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Thread: Anqurva'del/*More Ephael History*

  1. #1

    Post Anqurva'del/*More Ephael History*

    (( I toned my story down and posted it on the VN boards for AO under Roleplaying,

    I used them for my EQ stuff so I figured why not for his piece. This is first draft>

    Post is under Xynteiri > Anqurva'del,

    Just select RP board from this link> ))
    Priestess of the Unspeakable
    Omni Meta-physicist (RK1 Atlantean)

  2. #2
    Read it over, it looks good for a first version

    I cant see why u think its unfit to be posted on these boards, not seen anything that could be seen as offencive, at least, not to me

    Keep it up, cause i want to read more
    "It's your life. Keep it up! Keep it real!"

  3. #3

    Smile Re:

    Thanks Arila,

    Yes indeed it has a way to go. I am one of these people who can't proof or edit well after I slop something down. I am blind to my mistakes.

    I have to stay away for abit and then return to it. It is too compressed, besides the typos :P, it needs to be twice its current size.
    Priestess of the Unspeakable
    Omni Meta-physicist (RK1 Atlantean)

  4. #4
    How large will your story be? mine is currently at 46 pages in MS word

    Not that its good at all

    keep it up!
    "It's your life. Keep it up! Keep it real!"

  5. #5
    Ive added her story to my site, its a bit easier to get access to

    U can find it here:

    *Note: It may be a bit "rough" for some


    Where are all the others?
    "It's your life. Keep it up! Keep it real!"

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