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Thread: * Nanotek News *

  1. #1

    * Nanotek News *

    New Year... New Leadership!

    Due to the increased volume of Research & Development of new Shadowland technologies, I have stepped down and appointed Kithseer Director of NanoTek.

    I feel Kithseer is the best choice to handle the social obligations of Director and I am confident that she will lead NanoTek into new and exciting directions, while maintaining our tradition of professionalizm and service.

    Kithseer has been a employee of NanoTek since 10/21/2002 and has advanced to the position of Board Member with a history of excellent performance of her duties along with the design and maintenance of the NanoTek website and Nanotekbot.

    Tho no-longer Director, I will be remaining with Nanotek as a Board Member and Chief Builder.

    I wish to thank our affiliated Omni-Tek Depts for their co-operation and support, and hope NanoTek continues to be of service.

    Last edited by Lordfoul2000; Jan 6th, 2004 at 22:56:35.
    NanoTek - "Better living through Nanotechnology!"

  2. #2
    Sir, You promised me.... but I'll let you off on this occasion . You and the whole of Nano-Tek give an amazing service, one that I hope will continue on for much longer.

    Congratulations on your promotion Kithseer.


  3. #3
    Oh my, I hate to see you step down. You lead Nano-tek so well Lordfoul2000. Dont stay in SL too long, I hear it effects your sanity .

    But I am also confident in Kithseer. She is a very dependable person and knows how to get the job done. I am sure she can lead Nano-Tek as well as you did Lordfoul2000.

  4. #4
    Congratulations on Kithseer's advancement. I'm sure things will go on running smoothly, no matter what <smiles>
    Jen Markarian - Put the weirdness back in Omni-Mining
    Updating my stories -- 19/03/08. Going slowly, but certainly
    Anarchy Reloaded - AO webcomics for the sake of being silly

    I never want to lose what I have finally found
    There's a requiem
    A new congregation
    And it's telling me: go forward and walk
    Under a brighter sky
    -- Delerium, Euphoria --

  5. #5
    Indeed, congratulations are in order.

    Yet, I am still terrified by the one and only time I did not see Kithseer in Rompa. It was a cold, foggy night in Omni-1, and I had wandered into the Superior Shop in the Entertainment district, whereupon I ran into Trybes, of Devil's Advocate (if memory serves). To our mutual horror, Kithseer was actually there...

    Ammicus begins twitching with fright, and starts mumbling to himself

    It was just a was just a was just a dream...

  6. #6
    Kithseer is a wonderful person, and quite deserving of this new position. I remember meeting a young Kithseer, eager to deliver a shipment to the Honored Maidens, and I remember mentioning to Lordfoul2000 that her speed and professionalism marked her as an employee to nurture and hold on to.

    Later, I would accidentally send death threats to her, and once the mistake was realized, we laughed and laughed. Heh, good times. Anyway, that’s another story.

    Congratulations director Kithseer. On behalf of The Honored Maidens we wish you the best of luck in this New Year.
    Marisha Durousseau, War Dominatrix of The Honored Maidens

    Resources exist to be consumed. And consumed they will be, if not by this generation then by some future. By what right does this forgotten future seek to deny us our birthright?--CEO Nwabudike Morgan, "The Ethics of Greed"

    Read Marisha's Journal, and see what she's doing

  7. #7
    Congratulations Kithseer. Best of luck to your new promotion and to Lordfoul, I hope we get to meet again.
    Charles 'Kithrak' Houston - Equipment
    Administrator, Omni-Admin
    Bringing the politics of Rubi-Ka to life!

    "He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster....when you gaze long into the abyss the abyss also gazes into you..." -Friedrich Nietzsche-

    "By denying support to the possibility of peace, the Council of Truth is guranteeing an outcome of war."-Administrator Houston-

  8. #8
    Many, many thanks to y'all.

    I am deeply honored to have been chosen to lead NanoTek into the future and I am confident we will continue to serve Omni-Tek's departments with the speed and efficiency in the way Lordfoul2000 envisioned in his founding of NanoTek.

    To Lordfoul2000 and my fellow NanoTek employees: I wouldn't have gotten this far without your generosity, your knowledge, your research and your confidence. Thank you!

    To UKBLizzard, Swiftmind, Marisha, Charles and the many unspoken others I have brought supplies to: Thanks again! I remember meeting every one of you when I was a beginning courier in NanoTek: getting lost; losing my notes; being stared at, followed and shot at by clanners on shipments to Athens; getting the death threats *wink* and the first meeting with Kithrak in Rompa Bar long ago.

    To Demenzia: Thank you. I have yet to be formally introduced to you, but I have seen you around. We will be meeting soon.

    Kithseer whispers to Ammicus, "Thank you... but... it was not a dream..."

    And before anyone gets the wrong idea, I only drink Ice-Coffee Cans when I am doing my paperwork in Rompa Bar.

  9. #9
    Read and acknowledged. Congratulations to the new Director.
    Director "Meister"
    President, Omni-Pol
    Level 207 Omni-Tek Dictator
    Meister's Reinforced Suit - Bureaucrats may be gimps, but at least we know how to look good.
    Account Created: 2001-06-27 23:07:32

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