpity bump bump.

    down with "the man!"

  5. #5


    Lol another strike ! What happened after the last one, some months ago? Hummm... nothing I believe since you have to begin another one today

    Nevermind, good luck !
    Forgive my french english

  6. #6
    HEY !
    Big brother.
    As soon as you arive.
    You better get in touch with the people, big brother.
    And get them on your side, big brother.
    And keep them satisfied.

    Now that you've got the picture, what you going to do ?

    (Nick Zesses, Dino Fekaris)


  7. #7

    So what do you suggest rollback

    Ranting and raving at funcom is obviously is not working either so any suggestion you have i would love to hear

  8. #8
    Um news flash...
    Strike all you want, they're still taking their monthly fee from you.
    A true strike would require removing their financial gain thus forcing them to accomodate you

    Just my 2 cents (love the whole in character thing, nice touch)

    "The Money's Gone, The Mind Is Shot, But The Liquor We've Still Got...."
    "It's a fine line to walk between "No-Surprises Policy", and "Can't-Let-The-Cat-Out-of-the-Bag"

    L32 Omni Fixer - RK1
    Cynic Exraordinaire

  9. #9
    Power to the People! :]

    One suggestion, have them transport you to the location, ANSWER ALL YOUR QUESTIONS, and THEN hear more from you. Do not give them any excuse to not answer your stated questions, because they will take it.


  10. #10

    Re: So what do you suggest rollback

    Originally posted by Dark_Omen
    Ranting and raving at funcom is obviously is not working either so any suggestion you have i would love to hear
    I have no suggestion to make since I think Funcom is listening to its playerbase at its maximum power and I really believe they (Cosmik, Savant, Cz, etc.) can not do more : they simply have not the capabilities.

    For me, Funcom looks like lots of big society (at least in France) : the more "partionned" its social and hierarchical structure is, the more as an single employee you have to crawl in a kind of inertial jam to make things move. No smoothness, everything is coded by procedures in which you loose your efficiency and your reactivity. But that is the price any society have to pay for growing in size...

    You can begin a strike if you wish but I think it is worthless : some of FC employees (especially thoses who are the interface between the "backoffice" and us, and are literaly the ones who are listening to us) are already doing all they can do.

    PS : again sorry for my french english
    Last edited by Rollback; Nov 16th, 2001 at 19:27:48.
    Forgive my french english

  11. #11
    Oh for the love of ... get a sense of humor already!

  12. #12

    Well rollback i am gonna agree and disagree with you

    I agree cz and cosmik are trying and trying hard but i think the problems lies way deeper than them i belive and i might be wrong i dont think the coders and managers are listening to them or being forthwright with them. I could be wrong and if cz or cosmik want to solidly dispute me then thats fine. I truly belive if the playerbase rises up and says no more then funcom will have to listen. I really dont want to quit this game truthfully i am addicted to it in a major way. But some of the stuff they are doing makes no sense to me and from the looks of it it doesnt make alot of sense to alot of other players who love this game.
    And your french english is fine i understood everything you wrote

  13. #13

    How to be heard!

    I agree totally Dark_Omen,

    I too am (was?) addicted to this game. But the more they patch, the less enjoyable this game becomes. I think the only way we are going to be heard (and even then?) is to let our actions talk for us.

    Date of registration 2001-06-28 11:48:26
    Subscription status ACTIVE, CANCELLED 2001-11-17 (reversable until 2001-12-03)
    Next transaction N/A

    The game isn't enjoyable at the moment and Funcom refuses to listen to their players (which to me is the biggest annoyance by far).

    So I have let my actions speak for me. If enough people do the same and cancel they may actually start listening and if you really want to play, you can always go back and re-activate your account.

    Start listening to your cusotmers Funcom!!!!!

  14. #14
    Lovely thought. I was waiting for someone to do this.

  15. #15
    I'm with you! Don't know if it will have any effect whatsoever, but can't hurt to try?

    I have a lot of problems with 13.0. I love this game, but I'm finding it very difficult to "grin and bear it" right now.
    Babette, Frenetic, Misophist, Yardleigh.
    "I am the queen of France!!!"

    Ah, L'Amour!
    Bitter Films

  16. #16
    Bump for a good idea Dark

  17. #17
    Bump because i think the players need this and so do the devs

  18. #18

    Post Gotta go with roll on this one.

    Trust me everyone after 15 months of UO yu come here and think OH MY GOD, the ppl in charge actually listen to us here.

    They wanted to take out /ass and /crotch

    after just a bit of whining they sat back and just changed it to accomodate us.

    In UO OSI NEVER listened to us, N E V E R. We would whine and moaj but they would keep thinkign they were right and they were correct and would do it regardless, FC has been very co-operative in listening to our demands.

    And yes i have hope they will introduce a distance slider to missions =)

  19. #19
    The problem with listening to your customers is that it can make a mess out of your game as of course ppl demand things for their personal interests and dont think about the balance of the whole thing. Verant and probably OSI (dont know about the latter) have a clear idea how the game should work and stick to it even when certain interest groups start to moan and b1tch...
    Listening to your customers is good but you need to have a clear concept and not simply give in to demands by players.

    Example: With the last patch they put in name tags. Ppl coming from EQ are used to get names over the head of all the players as it makes finding someone ina crowd easier...
    But that was a non issue in a game with Tab and now it makes the use of a cloaking device completely obsolete. Concealement does not work at all anyway right now, but with 13.0 the only effect the device had (making you semi-transparent and so harder to spot by other players) is gone as everyone can see your name tag.

    Thats how you make a mess of your game.

    Xandro, neutral bureaucract

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