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Thread: Looking for Neut Org

  1. #1

    Looking for Neut Org

    Wanted: to find an active, large Neut org with tower to join. I will add my firepower to yours to help maintain the validity of those who really want to remain neutral in the conflict. The chattier the guild, the more I will be able to contribute. I am not looking for material support, but may be able to offer it.

    Please contact me if you have space available in your guild for another fighter.

    I am a lvl 38 Fixer,
    please leave a message here, or ingame tell to Synethesia

    (Ani's brother)
    PLEASE, give use a simple YES or no answer as to whether or not the CoH chests can be opened

  2. #2
    Circle G is always looking for good people. contact myself, Garotta, Zarandia, Alteredstate, or Autumnblaze.

    Please be aware of the Code of Conduct, past story line, etc. found at (yes, I know it's out of date, should be updated by the end of the week.)

    Whoever you choose, enjoy Rubi-Ka!
    Glarawyn L220 OT Adventurer
    It's good to be furry.
    Lilredhot L220 OT Enforcer
    Don't mind me, I tank without a helmet.
    Gunslinger19 L150 OT Soldier
    There's a word for people who think everyone's out to get them: perceptive.

  3. #3


    Will contact you in game soon.

    PLEASE, give use a simple YES or no answer as to whether or not the CoH chests can be opened

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