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Thread: Loss of a child

  1. #1

    Loss of a child

    The fragile body was shaking...spasms jerking her body and long, sore wails escaping her throat. She sat hunched over a table in her apartment, tears flowing freely and her face between her hands. ‘I don’t understand…why did this happen…why wasn’t I there...’ Again her loud sobs emerged and she folded over the table.

    A little over a month earlier, she had grabbed the arm of a young opifex girl, accusing her for spying on her and Jen while they were talking in Rompas. She had shook her, and it annoyed her that the kid didn’t answer her questions. A few minutes had passed and nothing had changed…the child was still silent as a grave, obviously terrified. Hayley had scanned her and found she was a registered neutral. The parents were nowhere to be seen, and this annoyed Hayley too, as it was late in the evening and she was dead tired after a long day of working the grid. Kids! Always a kid around! The girl didn’t answer her question and it finally dawned on Hayley that she might not have been able to answer.

    "Are you mute? You can't talk?" she had asked, getting nothing in return from the girl. "Just nod or shake your head. Can you talk?" The girl had shook her head slowly and pulled her arm a little. Hayley let her go and the girl rushed to a corner of the room, shaking in terror. "I'm not gonna hurt you...don't hide in the corner...Look...Do you need any help?" she had asked, but the girl had simply hidden her face in her hood. Further probing unveiled that the girl didn’t know sign language and couldn’t read or write. Hayley didn’t have time for this, and the girl was really not her problem. Still, she had to make sure someone was able to take care of her.

    She got up and dragged her feet towards the bedroom. She was so tired, but she knew she wouldn’t be able to sleep. She started crying again at the sight of the snug corner she had made up for the girl…the rollaway bed, the soft pillow full of cookie crumbs, the radio - still set on OBCs children programs channel, the two leet dolls, carefully tucked under the blanket as if they were sleeping…her coat and her hood. She sat down on the bed and picked up the hood, lifting it to her face, moistening it with her tears. In a garbled voice, she spoke into it, words of compassion, of loss and of love. She couldn’t bear the thought of moving the things away; it would be like deleting Arielles existence in her home.

    In a backyard in Borealis, three adults stood hunched over a young girl, one opifex, one atrox and one solitus. Helped only by the electrical lights these three had, the girl drew in the dirt on the ground, using a dull knife. Two stick figures appeared, one with a sad face, one smiling. The girl pointed at the sad figure then at herself, before pointing at the happy figure then at Hayley. She then proceeded to draw a line between the two figures and a smile on the sad figure’s face. ‘You want me to be your friend’ the opifex woman had said to the child, who answered with a big smile.

    Slipping through the door to the bathroom, where Arielle had been sitting with Dr. Bacarella only the night before, she looked around the room. A mechanical rubber duck floating in the water…a pile of towels and a bathing suit, childrens size… remembering who filthy the child was after years alone on the streets, probably not getting to clean up very often. She closed her eyes, and in her head, Hayley could still hear the giggling and splashing in the water from the girl, when she had had her first bath there. Her fingers could still feel the tangled hair, trying to loosen the knots and wash out the dirt. She could still feel the disgust over the horribly worn out, stinking clothes, which she had burnt as soon as she had bought some new clothes for her. She opened up her eyes again, looking blankly around the bathroom before turning to go out of the room.

    "…several scars on her back. Additionally, the girl has no vocal chords, making her effectively incapable of speech until such a time when she can have implants inserted. According to scans the vocal chords were surgically removed when she was an infant. There is also the matter of physical damage to her mouth, teeth being pulled out violently, leaving scars on her gums and tear damage on the jaw. Last thing worth noting are the fingers. The child has had all ten fingertips cut off, directly behind the outer most joint. I think we all agree that the person or persons behind this sort of abuse must…"

    She was out on the balcony now, her hair slightly moving in the soft evening wind in Jobe. The security screen she had gotten installed to keep the two girls safe from falling over the edge was glimmering in the dark. She looked to the corner, almost able to see the outline of a shivering girl, crying softly in the night. She followed the imaginary image of herself lifting Arielle up, carrying her inside, the girls arms wrapped around her neck in a tight grip. She remembered telling her that night that she could stay with her a little longer and that maybe…if no one stepped forward…she could stay with her always.

    A beep indicated a written message was waiting on her wristpad. Hayley tapped it and smiled brightly at the few, clumsily written words shining at her. HI HWD FREND She looked across the couch at the child, now tapping at her wristpad, sending messages to some of the people around the table. It felt good to know Arielle could communicate with her surroundings. The tutoring program Jen ran in the NCU had worked to some extent and she understood the use of the alphabet, words and sentences now, even if she still struggled a little. It was a good thing, and one could see the girl blossoming.

    Hayley laid down on the bed, trying once again to get some sleep, even if she knew it wouldn’t happen. Not this night. Maybe not the following night either. She buried her face in the pillow, weeping softly as the pain of losing a loved one hit her again with full force. She knew time would heal the wounds and make the pain go away but right now she grieved the loss of a ten year old girl that she only knew for such a short while. It was worse than anything she had ever felt and on top of it all was her guilt, feeling she had failed by not being there. Lifting herself to her elbows, she found her wristpad on the nightstand and tapped a few commands in, bringing up a security recorder picture of the child only known as Arielle. Tears running down her cheeks she touched the small screen, saying goodbye to her the only way she could.

    "…it was only a matter of minutes before she bled to death, and without fast medical care, there would have been little that could be done. Ms. Dinnen, I am sorry, but the girl died at approximately 21.30 RST. Cause of death is cardiac arrest and major blood loss by a sharp object penetrating the abdomen and cutting major blood veins. It seemed to have been the result of a freak home accident, tripping and then landing badly on top of a knife carried on her body."

    [OOC: To the player of Lilvampire. Thank you for sharing your time and giving from yourself like you have done. I hope to see you again, in the shape of another character. Love, Wave]
    Last edited by Tussa; Mar 17th, 2007 at 23:01:27. Reason: ((fixed the broken picture link))

  2. #2
    [ Very moving account, Lille. ]
    Dabblez - Rubi-Ka Universal Robots (RUR)
    We put the Art into Artificial Intelligence!

  3. #3
    After seeing the way you cared for the kid Hayley I know that this most come as a great loss for you. Though I only knew the kid through brief encounters she managed to make me smile, maybe once or twice. If there is anything you need just say the word.

  4. #4
    What was left of this mortal world that there was to offer? Such was the question that drove her to grab the knife earlier in the day. Such was the question that drove her to this state of depression she lived for many days. But… in this girl… this girl who stopped her from making the biggest mistake that would end her life by grabbing the knife from her hand and burying it into the depths of her coat… this girl was the answer to the question. Life was precious. She had found within this young girl a spirit she could connect to. In her memories she remembered what it was like to have someone like this. Yes, the word for it was a simple two-syllable word: Sister. Yes… this girl was the closest thing she could think of to a sister. And she wanted nothing more than to live with this girl and become her sister.

    She made her smile, sincerely, for the first time in a while as she splashed some water into her hand at the bathtub. Jacelyn splashed her, giggling as she did. It seemed like such a simple task, a simple favor, that she then asked of Arielle next.

    “Hey, could you grab me a towel ari?”

    She dipped her left hand into the water, stroking it through her hair. The water felt good to the young Opifex, which made Jacelyn smile a bit more. Sliding to the edge of the bathtub her hand extended to grab the towel, only to slip into the water splashing in next to Jacelyn. At first she giggled, thinking she was playing a game. But then came the change in the water… from blue to red… oozing out from the chest of the young girl. The Opifex slid her hand to her stomach underwater as bubbles surfaced. With a sudden gasp in realization of the fact… leaping to her feet Jacelyn picked up Arielle out of the tub. The girl began to shake and cry. She did her best to comfort her, but the taking off of her coat showed the same knife lodged deep within Arielle’s chest.

    Jacelyn began to cry slightly, stroking Arielle’s cheek. She tried to give comfort again, telling her it’d be okay… to stay with her longer. Grasping the knife it came out quick and easy, though the removal caused more blood to spill as Arielle coughed up on it. The blood would not stop. Grabbing a towel it was wrapped around the girl’s waist, Jacelyn did not know what to do only to stop this blood. Placing a message to their Guardian Dinnen she tried to get help, but it was not possible. No one was there to help. No one was around. No one could be there to stop the bleeding but her… and she did not know what to do.

    Running outside with the girl, she called to anyone who would listen. The one with the call-sign of Tussa was around to respond, but it was too late. The few from Assembly could do nothing to stop the blood. The few from Assembly could do nothing to save the girl. The few from the Assembly could do nothing but watch as the young girl’s life-signs ceased… falling dead on the cold ground of the Jobe Harbor’s floor.

    All that should have been good was now flipped upside-down. The ones from Assembly looked to the older girl who had carried her out of the Apartment complex, only to see her disappear. They called to her, but she was gone. Running… running… running away…


    “Because no one cares…”


    The two had exchanged their first embrace at this exchange in words.


    “It is not you who they don’t want here but me… they like you.”


    Was this still true? Did they really want her there, especially now? Oh… Arielle… why did you have to die, especially now? Dear sister… dear sister… why did you have to die?

    It is not the ones who move on that suffer, but the ones who are left behind. Jacelyn could only hope Arielle was in a better place, one where her fingers grew right and her speech could be heard. It was the least she could do for her dead sister.

    Her thoughts shifted to the other who she had become to know as a sister, Marine Blackwind.


    Yes… she had lost Arielle… but there was still much to live for… if she could find the strength to do so…

    Arielle… Arielle… I will forever love you… I will forever miss you… I will forever remember you… for you I shall live and let my life be one that you would want me to live…


    From one of the most famous child-authors, Shel Silverstein… one of my favorite poems I dedicate to Arielle’s Player. I could choose a more appropriate poem, but something tells me that this is almost perfect…:

    “Almost perfect . . . but not quite.”
    Those were the words of Mary Hume
    At her seventh birthday party.
    Looking ‘round the ribboned room.
    “This tablecloth is pink not white –
    “Almost perfect . . . but not quite.”

    “Almost perfect . . . but not quite.”
    Those were the words of grown-up Mary
    Talking about her handsome beau,
    The one she wasn’t gonna marry.
    “Squeezes me a bit too tight –
    “Almost perfect . . . but not quite.”

    “Almost perfect . . . but not quite.”
    Those were the words of ol’ Miss Hume
    Teaching in the seventh grade,
    Grading papers in the gloom
    Late at night up in her room.
    “They never cross their t’s just right –
    “Almost perfect . . . but not quite.”

    Ninety-eight the day she died
    Complainin’ ‘bout the spotless floor.
    People shook their heads and sighed,
    “Guess that she’ll like heaven more.”
    Up went her soul on feathered wings,
    Out the door, up out of sight.
    Another voice from heaven came –
    “Almost perfect . . . but not quite.”

    … but not quite, for only seeing you alive once again could make it be perfect. Arielle, I will miss you, and hope to see you again in some other form or body, even though I never got much a chance to know you I hope to next time. ~ Ylem

    Ylemae (6-10? years old):
    "Lemmy" (True name: Jiselle Waldram)
    Jennifer Matusz - Daughter to Don "Doncarnage" Matusz

    Chelle "Crysallys" Dinnen (14 years old)
    Hayley Dinnen's Daughter
    Growth Accelerated as a Baby
    Born Dec 25, 29476 RST
    Trainee in Vector Blue

  5. #5
    "Jen... she's dead... Arielle is dead..."

    The words kept ringing in her ears, as she was falling silent, her head suddenly feeling like stuffed with wool, the external world fading in the blink of an eye. She was still in her office, a hand on one of the keyboards, a nerv-wire plugged into the datajack at her other wrist, performing another set of check-up tasks; but the office had stopped to exist, in this split second she needed to assimilate what Hayley's tired and desparate voice was telling her. The second later, Jen was finally realizing that it was... probably her fault...

    ... "Oh God! JEN!... Arielle... Arielle has stabbed herself! JEN!" Hayley's voice over the department channel, what seemed to have been barely a few minutes before... It all rushed in her mind again. Hayley, in a deep state of Phase,, unable to come back to the physical world for some time. How she had been worried when her appartment had suddenly switched to complete doorlock mode, Jacelyn left alone inside with Arielle and a knife she had brought. Both women then battling, one from the Grid, the other from the office, with the AI managing the system, until Hans was able to enter and make sure that everything was allright. The following hour, Jen had spent it checking VectorNet's code, tearing it down to stripes to see what had caused the failure, scanning every port available for a possible intrusion. And then... "Jen, please, I'm still phased... do something... do something please!..."

    A horrible failure. Hers. Completely panicking, her neural interface connected to the department system, unable to connect systems back before at least a few more minutes had already passed, and unable as well to leave them as they were, for it'd have meant keeping all defences lowered on the databanks... Jen had ran to Jobe as fast as she had been able to, exhausting herself in a hasty Grid-jump, exiting without even taking the time to fully recover, cursing the jobean restriction system that was immediately cancelling all her speed programs... and there, no one. Hayley's appartment empty, Jacelyn gone, and Arielle too. Too late. TOO LATE! She couldn't even tell Hayley what had happened, for nobody was able to tell her... nobody...

    ... The Fixer was now sitting in the vast, comfy appartment of the harbour District where Hayley was living... where she had lived with Arielle and Jacelyn. Once the first wave of shock had passed, she had finally managed to ask her if maybe she wanted her to come; the way the Opifex had answered, in this thin voice that so wasn't like hers, had told her to do it immediately. She was looking to her now... to her pale and tired face, to the absent way she had of moving, that was making her appear so much older than she was... to her shaking hands, as she was desperately trying not to cry, to keep a steady countenance in front of her 'boss'. Seeing her like this was making it all even more painful. If only it could have been a bad dream... the always silent Arielle would suddenly enter, followed by Jacelyn, everything would be like before, Hayley would be smiling, and...

    It was her fault. Head lowered, not even daring to look at her friend, Jen was trying to explain, almost begging for pardon. It wasn't fair. Hayley wasn't to blame, because she was. She had been asked to help - and she had been useless. She had been told what was happening - and she had arrived too late, way too late! Betraying Hayley's trust... betraying life itself, maybe? She couldn't stand seeing Hayley this way...

    "I can't remove her belongings, it'd be like... like making her disappear again..."

    It was too much, yes, simply too much. Arielle... little Arielle... vanished... so young... She could have introduced her to Lemmy if they had had time, if Arielle had been able to stay living with Hayley... two little girls, almost the same age, playing together with their Leet dolls... playing, happy, free from all worries...

    "She's dead, Jen, and the last thing she saw of me was anger... I couldn't... I couldn't even say goodbye..."

    As Hayley was breaking into tears, finally letting her sadness out, Jen outstretched her hands, clusmily taking her in her arms to let her cry against her shoulder, in long heartbreaking wails. She had to grit her teeth to prevent herself from crying though, keeping her eyes shut behind the sunglasses she always wore, a single tear finally rolling down her cheek, in a silent last goodbye to the little girl she had so briefly known. Jen was far from having spent as much time with her as Hayley did, yet thinking that never again she would see her little smile and receive her kind messages on her wristpad... her touching attempts at writing, at communicating, slowly revealing her young soul for what it should have been - a ten years old girl trying to live a normal childhood, in spite of all the past trials which secrets would never be unveiled now.


    Words Arielle had sent her, one evening, when parting at the door of Rompa's, before hayley brought the girl back home. Sights of the child sitting on the soft carpet in her appartment in Trade, quietly awaiting herself and Hayley to come back from a meeting, silently playing with her dolls, looking around eagerly at the various electronic items in the room. Sights of Arielle's little hand tucked in hers, as she was leading her through the streets of Omni-Entertainment at night, carefully avoiding any spot of bright light to not hurt the sensitive clear eyes...

    ...Jen hugged Hayley even more strongly, if this was still possible, rubbing her back to comfort her, maybe trying to comfort herself too, at a loss for words or for actions, in her pitiful attempts at human relationships. She couldn't do anything else than let her cry and tell her it wasn't her fault, swallow her own tears and try to sustain her friend through the trial. Hayley wouldn't even be angry at her, wouldn't even consider her the failure, and maybe was it making things more difficult for her, even - no culprit, no one to blame, if the random events of life themselves. Yes, life could be a wonderful gift, and then suddenly become a bitch. The golden times turning into sand and dust, the happy memories remaining only to make the pain heavier...


    Words echoing through her mind, something she would never forget. Ann innocent goodbye, one that now was forever. Later on, alone in her own appartment, she would also let the tears out, if discretly, her heart filled with the suffocating terror that maybe one day she could lose Lemmy in similar, random circumstances. Later on... thinking to the silent little Opifex who never had a chance to grow up... thinking to the cruelty of life, and to the pain of those who had to survive...

    ... I hope that whatever lies there on the other side... ya'll be happy... Arielle...

    ((... And here I think *I* am at a loss for words. I didn't get the chance to know Arielle as well as Hayley did. I didn't get the chance, and I deeply regret it. Thanks for all though, for the moments spent with this weird yet touching little girl that so quickly grow on us. The intensity and suddenty of her death were a slap in the face, but also a reminder that nothing ever get as planned, and that even in games... life remains life, with all its fates...

    <wipes a tear from the corner of an eye and softly sighs>

    From another "young mother",

    Jen Markarian - Put the weirdness back in Omni-Mining
    Updating my stories -- 19/03/08. Going slowly, but certainly
    Anarchy Reloaded - AO webcomics for the sake of being silly

    I never want to lose what I have finally found
    There's a requiem
    A new congregation
    And it's telling me: go forward and walk
    Under a brighter sky
    -- Delerium, Euphoria --

  6. #6

    A dark room, a lonely man.

    [And with a heavy sigh, Mr. Bannister closes his data terminal. He runs his hand through his hair, staring deeply into his own mind for a meaning, trying to understand what he just read. Such love and trust, shattered so quickly by the unforseen. And then doubt filled his thoughts as he thinks again about his own family and the unfortunate fate they came to meet. The questions are always there. What is the meaning? What is the reason? For some, there may never come an answer, only more questions. For him, he felt the same loss, the same despair, the same emptiness that those he had just read about had most certainly come to realize. The truth of it all, is perhaps really the only question worth an answer.]

    [He shivered then, slightly, as the thought of such depression combined with the cold and stale air seeped into his skin, into his very bones. His implants felt rigid. He couldn't move.]

    "The people of this planet," he thought aloud, "There's so much more to their lives if only they were able to open their eyes and see!" He raised his fist as if to slam it down on the table; what little warmth he had begins to escape him quickly, he pulls his arm close to his chest.

    "Perhaps someone will notice such things as what I have just read. The meaning behind it, the pureness of it all; we should not forget why we are here." His voice trails off slowly, as he lays his head on the table in front of him. His warm breath collects on the table, turning into a damp stain of lifeless air.

    [As he sleeps, dreams do not escape his uncomfortable slumber; not nightmares like one might expect, but dreams of beauty and forgiveness. Of love and lost life, of loneliness and individuality, his dreams take him to family and friends. All is not lost; hope remains.]
    Last edited by DrKobak; Nov 17th, 2003 at 23:16:45.
    Mr. "Kobak" (Jr) Bannister
    A Meta-Physicist of Vector-Blue

    All on RK1 (Omni)
    --Mr. "Kobak" Bannister [Sr] (Son of the famous DrKobak) <-Gone Missing
    -Charles "DrKobak" Bannister (OT's First retired Doc)

    "Hope for the best, Pray for the worst!"

  7. #7


    Black watches the news, for a change there is something that conserns him. A young child killed, never to return, from a freak home-accident.
    The TV news reporters standing outside an apartment in Jobe Harbour.

    "It was right here at this spot, that 10-year-old young Arielle died at approximately half-past nine RST, the terrible tragedy, the loss of a loved child through an accident in this very home behind me, lost her life..."

    "That looks like Ms Dinnen's apartment".. Black thought as he kept watching.

    "...Public police reports say that there was nothing criminal about the event, but that she slipped on the edge of a bathtub, and somehow got stabbed by a knife she had enclosed in her coat. OT-Channel 3 has yet to get a statement or comment from the young girls legal guardians or friends of hers as it has been closed as confidential untill a later time, and has been asked not to comment to the planetary news reporters...."

    "Stabbed by a knife..." Black says to himself silently, looking over to his right at the empty double-beds. "...Kids are out hunting again..." turns back to the TV and watches.

    "...There has been questions about home-security after this insident, but Jobe scientists and inhabitants claim that the security is top-notch, but will consider getting extra child-proof material for their balconies, ramps and bathtubs in fear for their loved ones..."

    "What's that hun?" Millie comes with a tray with tea and cups. Black looks up and points at the TV, speaking calmly. "Ms Dinnen lost one of her kids. It's terrible..." Millie sets down the tray and looks terrified. "Oh no... Not poor Lem? Marine will be devistated." She sits down, Black shakes his head. "No, the other kid, Arielle. Had an accident in her home." The both watches as the news reporter continues.

    "...This is not the first time young Arielle has been in the news. More or less than a month ago, her legal guardian Hayley Dinnen, an employee of Vector Blue published a public appeal for any legal guardians to step forward after Ms Dinnen found the lost child in Omni-1 Entertainment. In this appeal Ms Dinnen stated, and I quote, 'The child is approximately 10 years old, opifex with linear markings in the face, ice blue hair and moss/brown eyes. She does not speak, as she lacks vocal chords.', aswell she stated later on about the state of the child, that her outmost joints of all ten fingers were missing and cut off, aswell as she is..."
    The reporter looks down at a piece of paper.
    "...Hyper-sensitive to light..."
    The reporter looks up again.
    "... One can wonder what terrible fate this young girl has been through, and thus her life ending right here in the Jobe Harbour outside this apartment. This is OT-Channel 3 reporting live from Jobe. Over to you John."

    Black shakes his head and turns the volume down. "Guess we should secure the apartment a bit, just incase?" He looks over at Millie who's sipping her tea.
    "Yes, I guess so..."
    Black looks back at the TV, the weatherman moving his lips but no volume. "I suppose we should ban them from going out hunting aswell, and take their weapons...Atleast till they're a little older."
    Millie nods agreeingly. "Poor Lem, I'm sure she could use Marine to have some fun."
    Black looks over at Millie, "Yeah, I told her she's not grounded anymore. Damn such a tragedy...It's sad..."
    The two continues to watch the news, the TV flashing, lighting up the dark apartment as day turns to night.

    [All very touching, I'm at a lack of words.]
    Last edited by Cham; Nov 18th, 2003 at 12:50:40.
    Malcom "Chamaelo" Ashwell - Ex-Immortal.
    Vanguard Adriaan "Demongun" Blackwind - Hermit.
    Jawquez "Jawalooc" Loocazt - Bounty Hunter.
    Michael "Mirkle" Kreble - Creep.
    Christopher "Xelger" Junior - Coffee Maker.

    Child Of The Omni - The Boy With The Kitten - Sleepless - The Storm/Breathe - Terminal

    "You've just got to keep writing, if that's what makes you happy,
    even when there is no indication anyone is actually reading your work." - Savoy


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