Hello I just had an idea...
how to make it easier and a way to be able to make weaponds.. I have rread in numerus posts earlyer that engineer's ore others would like to be able to take weaponds a part and make them better i do agree with that.. or just rip a looted weapond apart and use the trade items to make a new weapond..

1. The way you can make that work easyest is by using the same interfase as the Armor window you have on your selfe.. that should not me that hard. like now you cant outfitt a higher armor if you dont have the Skill's to do so. In the same way you should not be able to insert a new trade item in to the weapond if you cant match the reqierd skill points.

2. And only charters tha are able to make weaponds should be able to use the "Tool sett" for takeing a weapond apart. couse you should need less skill points to take the weapond apart then putting it togeather.

3. This will maybe be some work for the programers at Funcom but you guys are capeble to do it.
My thoughts are that you make a "Tool kit" that only can be used bye the profession that are able to make weapond like Engineers in this case. The "Tool kit" does not need any Skill requirement. couse you have that allready, you need to have the right skills and the right amount of skill point's to assambe it just like to day.
Only thing is that you get a window up when you use the
"Tool kit" with the amount of item boxes that are needed.
On the top i would like a Text bar were you can name your weapond, That will be like an Advertisement. The advertisement will come in handy if you make great weaponds. and peep's will seek you out to make them there new weapond for them. Ore do an upgrade on the weapond they allready own.
And just below the Text bar there could be a Main item Box.
This box will deside the following.

FIRST. How to make a New weapond:
In the main Item box you put a "weapond construction kit" then the apropreat amount of item boxes will apear below..
you fill in the item boxes and you are done. but in the same way of course you need to meet the requirements of the trad items.

SECOND. How to Rip a weapond ore modify one:
In the main Item box you put a Weapond and the item boxes will apear below with the Trade items filled in. That will make it easyer to remove an trade item and replase it. ore just rip the weapond totaly apart.
When it comes to taking a weapond apart i said earyler that you needed less skills to do that.
In my meening any one could take a Weapond apart, but if you dont meet the requirements for assambeling the weapond there should be a chance of damaging the item you are trying to take out. like the "lock pick" you try and try again until you open the chest or door .. for each try you lower the QL of the item by 1 QL. and then you try again and again until you have made the item usless that is if you dont meet the requirements. For example. you have a weapond and you are going to take a trade item out of it and you need 500 in weapond smithing to assamble it you only have 450, then i think you should have a 50% chanse of taking the item out correctly (maybe that is a bitt mutch but then you eliminate the chanse of peeps depending on only riped items)

well thees are my toughts and i must say that i realy hope you make the nessesery changes.. and i think this will work. and with this kind of bigg chand there will maybe be som Bugg's but i can live with that for a wile.. not long but for a wile..

Plz give som toughts to this post.

"I know there are many typos in my text so don't bother to Post a reply on write errors PLZ there is no gain in that"

And for any Funcom peeps Pleas make a replay to this What is your toughts. Am i totaly off line? ore are here some things that could be considerd usefull input.

Thanks for taking the time to read This.

I am an Engineer and i go Engi. all the way
Current LVL 77