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Thread: Open Letter to Omni-Tek and InternOps

  1. #1

    Open Letter to Omni-Tek and InternOps

    I was just buzzing through the Buzz [oy' can't belive I just said that] and saw a posting on people Omni-InternOps wants and saw something that I had not before...

    Commander "Caid" Nottoris
    Reason: Suspected involvement with the terrorist Dust Brigade; frequent attacks on Omni-Tek held interests; suspected of orchestrating a bombing in Omni-1 HQ; prominent participant in the revived Council of Truth.
    *chuckle* Commander why did you not tell us that you where "involved" with the Dust Brigade? I know I would have asked you for an order of that cool looking armor they wear as a Holloween costume...

    Ok now to the seriousness we need to counter this, to many of our people are "involved" with the Dust Brigade and this is getting really tiresome. Everyday I ready the paper it seems that the Omni-Tek Corp. or a member of that company makes the accusation of a ClansMember being a Dust...

    I am frankly sick of this!

    Where is your proof? I mean come on, this is a really feared group of people so if you have PROOF(Incase you have a question of what proof really is) then lets see it, as the public should know about it, and stop this name calling, your 'involved', blah blah blah stuff...

    I welcome any response that you with to add for OR against this, but really must we continue this? Just say "Look I want you dead because I hate you and what you stand for!" and lets go from there..

    ~ Roger "Shadowset" Garanti (Member Clan Assembly)
    ~ Andrew "Boomtastic" Domtar (Member Clan Assembly)
    ~ Ta "Bloudless" Butcher (Member of the NLF)
    ~ Caviler "Cynotor" (Member of the NLF)
    ~ Chef "Ironox" (Member of the NLF)

    Public files on Shadowset
    Ironox and Cooking with Iron!

  2. #2
    Though I do admire your attempt at coercing confidential information from Omni-Tek Corporation of Rubi-Ka and its subsidiaries, departments and affiliates, I can assure you that I will under no circumstances make any information public.

    All matters relating to the arrest and prosecution of the Dust Brigade and those in bed therewith are under the firm domain of Omni-Pol, and I've no intention of potentially jeopardizing Omni-Tek's legal case thereagainst.

    And actually, I lied. I've no admiration for what you've attempted. In fact, I think this deserves a little amendment to our watch list.

  3. #3
    (( LOL, looks like you got yourself into some hot water Boomtastic ))

  4. #4
    Originally posted by Ammicus

    And actually, I lied. I've no admiration for what you've attempted. In fact, I think this deserves a little amendment to our watch list.

    To: Nathan 'Ammicus' Age, Director
    Omni-InternOps, Division 3

    From Andrew 'Boomtastic' Domtar, Advisor
    Guild-Assembly, Recruiting Office;
    Member of the Council of Truth

    Re: Are you for real?


    Mr. Age:
    Come on... Are you really going to spy on me because I questioned you? I asked for the truth not 'coercing confidential information'. I mean really sir you expect people to just take your word if you say they are 'Suspected involvement with the terrorist Dust Brigade'...

    Do you really think it fair and just to go throwing around that phrase? Without proof that you can publicly show? Now if you do have proof I am sorry and will step back and look at the facts, but I really don't think you do or why would you not step foward with them and expose him?

    And as far as watching me... I welcome you to, if you would like I can Com-Call you or any of your people when ever you would like.. Maybe we could meet in The Cup and sit down for a spot of Tea

    Good Day Sir,

    ~ Roger "Shadowset" Garanti (Member Clan Assembly)
    ~ Andrew "Boomtastic" Domtar (Member Clan Assembly)
    ~ Ta "Bloudless" Butcher (Member of the NLF)
    ~ Caviler "Cynotor" (Member of the NLF)
    ~ Chef "Ironox" (Member of the NLF)

    Public files on Shadowset
    Ironox and Cooking with Iron!

  5. #5
    Maybe we could meet in The Cup and sit down for a spot of Tea
    Jenny read the latest news, how Andrew had been put on that laughable list of Mr. Age's. She noted the comment Andrew threw at him and couldn't help but roll over laughing.

    Certainly...some tea would be grand...just grand...

  6. #6

    Dust Brigade??

    *lol* The Dust Brigade. *LOL* Perhaps Omni-InternOps would do well to turn their eye toward their fellow Divisions for observation rather than to chase boogeymen to justify their payroll to Omni-Prime. *snorts derisively*

  7. #7
    And once again the Clanners use their age-old technique of evading the matter at hand! They blame Omni-Tek. They accuse us of anything and everything. We are their scapegoat. Perhaps, o simple minded ones, you should take a moment from your "pursuit of freedom" and actually take a good long look at who you associate with? Mr.Norris comes to mind, as does that whole sham he refers to as the Coucil of Truth. Wake up Clanners, and realize that your own leaders are trying to take away the very freedom you fought for, just so they can create an army!

    Oh, and it's not too late to return to Omni-Tek. We will forgive you. Omni-Tek cares for it's employees. Omni-Tek protects.
    Zack "Eternalforce" Craddock
    Professional soldier of fortune.
    Quote Originally Posted by dustynova
    ahhh Ao where the men are boys the women are men and the leets are very very nervous.

  8. #8

    Re: Dust Brigade??

    Originally posted by Murcia
    *lol* The Dust Brigade. *LOL* Perhaps Omni-InternOps would do well to turn their eye toward their fellow Divisions for observation rather than to chase boogeymen to justify their payroll to Omni-Prime. *snorts derisively*
    /me hangs picture of Murcia

    wanted by Tempest for being a foolish lobotimized OT employee that cannot even process his own thoughts without blaming a clanner fro everything. And completly ignoring the ills of his own companies historic policies.

    Not to mention being a double agent sucking up to Omni Internal ops and trying to get off their MOST WANTED LIST


  9. #9

    Re: Re: Dust Brigade??

    Originally posted by Khastity

    /me hangs picture of Murcia

    wanted by Tempest for being a foolish lobotimized OT employee that cannot even process his own thoughts without blaming a clanner fro everything. And completly ignoring the ills of his own companies historic policies.

    Not to mention being a double agent sucking up to Omni Internal ops and trying to get off their MOST WANTED LIST

    Uh...are you implying that I'm a double-agent working for Omni-InternOps and that I'm wanted by Tempest? Or are you making that statement of Eternalfocre?
    Last edited by Murcia; Jan 12th, 2004 at 07:58:02.
    Furia "Murcia" Cadiz
    Mistress of the Watch
    Section 9 - Member of the Council of Truth

  10. #10

    I hit the wrong Quote Button and didn't catch that are absolutely correct about that the previous was intended for Eternalforce

    will edit now....Thanks for your observation of that


  11. #11
    Originaly posted by EternalforceAnd once again the Clanners use their age-old technique of evading the matter at hand! They blame Omni-Tek. They accuse us of anything and everything. We are their scapegoat. Perhaps, o simple minded ones, you should take a moment from your "pursuit of freedom" and actually take a good long look at who you associate with? Mr.Norris comes to mind, as does that whole sham he refers to as the Coucil of Truth. Wake up Clanners, and realize that your own leaders are trying to take away the very freedom you fought for, just so they can create an army!

    Oh, and it's not too late to return to Omni-Tek. We will forgive you. Omni-Tek cares for it's employees. Omni-Tek protects.
    /me hangs picture of Eternalforce

    Wanted by Tempest for being a foolish lobotimized OT employee that cannot even process his own thoughts without blaming a clanner fro everything. And completly ignoring the ills of his own companies historic policies.

    Not to mention being a double agent sucking up to Omni Internal Ops and trying to get off their MOST WANTED LIST

    My apology is extended to Mucai for having associated you with this issue. Meet me at my office in Tir to discuss adequate remuneration for the mistake. Aslo I would edit that post indicating you however for some reason I canot edit my own previous posts....:/ I am looking into that now


  12. #12
    Wanted by Tempest for being a foolish lobotimized OT employee that cannot even process his own thoughts without blaming a clanner fro everything
    I do not blame the Clans for everything; only that which they deserve blame for. Unlike the Clans, Omni-Tek believes in justice by trial. And maybe you can point out what I am blaming the Clans for in my message? I only accuse the Council of Truth of subverting their own people, which is fact.

    Not to mention being a double agent sucking up to Omni Internal Ops and trying to get off their MOST WANTED LIST
    What does that mean? How am I a double agent, and how can I suck up to my own department? And since when am I on the watch list I helped create? Please, if you're going to try and insult me, attempt to back up your argument with fact.
    Zack "Eternalforce" Craddock
    Professional soldier of fortune.
    Quote Originally Posted by dustynova
    ahhh Ao where the men are boys the women are men and the leets are very very nervous.

  13. #13
    Originally posted by Eternalforce
    And once again the Clanners use their age-old technique of evading the matter at hand! They blame Omni-Tek. They accuse us of anything and everything. We are their scapegoat. Perhaps, o simple minded ones, you should take a moment from your "pursuit of freedom" and actually take a good long look at who you associate with?
    I have a problem with this statement.. I think you are just upset because I/we are calling you on a bluff that everyone is getting tired of.
    If you look at my messages to Omni-Pol I ask for proof. The only time I blamed you is when I pionted out that it looks like your making stuff up and again if I am wrong and you have PROOF then I will be glad to look at it and publicly retract my statements if I find them factual.
    How is that for 'o simple minded ones'?

    Originally posted by Eternalforce
    Wake up Clanners, and realize that your own leaders are trying to take away the very freedom you fought for, just so they can create an army!
    Now this one is beautiful.. Actually I work with these leaders everyday and I know for a FACT that they are working hard for the freedom and rights of every clan-member. And for you to accuse the great ladies and gentlemen of the Council is outragous!

    Originally posted by Eternalforce
    Oh, and it's not too late to return to Omni-Tek. We will forgive you. Omni-Tek cares for it's employees. Omni-Tek protects.
    Love this one... You mean really I could come back? Well why would I want to when you in your own closing you have "Use your new gun on a Clan member!"???
    ~ Roger "Shadowset" Garanti (Member Clan Assembly)
    ~ Andrew "Boomtastic" Domtar (Member Clan Assembly)
    ~ Ta "Bloudless" Butcher (Member of the NLF)
    ~ Caviler "Cynotor" (Member of the NLF)
    ~ Chef "Ironox" (Member of the NLF)

    Public files on Shadowset
    Ironox and Cooking with Iron!

  14. #14
    If you returned to Omni-Tek, you would no longer be a Clan member, would you? By returning to Omni-Tek, you demonstrate not only a superior intellect, but common sense; why fight for "the cause", when there is no cause left? The Clan leaders are as much about notum and profit as any Omni-Tek beaurocrat.

    Now, to the matter of the CoT leaders using the Clan people to make an army? I do not make this up. I get it straight from a prominent Clan leader (and no, I will not provice any names). Your pawns are beginning to realise they are being manipulated; it is only a matter of time before your plan comes crashing down on your heads.
    Zack "Eternalforce" Craddock
    Professional soldier of fortune.
    Quote Originally Posted by dustynova
    ahhh Ao where the men are boys the women are men and the leets are very very nervous.

  15. #15
    Originally posted by Eternalforce
    If you returned to Omni-Tek, you would no longer be a Clan member, would you? By returning to Omni-Tek, you demonstrate not only a superior intellect, but common sense; why fight for "the cause", when there is no cause left? The Clan leaders are as much about notum and profit as any Omni-Tek beaurocrat.
    First you have a point I would be omni *shudders*, and I retract my comment on that. Second I fight for the cause because I still belive that there is one and as long as I belive there will always be. Third not every clan out there is about notum or towers, my clan and a number that I have talked to have no intrest in that type of thing. Fourth yes my clan looks for a profit, to help it's guild members train and prepare for unwanton attacks by outside sources.

    Originally posted by Eternalforce
    Now, to the matter of the CoT leaders using the Clan people to make an army? I do not make this up. I get it straight from a prominent Clan leader (and no, I will not provice any names). Your pawns are beginning to realise they are being manipulated; it is only a matter of time before your plan comes crashing down on your heads.
    You do not make this up but your not willing to come foward and expose that person, or even give him/her a chance to defend themselfs. Maybe there comments where taken out of context? Or did this person come straight out and say that? We won't know because you and/or uyour company will not step foward with the proof.

    Anyways, this is beating a dead omni with a stick *snicker* (sorry had to say it), so I am just going to one more time ask you and/or your company to just step foward with proof or lets stop these lies because thats all they really are.
    ~ Roger "Shadowset" Garanti (Member Clan Assembly)
    ~ Andrew "Boomtastic" Domtar (Member Clan Assembly)
    ~ Ta "Bloudless" Butcher (Member of the NLF)
    ~ Caviler "Cynotor" (Member of the NLF)
    ~ Chef "Ironox" (Member of the NLF)

    Public files on Shadowset
    Ironox and Cooking with Iron!

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