Today i made lvl 55...great ! So, after maxing out my main skills, putting some here and there, i had about 3000 left. I decided to put the rest in Dodge-Ranged skill (at 175), as this is my "leftover" skill to distribute IP in. Well, what happened was kinda disturbing...

As i pressed the slider to raise the skill, the bar stood completely still, it actually moved backwards (!) while draining my 3K IP. The number of the skill was still 175, not moving. Once my IP was gone, it still counted IP, and when the bar reached bottom, it started to raise again, STILL COUNTING IP ! My 3K IP was long gone, but the counter just kept on rising. When i reached top of bar (title max) it still kept counting IP into the skill. I had by then put about 100K IP into it (!), so i figured something was seriously screwed (doh). I clikced the OK button, and opened the skills again, only to see my 3K IP gone, and counter still at 175. When i hit the increase button on the skill, it started all over again counting IP and going backwards. I tried to zone after that, no result. I tried to petition after that, no result. I tried ALL my other skills to see if i got similar cases, but it only affected that one skill.

As i see it, i just got RIPPED OFF of 3000 hard earned IP !

What the hell is going on !?