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Thread: Civil Unrest in Omni 1

  1. #1

    Civil Unrest in Omni 1

    (rk2) (otna) In the late hours of today it came to a disturbing scene of civil unrest on the streets of omni ones trade section. A unit of omnipol officers that tried to immerse in well deserved refreshment and recreation activities were attacked by members of an ot affiliated notum mining organization. One attacker was killed and several wounded in course of the event. The unit leader Colonel Goltan, even though slightly wounded himself, managed the situation professionally and prevented further bloodshed. The names of the attackers are know to the authorities and the prosecution will be swift and just. Since it is suspected that this incident has been arranged by clan agitators, we urge all omnitek citizens to report su****ious behavior to the local omnipol officer of their habitat unit.
    Stay alert Citizens !
    Omnitek is your friend.

    OOC: Source is a news ticker of a omnitek press agency
    The content states not the view of my character.
    The event happened today on RK2.
    Its dynamics were...hmm...quiet suprising.
    I wonder what we have to expect in the future
    Sorry tired
    Last edited by Lucrezia; Aug 20th, 2003 at 03:07:57.

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