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Thread: Happy Valentine's Day Everyone!

  1. #1

    Happy Valentine's Day Everyone!

    I hope you all have a wonderful Valentine's Day.

    Janella "Nevver" McCallagher
    Board Member of
    Devil's Advocate
    Why settle for less when you can oppress?

    "First get your facts; then you can distort them at your leisure." - Mark Twain
    "Nevver: Like the thing that hides in your closet. But worse." - Gueve

    Also known as...
    Jacquelynn "Kaitakait" Moscardelli
    Sun "
    Jamais" Soleil
    Sari "
    Nixis" Wagner

  2. #2

    Apparently I am not the only [M]ayhemer here



    Happy Valentine's Day...
    Katelin "Missmaul" Locknane -Sloooowly climbing her way out of the dank pits of gimpness. But stil crazy. Ya know...just in case you cared.

  3. #3
    Happy Valentine's Day everyone!

    Hope you and yours find peace on this day of warmth and love.
    Graduate of the Elite Academy

    Viray's Yalm Cleaning Services

    Viray's Taxi Co.

    The moral highground was levelled the very day the first player landed in a backyard, saw a cute leet and said "I wonder what it drops?"

    - Savoy

  4. #4
    Happy Valentine's Day Everyone!

    [begin shameless plug]
    Presented by
    Whisper's Edge and Unity of the Rose
    Its the Smack Your Valentine's Balls at the Falls!
    Don't miss it!
    [/end shameless plug]
    Bliqz: "anything Uwen says is a vicious and ugly lie"

  5. #5

    Happy Valentines Day to All !!!
    ~*~ Nanoprincess ~*~
    Katelin Cyani Kerans

  6. #6
    Happy Valentines Day to all of Rubika...even all of EO.

    But a very special wish for my Love.

  7. #7

    Thanx Nelida for including us.
    Graduate of the Elite Academy

    Viray's Yalm Cleaning Services

    Viray's Taxi Co.

    The moral highground was levelled the very day the first player landed in a backyard, saw a cute leet and said "I wonder what it drops?"

    - Savoy

  8. #8
    jo0 all suxx0r!

    Fixerben begins to play the spiteful old hobbit role.

    lol j/k


    Benjamin "Fixerben" Bacarella - L212 AL10
    Haywood "Brawlking" Jablomy - L220 AL21

  9. #9
    Happy Valentine's Day to you all!
    I will also be Smacking My Valentine's Balls at the Falls!
    Poisine-Omni-Engineer-AD Police

    "There are mountains to cross For all that are willing There are never ending treasures that await you."
    [In Flames]

  10. #10
    Happy Valentine's Day for all those couples on AO, as well Happy Single Awareness Day for those Singles from Me and everyone on Testlive.

    -No Evades Diff-
    Veteran of Testlive
    Anarchy Online Test Community
    Getting Started on Test!
    Exploits is considered cheating, no one likes a cheater, so don't do it.
    Kill one man, and your a muderer,
    Kill many, and your a conquerer,
    Kill them all, and your a god.

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