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Thread: OOC- Map of the Galaxy

  1. #1

    OOC- Map of the Galaxy

    Ok, nerdy question:

    Has there ever been a map of the galaxy, map of known space, anything like that- for the AO universe? I know it's mentioned multiple times that RK is supposed to be a fairly remote world in a civilization that encompasses many systems, but... are there mentions of any of the other planets? Or the situation on Earth, for that matter?

    It's raining outside and I have nothing to do but drink coffee and think about ridiculous things.
    k- This message has been reviewed by intrusive goons searching for "evil-doers".

  2. #2

    Re: OOC- Map of the Galaxy

    Originally posted by Blue Cat

    It's raining outside and I have nothing to do but drink coffee and think about ridiculous things.
    Now there's my life in a nutshell... except for the raining.... and the thinking... But the coffee is there, it sure is

    As for map... don't think you would be able to spot anything on a map that scale unless you get one really huge map
    Rebekah Poachie Vein - Lvl 200 Omni-Tek Bureaucrat - Equipment
    April Poachinator Joor - Lvl 150 Omni-Tek Enforcer - Equipment

  3. #3
    I'm not sure if there is an official map from FC but here is one of our galaxy. But there is no telling if Rubi-Ka is supposed to even be in our galaxy. It is after all 27,000 years in the future so ANYTHING is possible
    Advisor of First Light
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  4. #4
    my smilie was a link
    Last edited by Viray; Feb 12th, 2003 at 23:44:42.
    Graduate of the Elite Academy

    Viray's Yalm Cleaning Services

    Viray's Taxi Co.

    The moral highground was levelled the very day the first player landed in a backyard, saw a cute leet and said "I wonder what it drops?"

    - Savoy

  5. #5
    The entire galaxy is uncer human control, and we are the only ones there, no noe else. The planets that are known are:

    Not much else is known
    "It's your life. Keep it up! Keep it real!"

  6. #6
    Hmm. Oh well.

    I think it would be interesting to get a little bigger picture at some point. I'd love to see other "breeds" designed for other planets as well. Like big-eyed, dark skinned people in a red giant system or something. Or short, squat people designed for a planet with larger mass and stronger gravity.

    Ho dee do.

    Another cup of coffee and it's still raining, of course.
    k- This message has been reviewed by intrusive goons searching for "evil-doers".

  7. #7
    ((My personal thoughts on earth-

    Some catastrophe happened between 2003 and 29477. Maybe half, 3/4 of earth was wiped out, rendering a good portion of it uninhabitable for a time at least, forcing people to find a new place to live. RK was one of the places. There are still people on earth, but drastically less than there are today, as some people RP they ahven't even heard of places on Earth.))
    Katelin "Missmaul" Locknane -Sloooowly climbing her way out of the dank pits of gimpness. But stil crazy. Ya know...just in case you cared.

  8. #8
    (( I usually look at the timeline and come to a belief that the Earth is still around, but is only a small piece of a much bigger galaxy...

    Say the Earth had such a horrible disasters that people fled into space, well those left behind would certainly strive and rebuild...

    I see the planet earth covered in cities... sorta BladeRunner-esque with ICC holding a planet that is home to the council of Corporations and planets that make up the entire form of ICC itself...

    I imagine that Rubi-ka was a backwater planet due to location, but now has systems developing neaby it for purpose of Notum mining and further exploration in hopes of finding other planets with Notum nearby. ))
    Graduate of the Elite Academy

    Viray's Yalm Cleaning Services

    Viray's Taxi Co.

    The moral highground was levelled the very day the first player landed in a backyard, saw a cute leet and said "I wonder what it drops?"

    - Savoy

  9. #9

    2017-2025 Farmatech cause the death of 75% of earths populcation with a genetic engineers virus, designed to o such. They then later cause a long winter by using atomic bombs in several major cities. 1k year later they return as the "omega" and inslave humanity.

    around 13000 or so they are overthrows by the solutis race under the command of David Merlin, an Omega/solitus mix. He is later sent to Rk on the fisrt interstellar ship made, it takes him thousands of eyars, he iscurrently in orbit of RK i think.

    the man behind the omega is also on RK, named Roman, he created omni-tek after the moega downfall.

    The ICC was credated to make sure that the omega thing didnt happen again, and also insure fair trade (yea, ight) amomgst the hyper corps.

    Thats the story of AO.

    If u want details, read the book
    "It's your life. Keep it up! Keep it real!"

  10. #10
    Any named solar system you know of is there probably. I thought I saw the HQ planets for ThruSpace and SOL Banking. One of them was on Earth, but I don't remember which. ICC is also located on Earth. In the timeline Mars is mentioned (first instance of Dust Brigade?)

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