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Thread: Unpaid fines of CoT

  1. #1

    Unpaid fines of CoT

    Officer Virta is staring empty-eyed at the pile of bills on his small desk which is playing the part of the experimental traffic control department. The words of the investigator from Omni-Accounting are still echoing in his head. "You have 48 hours to get your books straight or the department will be closed! Got that! This has been a waste of money officer! A waste of money!"

    With a lump in his throat he starts to go through the bills again. 30 metres of 2mm cabling (bought used), carbonum plates (used), an old motherboard, weird looking bomb, refrigerator (used), prophylactic dispensing unit (used), an old security camera. Virta winces as he comes to the next bill and the report attached to it: "Report of the windtunnel tests of a prototype speed camera".

    "I might have lost the focus a little bit with that one."

    "But overall and regarding the importance of the project to public safety the results have come cheap! What does an accountant know about this stuff anyways! Lady big-shot accountant...", he mumbles.

    "Well I can't pay for this myself and it is too important to let the project die! I am going to get the money!" He opens the comm-link.

    To: Caid, Windguaerd, Cogs, Ailish, Tussa, Vixentrox.
    From: Omni-Pol Traffic Control
    Re: Your capture and/or death and unpaid fines.

    Dear All,

    As the day of you capture and/or death is imminent, I have taken a concerned look at your outstanding parking and speeding violations.

    Our records show that you have 999 violations each, each worth 7 credits. Which brings the total up to 6993 credits. This may seem like a large sum, but it is required from each of you to bring the traffic control department's books back in order. This is a direct requirement from Omni-Tek accounting to me. I appreciate that you will need a receipt of the transaction and therefore I will be accepting the payments personally at ICC. (this friday 22.00-22.15 GMT).

    I will also provide you with a complimentary plastic pouch with an Omni-Pol logo which you can use to store your receipt in. You will need to remember to keep it with you at all times as it will speed up the paperwork at the moment of your capture.

    I am sure you understand that this request is made for mutual benefit and I apologise for the short notice but the end of our fiscal year is closing in fast.

    Thank you for your co-operation.

    Best regards,
    Lt. Virta.

    Virta presses the send button and begins to shine his uniform whistling happily.
    Engineer General Virta, Omni-Pol. Not in active service.

    Roleplaying Profile of Jimi "Virta" Hendrix

  2. #2
    From the office of: Anthony "Cogs" McDuff

    Recipient: Omni-Pol Offices, Lt. Virta.

    I appreciate the fact that you need your books in order, these are matters we are quite familiar with on our patch of this planet as well, as I am sure you are aware. Your confidence in our imminent death or capture, however, is not shared by any of us.

    You are quite sure that it is 999 violations....and not 997...or maybe 1000?
    I am sorry, but for my accountants to acknowledge payment of this sum you present, we would need to review the full body of your evidence. Please submit such evidence to the offices of Clan Cerberus, by3, West Athen asap, and I am sure my legal office will look into the matter.
    Thank you.
    Anthony "Cogs" McDuff
    Veteran, Cerberus
    220 Supreme Creator : Master of Wheels...the lingerie modeling robot!

  3. #3
    From: Jenae "Tussa" Godfray
    To: Omni-Pol offices, Lt. Jimi "Virta" Hendrix
    Subject: Fines

    Lt. Virta,

    As I'm sure you are honest in your deliberation to keep the books up to speed and your accounting in order, I find it strange that you try frauding registered citizens of the clans on the grounds of speeding violations. I can only speak for myself, when I say that your information is absolutely false and with no grounds in reality.

    First of all, I do not use a air- or even groundvehicle. As I am trained in the meta-physical aspects of nano-programming, I am able to lift myself up by help of nanobots in the program Quantum Wings. As I'm sure you know, this program only allows a certain speed, which is not overstepping any speeding limits on the entire terraformed parts of Rubi-Ka.

    Second of all, I do not travel in the Omni-Pol controlled areas, and as such you cannot have seen me speeding in areas where Omni-Pol works. Not to mention that it is virtually impossible for me to fly too fast. Allegations of such is nothing more than slander and lies.

    Third of all, before I pay any sort of fine, which I will not do in this case, I always expect the evidence of the committed rule-breaking. You may forward such information to me by packetmail, or to any of my advisors, and I will have legal instances look at it.


    Jenae Godfray

  4. #4
    "Damn clan bureaucracy! I was not expecting this!".

    He looks at the 6 hand-held 'clickers' on his desk with the clan member names taped on them. They are all at their maximum value, 999.

    "Ted and Ned! Come over here!"

    Two adolescent boys stop their omni-cola burping contest and run from the lobby to Virta's desk. The two neutral fellows have been doing their school project on traffic monitoring.

    "Boys, are you ready to testify at the supreme court that these 'clickers'..."

    "Dude! I am 14 and Ned is 13! Besides we are outta here after three o'clock. You can't tell us what to do anymore man!"

    "Yeah man, give us our muffins dude!"

    "All right... erm. The corporation wishes to thank you for your work with these muffins and I will personally give you 10 credits to share between you. Thank you for your co-operation and stay off drugs. Please do not run as you leave the area." Virta points at the 'No Running' sign behind him.

    "Whatever you say boss!" The boys laugh as they run off.

    Virta sighs heavily and opens the comm-link.

    To: Cogs, Tussa

    Dear Sir, Madam,

    Due to a database error the evidence you requested can't be delivered by the deadline. Uhm, you would not just take my word for it, would you?

    Lt. Virta.

    He then buries his face in his hands.
    Last edited by Virta; Jan 9th, 2004 at 12:16:10.
    Engineer General Virta, Omni-Pol. Not in active service.

    Roleplaying Profile of Jimi "Virta" Hendrix

  5. #5
    From: Omni-Pol Headquarters, Omni-1 HQ, Philip-Ross-Plaza-1
    To: Lt. Virta, Omni-Pol Traffic Control
    Subject: Speeding Fines of Jenae "Tussa" Godfray

    After review of the records within our databases, we have found evidence that Jenae "Tussa" Godfray has indeed violated various speedlimits in Tir and Athen. Due to Omni-Pol's jurisdiction over the entire planet, the charges are valid and to be carried out.

    Clarification: "Quantum Wings"
    Movement speed is not limited by the nanoprogram itself as it merely enables flight for the Meta-Physicist.

    Evidence of the speedlimit violation may be transmitted to legal instances affiliated with Clan Assembly. The neccessary documents have been placed in your office computer.

    Further individual requests for double-checking of evidence will be disregarded.


    Omni-1 HQ
    Director "Meister"
    President, Omni-Pol
    Level 207 Omni-Tek Dictator
    Meister's Reinforced Suit - Bureaucrats may be gimps, but at least we know how to look good.
    Account Created: 2001-06-27 23:07:32

  6. #6
    Back in pre-Omega times, there was an organised crime boss who went by the name Al Capone. Despite many unsuccessful attempts by the police to prosecute him for a whole string of violent crimes, there was never enough evidence to make the charges stick in court.

    In the end he though, Al Capone was finally brought to justice on comparatively simple tax evasion charges.

    I just thought I'd share this little bit of old Earth trivia.

    Dabblez - Rubi-Ka Universal Robots (RUR)
    We put the Art into Artificial Intelligence!

  7. #7
    A sad and tired looking officer opens a desk drawer and brings out a bottle of cheap whisky and a small tainted glass. The window shutters are closed and the lights are dimmed in the small grey room.

    A terminal makes a small squek to indicate incoming transmission.

    Virta almost jumps up at the unexpected noise and begins to read the transmission his face turning slowly into a smile.

    "Still hope for my department!"

    To: Clan Assembly Legal Department
    Re: Your president's speeding fines

    Please have a look at the attached records of the speeding violations. As mentioned before I will be at ICC today between 22.00-22.15 GMT so we can finally put this minor issue behind us and continue on our work.

    Lt. Virta

    "Looks like I do not need you yet!" He says as he puts the bottle back in the desk drawer.
    Engineer General Virta, Omni-Pol. Not in active service.

    Roleplaying Profile of Jimi "Virta" Hendrix

  8. #8
    From: Jenae "Tussa" Godfray
    To: Omni-Pol Headquarters, Omni-1 HQ
    Copy: Lt. Jimi "Virta" Hendrix
    Subject: Re: Speeding Fines of Jenae "Tussa" Godfray


    I have not received any files, and as such, I find the claim null and void. Please have them delivered by courier, so I can have my own people look at the socalled evidence, before spending any more time on this. I most certainly will not take time out of my schedule to meet with an Omni-Pol officer, when it is your responsibility to deliver any claim, no matter how wrong.

    I must reiterate, though, that my flying speed does not pass the legal speed of Athen and Tir, and that any claim of the opposite is nothing but manipulated footage and speedchecks. Not that I acknowledge Omni-Pol in these areas anyway. I suggest you try getting your credit claims from the company employees before wasting clanner time.


    Jenae "Tussa" Godfray
    Last edited by Tussa; Jan 9th, 2004 at 18:47:45.

  9. #9
    From: Cathern "Vixentrox" Flowers
    To: Omni-Pol offices, Lt. Jimi "Virta" Hendrix
    Subject: Fines

    Lt. Hendrix,

    I've not received any ticket notices. Are you quite sure you have the correct person? If you records are correct, I'm sure something could be arranged to make payment. Perhaps a transfer of money in a neutral location such as Meetmedere?

    -Finalizer Vixentrox-
    Former President and Founder,
    -Whisper's Edge-
    Former Member of the Atlantean CoT Clerical Staff

    Socializer 73% Killer 53% Explorer 53% Achiever 20%

    Kissysuzuki -
    WTB small enough brain and lack of imagination to be able to sit and solo hecklers for 5 days straight.

  10. #10
    To Omni-Pol and assorted Clan Members

    As a Neutral 3rd Party, I would like to raise a couple of points.

    Firstly While Meister is Correct in his statement that the Entire of Rubi-Ka is once again under Omni-Tek juresdiction, can I point him to the end of the speech announcing the Anullment of the Tir Accord given by CEO Ross.

    This is not to say that we want war. As I mentioned earlier, war is costly, and should be avoided to every extent where it’s possible. Our only concern is – and should be - the notum, the safety of our employees, and to secure an extension of the lease. It is essential that we understand this, and that we steer clear of confusing the issues. We’re not here to control the lives of the people who live here, but we can’t permit anyone to interfere with the way our business is run.

    Terrorism will not be tolerated. Talking, diplomacy, and caution did not get us the needed results, and we have been told to be less lenient.

    However, we are to punish acts of terrorism, not commit them… we are to punish terrorists, not the innocent civilians. The eye of the ICC is still upon us, and rightly so. We need consistency, predictability…

    Please make sure your departments are updated. It is a time now, where the need for compliance is greater than ever, and you have to make sure that isn’t lost on our employees.
    In it he is saying that he does not want any actions which will lead to an esculation of the violence and conflict, unless they are needed to brign about an end to terrorist actions. I do not agree that unpaid parking violations quite equate to terrorism. However attempting to arrest various respected members of Clans on such charges, while not providing Cast Iron evidence of their crimes, could very well be counted as an attempt to esculate the violence here on Rubi-Ka, and cut into OT-RK's operating profits.

    I invite you to reread the whole speech by the CEO here.

    Also, on the history case of Al Capone, if I remember correctly the Pre Winter Earth government involved actually invented a new tax, and then proved him guilty of not paying it.


    Elicia "lilnymph" Lene
    Lilnymph - Clan Fixer - RK1
    lilnymph wrote on November 21st, 2003 08:01:01:
    You may take our postcount threads, but you will never take our FREEDOM!!!!!
    Originally posted by Cz
    The post count is mine! All mine! Mwahahahah!

    40.476190476190474% of me is a huge nerd! How about you?
    Style over Substance

  11. #11
    OOC: Oh Lilnymph I was not out to arrest anyone. Merely providing personal service for these clanners to get rid of the nasty record of violations. (and for little money for my project and to get the accountant off my back!)

    Also Virta is far too busy (and geekish) with the engineering and police work to get involved in the politics at the level you talk about. You will only confuse him.

    He is probably sleeping drunk at the floor in Rompa after the failed attempt to get the money he needs.
    Engineer General Virta, Omni-Pol. Not in active service.

    Roleplaying Profile of Jimi "Virta" Hendrix

  12. #12
    ((OOC lilnymph's comments would have been more directed at Meister than Virta, as the politics involved would have been more in his area. Infact, despite the fact she has a dislike of Omni-Pol, because of what happened to her parents, and Omni-Pols probable views on her own questionable activities, she would be quite likely to feel like helping Virta out, as she has a soft spot for the underdog, and a dislike of accountants. And anyway, where is the fun in out foxing a traffic control system if some accountant just goes and shuts it down



    To: Lt. Virta
    From: ##Unknown error #1836455363749## Unable to locate Sender

    Re: Accounting Troubles.

    I understand you are having some trouble with your accounting system. If you would like "assisstance" correcting any errors that may have crept into Omni-Accounts systems this can be arranged. Otherwise, Have a Nice Day

    message Ends
    Lilnymph - Clan Fixer - RK1
    lilnymph wrote on November 21st, 2003 08:01:01:
    You may take our postcount threads, but you will never take our FREEDOM!!!!!
    Originally posted by Cz
    The post count is mine! All mine! Mwahahahah!

    40.476190476190474% of me is a huge nerd! How about you?
    Style over Substance

  13. #13
    "Whirrwhirr - bump - bump."
    "Whirrwhirr - bump - bump."

    A small cleaning bot is stuck between the leg of a table and Virta's face at the Rompa.

    "Huh, what? Who are you? Where am I?"


    "Oh. OH NO!" Virta tries to jump back on his feet but bang his head on the table, making his headache even worse.

    "Holy Mocham!" Some events from the last night come back. He must have passed out after one small glass of 'Hit-the-floor-jack'. He remembers people and laughter but nothing much more. He also remembers that he had never drank before last night. His head is determined to make it clear that he is not going to drink ever again.

    Luckily the Rompa is empty this early in the morning and the weary officer gets out without further embarrassment. The weather is chilly outside as he continues to walk back alone to his office.

    Getting nearer the OP headquarters his mind is slowly getting into the panic mode.

    "What will people say! I have failed with the traffic control project! I should have been more careful with the money!" Fully prepared to see nothing but an empty desk and reassignment notice as he enters through the heavy front doors.

    He frowns and gets slightly more unwell as he walks past Lt. Jadeshimmer's desk. Apparently she has been out in her sabretooth form last night again. He notices some leet bones around her trashcan. Sometimes the hunting instinct just takes over.

    The light is on at his office indicating a recent visitor. He tries to look brave as he enters. The room is empty of other people. His papers and files seem intact. On his desk is a large fruit basket with a small note. "Apologies for the troubles caused by me. Your accounts are in order."

    The note is signed by the nasty accountant.

    "I am never going to understand women." He grins, utterly baffled.
    Engineer General Virta, Omni-Pol. Not in active service.

    Roleplaying Profile of Jimi "Virta" Hendrix

  14. #14
    Lex sat at his desk and stretched.. hardly ever spending time at it any more flipping through the grid feeds. Lt. Virta's top on the priority list he flips through the names and chuckles. "He ever going to learn.. the know only one way" Hitting his comm on the heads up display in his optical inplant he sends out the 3 digit alert code. Heads up beacons snapped on maps as the 5 man team accepted access and logged in recieving orders to report to the load up dock in an hours time full gear. "time for a little clean up. been sitting around to long." Snagging his gear sliding into his tatical armor and pulling on his helm he picks his rifle up off the Rack and walks down the quiet halls. Officers shuffle swiftly out of the way as he moves into the Doors marked restricted access only. seeing the 5 man team waiting he smiles. "Time to have some fun. Lt. Virta has a list that needs cleaned up."

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