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Thread: The Athen Medical Society Needs You!

  1. #1

    The Athen Medical Society Needs You!


    Most of us take our good health for granted. When injuries or illnesses occur, they appear to be easily taken care of by nanobot, or in extreme cases, insurance technology. Our health is, to all appearances, a totally disposable and easily replaceable commodity.


    The reckless genetic experimentation of Omni-Med and other, less high-profile Omni-Tek organizations is well on its way to corrupting and destroying all life on Rubi-Ka as we know it.

    The proliferation of mutants across our planet's surface is well documented. What is less well known is that the very presence of these pitiable creatures, dead or alive, constitues a direct threat to the genetic stability, and the life, of every living thing on Rubi-Ka. The perverted genetic structures of these things are unstable. New strains of these monsters are appearing all the time. Even worse, tests have shown that exposure to mutant biology OR THE NANOVIRUSES THAT HELPED CREATE THEM can cause permanent damage to a 'normal' subject's genetic stability, causing degenerative mutation which has led in extreme cases to blindness, loss of motor function, and death.

    THIS INSTABILITY IS SPREADING. The mutants are everywhere, and the state of constant violence in the world is encouraging irresponsible use of nanotechnology on a continuous basis. Every time a harmful nano program is used, airborne nanobots enter our environment. The cumulative effects upon the world we all live in can only be guessed at, but it seems obvious that we are on our way to hell in a handcart. Even if all weapons were laid down today and no nano programs were ever used again, untold and possibly irreversible damage has been done. Those leaving the planet may well be carrying viruses or dormant mutations that may be spreading throughout the galaxy.


    The horrors that have been created by man can also be banished by man.

    The Athen Medical Society is a small but growing organization of doctors and scientists dedicated to understanding the dangers that face us all. Omni-Med's quick-fix "take a pill, it will go away" methods may suppress the symptoms of our illnesses, but do nothing to address the underlying problems that they themselves have created. The AMS is working to find ways to neutralize the dangerous, unseen elements all around us every day of our lives.

    We can not do it without your support.

    Whenever possible, I urge the adventurous among you to destroy the mutant scourge at every opportunity. Simply putting them out of their misery does go a long way towards stopping the spread of their corrupted genes, but whenever you can, take an AMS approved agent with you to make sure that the area is sterilized afterwards. Always wear sealed armor when venturing outside the cities, and decontaminate it upon your return.

    The Society is always looking for dedicated physicians to join us. Our facilities in Old Athen are small, but functional. As our network grows larger, the cross-indexing of all of our findings will geometrically expand and bring us ever closer to our goal of a clean, safe Rubi-Ka. It may already be too late, but we must do our best or surely perish. Every man-hour in the lab and in the field counts. We are especially in need of nanovirologists and genetics specialists. We are also accepting applications from caring citizens of all professional backgrounds to assist our physicians with field work.

    Lastly, of course, your donations are always gratefully accepted. At present we are funded by our members alone and our laboratory facilities are woefully underequipped. Even a few credits might make the difference for our race's survival.

    I thank you in advance for your support.

    Kathe Gorzynski
    Public Relations and Records Department
    Athen Medical Society

    [OOC: Whew!]

  2. #2

    Talking Thank you everyone!

    Thanks to your support, the Athen Medical Society is now officialy active! We will be posting our discoveries as time progresses, and are always looking for bright, dedicated individuals to contribute to our cause.
    -Dr. Oren "Octagious" Cervenak
    Director of Athen Medical Society
    ( )

  3. #3

  4. #4

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