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Thread: Human Rights and Omni

  1. #1

    Human Rights and Omni

    I am a hardcore Clanner, and here is my reason why.

    Omni treats RK as it is an asset, a property. It exercises authority as though it were a regal, or perhaps divine entity.

    Clanners do not see RK as any paritcular property, do not feel that such a claim to royalty or divinity has any authentic mandate.

    Consider a human, a single finite entity. The fact of being comes with its own rights and privilges. A person holds a portion of political power in democratic society, and usually holds a portion of political society in non democratic socity.

    Now, consider a corporation. A corporation is not an entity, and therefore should not have rights as an entity. They should be focussing on internal needs of the corporation, rather than dedicating precepts that pertain to the population as a whole as though they were a government. Good governance over people is for the people, and not dedicated to the preservation of a particuar company. Comany directions and human rights are not equal, nor should be treated as such.

    The way it is now, Omni is treated as superior to human rights, in that they wield complete political power, have soverign governance and in the same breath are a non entity. Corporations should not have the same right, or in this case superior rights to humans.

    Now most omni employees are not loyal to omni, but are infact mercinaries. Omni brass needs self serving thugs to complete their tasks, but consider this. If Omni decided that a high tax was necessary, or dictated which lewt would be personally appropriatable by its workers... what would happen. In this case people would flock from omni as it exercised the type of powers it believes itself to wield. Even desk workers, if asked to return to their desk without compensation would prolly find a new line of work. Do you really think if the conflict was vanquished if Omni is going to continue with allowing mercinary action on its soil. The answer is no, they would rather have a tight control on such actions, and take the cream of the profit for themselves, rather than letting individuals take some of the uber rewards for themselves.

    The conflict on RK for me is correcting the philisophic difference in believing that Omni is behaving like an entity rather thank taking its natural place as just a corporation with corporation needs.

    Omni needs even more supervision than most as it controls a monopoly on notum. This is an unequalled power in the universe. Rk holds a monopoly on immortality, as can be seen in the throngs heading through the morning star on a daily basis.

    I suggest that thoughtful people previously aligned to Omni, if this is an intellectually consistant action in the light of human rights, good governance and long term health for humanity.

    PLEASE, give use a simple YES or no answer as to whether or not the CoH chests can be opened

  2. #2
    So, you don't approve of how OT is run? Well, that's your prerogative of course, I am not going to argue with you about that. What I don't get it, with the whole northern half of the terraformed planet in which to establish your utopian society, why do feel you need to take the South away from us as well? Do the human rights you so passionately defend not extend to regular Omni employees?

    Mind you, with the Sentinel coup in Tir and the feudal Knights in Avalon, I'd have thought the Clans had enough of their problems setting up an equalitarian society without going around pointing fingers.

    Dabblez - Rubi-Ka Universal Robots (RUR)
    We put the Art into Artificial Intelligence!

  3. #3


    I am not for any particular group trying to exercise control over any area in a way that is not given with true democratic concent. I forsee many problems if Clanner warlords seek to replace Omni. In such a case, we would have the exact same problem with different people at the helm, and I would be forced to work against them. In that light, I might just be a closet neutral.

    I am not talking about the economic reprocussions if an external power took away omni's hard earned assets on RK.

    But, what I am talking about is that Omni corp has more rights at present than humans. Omni is an eternal entity, and controls political and moral power. Only people should be able to control moral and political power, and that for the benefit of people. As it is, Omni is running its policies for itself and for the betterment of itself (as it should as a corporation). But they overstepped the line as they became more than a corporation but a governing body over human affairs where economics rather than human rights and human participation were given precidence.

    Consider the long attempts for a separation of church and state. Scratch the surface, and you will find a clanner talking about the separation of commerce and state. Omni has formed a commercial state.

    Supreme executive power derives from the mandate of the masses not some farcical economic necessity.

    Corporations should not be given greater human rights.
    There is nothing inherently evil in Omni, just in the way it behaves, and I would prefer that Omni persists, as it is an efficient and economically responsible company, but it should not continue to exist as the government as a whole. One example from anchient earth, is that of the Hudson Bay corporation. They were given domain for the exploration and exploitation of a good percentatage of north america. But when the government from the masses formed, they successfully transformed themselves into just another company.

    It is time for Omni to realize its place in the universe, and that RK is making the transition to local democratically mandated government, by hook or by crook. RK is no longer an outpost to be run from Omni prime, but now has sufficient population to form its own soverign states.

    This is the turning point of our history, and Omni is standing in the way of progress for the people. This needs to change so that Humans, not a artifical construct, can enjoy the benefits of Rubi Ka.

    PLEASE, give use a simple YES or no answer as to whether or not the CoH chests can be opened

  4. #4

    Omni version of Human Rights

    You have the Right to work for the company.
    Anything you say can and will be used for profit by Omni-Tek
    You have the Right to "Be Silent".
    You have the Right to call Clanners "Stinky" and cook them in pots.
    If you cannot afford these Rights, work overtime.
    Last edited by BigGreen; Sep 15th, 2003 at 22:37:22.
    Advisor of Rising Phoenix

    current setup

  5. #5
    Omni-Tek has been around for long, long time, employs billions of people, on millions of different planets, it stood the test of time, and is number one Coorporation in our and many other universes around. And you filthy clanners dare to challenge the rule of it? You who are only few and puny? Pffft, silly clanners... never fail you make me laugh.

    Surrender now and fill out the Omni-Tek application - plzkthx

  6. #6

    Re: agreed

    Originally posted by Animosity
    This is the turning point of our history, and Omni is standing in the way of progress for the people. This needs to change so that Humans, not a artifical construct, can enjoy the benefits of Rubi Ka.

    Is Omni really standing in the way? What is there to stop you forming your own governemt up north? Do the Clans have to rule the whole of Rubi-Ka? Is your half not enough? Or is there an unwritten rule that there can only be one government per planet?

    Make Galahad the Grand King of the Clans, elect Thedeacon as your president or bring back the Council of Truth, I don't particularly care. Its all up to you, you don't need daddy's permission. Its a little to easy to blame the failure of Clan democratic institutions on Omni-Tek. Its time you took responsibility for your own actions or lack of action. But above all, if you don't like the way we live in the south, don't come here!

    In 50 years or so Omni-Tek's lease will be over. Rubi-Ka will no longer be OT's problem. So I really do not see what the fuss is all about.

    Last edited by Savoy; Sep 15th, 2003 at 23:54:54.
    Dabblez - Rubi-Ka Universal Robots (RUR)
    We put the Art into Artificial Intelligence!

  7. #7

    a responce

    Originally posted by Alphafemale
    Omni-Tek has been around for long, long time, employs billions of people, on millions of different planets, it stood the test of time, and is number one Coorporation in our and many other universes around. And you filthy clanners dare to challenge the rule of it? You who are only few and puny?
    A trite answer to an passionate debate is not worth answering.

    But I will.

    Longevity is no validation of a political system. What are good validations are general social conditions, level of personal freedom, upward mobility, tolerance of alternate views and general harmony. On these basis alone, the Omni experiment has been a terrible failure.

    It should also be noted that there have been many democratic, and people oriented organizations that preexisted Omni, and will outlive Omni. If longevity is the measure of a system, Omni should be abandoned immediately.

    As for size being some form of what makes right, One canadian prime minister was asked on the subject of bank mergers what he felt, he answered, would I be a better prime minister if I was fatter? If the majority is wrong, it does not validate the majority. There are other corporations that are bigger, and planets with greater population than all Omni Tek employees, if size were the meter, everyone should join those planets and corporations.

    What is needed here, is not for omni to surrender, nor for the clans to win. My personal choice would be for an enlightened anarchy, but that requires too much work, and all experiments in that have failed. So, I am suggesting that all people of Rubi Ka fight for the independance of Rubi Ka from Omni, From warlording clanners who are no better, to form a true independant collection of state or states on this planet that we call home.

    I am also not saying that the Omni rule of RK was a failure and should have been differently. I am thankful for many omni things, and feel that some of their achievements are quite commendable. Terraforming, Advertizing RK, research, sewers, roads, these are all good things that Omni has done.

    But it is time for Omni to step down from being the "all" of RK, It is time for us to self determine what the people want to do.

    Clanners want an end to Omni, and they are misdirected in someways because their management of certain cities has not proven to be a benefit to the breeds of humans. Any neutral trying to enter Tir would agree to that.

    Neutrals are offensive because they are either agnostic of their potential or apothetic. You should strive for your beliefs. For those Neutrals who are working towards true independance, I will add my sword to your cause any day.

    Omni is even more Quixotic. Most desk workers dont give a rollerrats ace about the grander political ideals of their company, but are more interested in their saleries. Most people like you are not truely Omni employees, as you do not derive salaries, but are contract workers, mercinaries is another equally valid terms. You are running tasks for reward, without having to buy into the Omni mentality. I would strongly urge you to consider what will happen if Omni prime gets its way, they will seek to work out any elements that inhibit profit, including people who are will be unemployed as there are no more missions. No, mercs, its time to consider that you may be being duped by the bigwigs up top, as a way to distance themselves from responsibility of their actions.

    As such be true to yourself, be true to Rubi Ka, work to estabilsh ourselves as independant, it is the only clear path to continued peace, and establishing a feeling of self worth.

    PLEASE, give use a simple YES or no answer as to whether or not the CoH chests can be opened

  8. #8
    I would like to reply on behalf of mercinaries-or at least explain the situation the way i see it.
    You are correct when you saying that i may not entarely believe in the company's ideals (or even care that much about them), homever
    The democratic goverment that you speak about cannot really provide stabile society -or even servive in a long run-if to look at the earth example you can see that the democraties -ancient Greece or Rome, or 130 sh Germany or 1970 sh Iran if you want a more modern exemples-always end up as dictatures-which tend to be more unpleasant than say absolut manarchy.This proves that as general giving the people the power over their society is a bad idea-and that you need a strong groop or leader to control the society -for the sake of common good.Omni-teck,for better or worst, proved itself to be such a leader.
    As for company no needing mercinaries anymore-no matter where it operates, there always some freedom fighters,terrorists ,human rights protectors or other scum that need to be terminated-therefore i wouldnt worry that much about me being out of job^^.

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