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Thread: Vengartius, A Keepers Birth

  1. #1

    Vengartius, A Keepers Birth

    It’s a very strange feeling, Waking up with a tube in your throat. Not knowing how you got there or when you fell asleep. The feel of the slimy living fluid around you watching it slowly drain out. As I open my eyes painful light basks them. I see a face and cannot tell what or who it is. It looks kind and feminine but little did I know what lay in store for me in her hands.
    As the fluid drains from the capsule I see even more tubes to either side of me. Without warning bottom of the tube opens and I fall. The tube being ripped from my throat and hundreds of leads that were attached to my body being separated gave me a new sense, Pain.
    I move my arms and legs and feel an ache. I shiver uncontrollably, a reaction I later learned was because I was cold. I am transferred to a bed that is wheeled to another room. Different men in masks much like the female I saw before. Looking at the ceiling I see nothing but clean white with an occasional bright light.
    I stop moving with another bright painful light above me. A figure of a man block shadows the light for a second. And I see a strange glow in his electric blue eyes. His skin paler in comparison to the others I saw before. Strange black objects protruding from his face.
    I fell another pain in my shoulder sharp this time and I feel myself slip back into a deep sleep.
    John "Blackswords" Rm
    Boardmember of Omni-Mining

  2. #2
    “Subject V652-138 Atrox +3 days after purge. Preliminary synaptic testing shows low aggressive instincts and surprisingly high synaptic relay count denoting higher then average intelligence,”

    I hear the calm words as I slowly find myself waking from my forced slumber.

    “Also subject is showing signs of exaggerated healing, his wounds from the growth process are almost completely recovered, side note no signs of any scaring from the process. This subject is a prime candidate for Keeper training.”

    My eyes slowly open the pain much less now and everything a lot more focused. The ache of my body is no longer there, just some small pinpricks around the areas where the probes in the tube had been. I turn my head in the direction of the voice. There she is the feminine form I had seen before this time much clearer. She seemed very fragile but as i was to learn she could be deadly. I attempted to speak but my voice was still not there.

    “Good you are finally awake,” she stated. “ I was hoping you would come out of your activation today, now I know you still cannot talk yet because you have never used your vocal cords yet.”

    I knew what she was saying and I knew the proper reply yet never knowing how or when I learned them. I manage a small low grumble my throat tickling as the muscles feel the new sensation.

    “Amazing.” She says, “You are an interesting specimen V652-138 much more then I could hope for.”

    The words swimming in my head finally find a voice.

    “Where am I?” I say in a soft whisper

    “My Goodness, Well you are in Jobe. And I am Dr. Malthys.”

    “What am I doin-“

    “Shhh you will know in time Go to sleep.”

    The blackness of sleep engulfed me again. Strange I wanted to remain awake and talk to this Doctor some more and get some answers to the questions running through my head. One thing when you are made to sleep you don’t dream you just think with your eyes closed.
    John "Blackswords" Rm
    Boardmember of Omni-Mining

  3. #3
    I am pulled from my slumber and am fully awake in less then a second. Harsh lights again but this time no pain, My arms ache as well as my legs but it feels different. I look down and see some fresh scars which are very well on their way to healing. My arm moves effortlessly and for some reason It seems to move faster then I attempt to make it.

    “Hurts like hell done’ it??” A booming voice comes from beside me.

    I look over and see a huge being rippling with muscles and a growth of Hair from his chin. His face looks oddly familiar.

    “Dey went an put them things in my arms too but yours looked really strange.” The person says, “Dey say it gonna make us real strong so dat we wont have problems with anyone who dey tell us to have problems with.”

    “Who are you?” I ask

    “Dey callin me sumtin like V852-010 but I don like numbers so I jus call myself Vargan. And I heam dem say something about wards so I think dats my first name. What dey call you?”

    “They called me V652-138. I don’t know what name they have chosen to give me.”

    The doctor I had seen before enters the room with some of the strange men with blue eyes.

    “Ahh good you are both awake, Gentlemen I would like you to meet our first probable Atrox keeper.”

    She gestures in my direction for me to stand. “May I introduce V652-138.”

    I stand, This is the first time I have done so I think but something is wrong. Everyone is much shorter then I am. I see the strange blue eyes of the other men turn even brighter. Their mouths open in a position of disbelief.

    “And is it true that he can upload the nano-programs we have found in Nascence?” one of the beings ask.

    “Yes and we have noted that he even has the ability to heal very quickly.” States the doctor.

    “But can he fight as well as battle proven Enforcers?” Asks another blue eyes.

    “That is what V852-010 is here to prove.”
    John "Blackswords" Rm
    Boardmember of Omni-Mining

  4. #4
    The room was darker then the clean white I had been used to. It was a large room with a raised platform and the platform was bathed in light. I was lead by the doctor to one side of the room. She touched a switch in the wall and a large cabinet in the recess of the wall opens up with a hiss. Inside are multiple weapons most of which are Two-handed swords.

    “Pick one that feels comfortable.” Says the Doctor.

    My eyes scan the plethora of weapons. Most of which are small lithe swords that look and feel way to light. A black gleam catches my eye, well not a black gleam more or less just a gleam of sharp steel against a black carbon base. My hand reaches for the weapon and I lift it up. The blade feels wonderful in my hand almost like and extension of my hand. I take a few practice swings and find that it responds effortlessly to my every command.

    “This one seems to work.” I say.

    “Good well lets see what your nanobots are willing use.” Came the doctor’s reply.

    She leads me to one of the blue eyed men who has come into the room. The man reaches into his smock and pulls out a device. One end is a capsule containing some kind of green crystals. The other end looks like an injector that I had seen before. He sticks the needle in my arm and I watch in amazement as my blood absorbs the crystals within, leaving an empty shell.

    “Wonderful, I was hoping that his nano-bots would accept that program.” Says the man who has just stuck me.

    He pulls out a pad and attaches a lead to one of the open “plugs” that are situated around my waist. He spends a little time typing and when he is complete, I feel a strange sensation while a small voice in my head states

    “Nano-program Ambient Elevation Complete.”

    He withdraws the plug and looks very proud. As I look across from me I see the Doctor talking with Vargan and another one of the Blue-eyes injecting another device into his arm. Just the same as they did with me they plug in a small deck and type in a code. What happened next was nothing short of incredible.

    Vargan who had been just a small amount taller then I was, Glowed with a strange light and he started to Grow. He became taller, His muscles rippled and grew at the same rate as his height.

    “Dis feels weird, But I like it!” He states

    He goes to another cabinet on the other side of the room and picks a large baton with a steel reinforced nub. His practice stroke however are short sweeps but seem to have a veritable ton of power behind them as is demonstrated by the girder that is behind him after he steps through one of his strikes and puts a large dent in it.

    The doctor who before had been caring and who had an aire of pride around her now looks sullen. She goes to the raised platform and gestures for us both to step up. She looks me in the eyes and quickly looks away, stepping off the platform she instructs us.

    “Gentlemen this is a test of your combat skills, You cannot be perma-killed and since we still have your DNA samples you will be reclaimed. You are being asked to fight to the finish.”

    She turned and left the room her head low.

    The blue-eyed male who was working on Vargan again types something into his deck that is still plugged into the Behemoth.

    “OHHH IM GONNA CRUSH YA!!” He yells mouth foaming with rage. His eyes are red I see sweat glisten from his pores. The stench of his sweat permeates the room.

    The ground shakes like thunder and he advances baton drawn back for A vengeful strike.
    John "Blackswords" Rm
    Boardmember of Omni-Mining

  5. #5
    One thing to remember when being charged by a Rhino, Get out of the way. My movements were swift and calculated. Vargan’s attack was too slow and all I had to do was step out of the way. After he passed by me I swung my sword into his back and succeeded in hitting. The large gash started to bleed but Vargan turned back with more fury in his eyes then before. He stood his ground. The next strike hit its mark I attempted to block it with my sword but it was too powerful. The metal knob of his baton struck home. With a crunch I felt my right wrist break. Strangly enough I only felt the pain for a second, then a red glow surrounded me and the pain that I felt went away as quickly as it had been inflicted. Vargan was setting up for his next attack a sweeping bash coming from over his head again trading his speed for power the blow was easy to sidestep. I put both hands on the grip of my sword and aimed for his outstretched hand. I had hit my mark almost severing the hand holding the baton. Vargan Shrieked with pain. He switched the baton to his other hand and continued his attack. The attempts he made at attacking me were futile and easily blocked. My attempts at parries were successful but they only made small cuts in his very thick hide. On we went both of us becoming very tired but every few seconds or so I felt a calming wave over me. I had become time and time again reborn. Until one of his strikes missed the mark and he over-extended. His chest and heart found my blade impaled through them. I moved without thinking and as I saw the look of grief in his eyes, I let go of my blade. Vargan fell and with a crash it was over. I looked towards the decaying body of Vargan and something happened. His body started to fade in a greenish hue.

    “Ouuuuucchhh dat really hurt like a someofabitch.” Said a familiar voice.

    I looked over and couldn’t believe my eyes there was Vargan. His hand intact and all the cuts that I had dealt to him had healed. He was back to his original size now. The rage long since left his eyes. He stood on a lit platform that surrounded him in glowing “bits” of light each one attaching to his body. The pain that I had felt from all of his successful blows were no longer there. I had tasted Victory for the first time.

    “Incredible!” said one of the pale-skinned audience members.

    “Without a doubt you will be a very useful weapon to us. But you cannot be seen walking the corridors of our guild hall. However we have much use for you on Rubi-Ka.”

    Doctor Malthys stepped back through the door. She was looking down and glanced my way after seeing me she smiled. She looked at Vargan and the smile quickly faded.

    “Doctor you are to be commended,” said the same man as before. “All our wildest dreams have been answered with the being. And soon Vengance shall be ours at last. Omni-Tek will no longer use the Nano-Mage as a puppet in their grand travesty.”

    “What shall we do with the other one?” asks another of the apperntly named Nano-Mages.

    “He should do what he was made to do spend his time sweating in a mine!”

    One of the Nano-Mages looked at Vargan and attached a small techinal bit to his belt. He pulled out some kind of computer deck and in mere seconds Vargan was gone.

    “What are you doing?” shrieked Dr. Malthys “Where did you send him!”

    “We sent him to Rubi-Ka, Klondike to be more precice there is a mine there that has been of interest to us. Also we need him to infiltrate Omni-Mining so we can gather intelligence for the right time to use our new… weapon.” The Mage motions to me.

    Dr. Malthys bites her lip and says nothing. But she has a small deck at her hip and feverishly begins typing.

    “What should we call you I wonder…” states the Mage. “You offer us Victory but more then that Vengance, What the..”

    What happened next is hard to explain I felt my body bend and I felt very sick. A shock of blue light and then. I am standing at the gates to an incampment. A large man stands there and is as surprised to see me as I to see him.
    Last edited by Blackswords; Feb 22nd, 2004 at 17:35:02.
    John "Blackswords" Rm
    Boardmember of Omni-Mining

  6. #6
    “Who the hell are ya!” Shouts the man.

    “I don’t know” I reply.

    “Well you better know soon or else.” The man brandishes a large weapon pointing the barrel in my direction.

    “Stop It Commander” Comes a voice from a small communicator in the mans belt, The voice sounds like the Doctors.

    “Dr. Malthys, what kind of deamon hell have you spawned now? Not another one of your rejects that you send here for a humane termination?”

    “No he is different and requires some protection. I cannot care for him now but he will be useful. Direct him to the Bank terminal I have left something there for him.”

    “But what the hell am I supposed to do with him.” Growls the large man.

    “Teach Him.” And with that the doctor’s voice cuts out.

    The large man slings his rifle. And looks me over.

    “Well you aint much to look at now but I have dealt with worse, Come on.” He leads me into the camp. “My name is Commander Fredricksson and I owe the doc a thing or two little did I know it would be taking care of an Atrox pup.”

    He leads me to a machine that has a large screen. As I draw close to it a Backpack materializes in a small pad on the front of it. I take the pack and open it.

    There are a couple books inside along with some strange devices. I pick up one of the books.

    “Dammit everything good she could have sent and she sends ya some books those dammn folks in Jobe don’t know what the hell they are doin.”

    I start reading the book and it is in an old language one that has been dead for ten thousand years. One of the First passages is strangely familiar.

    “Ubi Carits et amor, Deus ibi est. Congregavit nos inunum christi amor.” I read aloud.

    “What kind of tongue is that, you don’t know your name you don’t know where you came from you don’t know what your are doing and you speak in tounges. You are a very messed up individual.” States the commander.

    One word I see translates into the last thing I had heard from the Mages in Jobe.

    “Vengartius” I say again out loud.

    “What the hell does that mean?” asks the commander.

    “Vengeance” I say

    “Vengeance for what?”

    Time stands still for a moment I know now what I am here to do. The words of Vengeance swimming in my head becoming too loud to ignore.

    “It is not a what it is a who.” I say everything in my head becoming crystal clear.
    “I am that vengeance, I will be the end and the beginning.”

    “So what are you trying to say are you some kind of weapon or something?”

    “No, I am not a weapon I am Vengance itself,” I state

    I am Vengartius, Vengance reborn.
    Last edited by Blackswords; Feb 22nd, 2004 at 17:53:43.
    John "Blackswords" Rm
    Boardmember of Omni-Mining

  7. #7
    (( interesting. Well no wonder Vargan was found wondering through a mine one day... ))

  8. #8
    ((Well it is too bad that Vengartius spent very little time with The commander someone came a short time after and cut his head off.))
    John "Blackswords" Rm
    Boardmember of Omni-Mining

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