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Thread: Omni Tek is your friend...Official Ph.Ross stance towards neutrals

  1. #61
    Yarko, please read this thread and let me know if you can attend:

    RMC revives itself

    Benjamin "Fixerben" Bacarella - L212 AL10
    Haywood "Brawlking" Jablomy - L220 AL21

  2. #62

    Well...happy days are here...blah

    I guess my days of sitting on the hill by NLC grid happily chatting with friends; Clan, Omni and Neutral alike will soon be over.

    I've always made a point of berating any fellow Clanners I saw killing guards in NLC.

    I've always made a point of coming to the aid of Neutrals that asked for my help. Many of you know this.

    I've been a champion of Neutral rights for as long as I've been on this planet.

    And what am I about to see for my efforts? Reclaim. Reclaim for visiting a city I used to spend more time in than Athens or Tir.

    Thank you so much for your kind support. Your just threw out the baby with the bath water...very wise of you all. Drive me into the arms of the Sentinels whom I've always despised.

    Any of you can't see that you've now just taken sides then I say you are blind. Your guards will selectively kill Clanners while allowing Omni to roam freely DESPITE the fact that Omni thugs routinely kill your guards in NO less numbers than Clan thugs.

    Seems to me a side has now been chosen for you...
    If I seem is because I AM bitter. My efforts have been a waste...a complete waste.

    But will I avoid NLC? No. And in traveling through NLC you can either watch ME die or watch ME kill your guards.

    Have a nice day.

  3. #63
    So sad to remember the very birth of all this nonsense. People supporting the Coucil of Wargod (errr .. 'Ares') in its overthrow of the Council of Truth. Yes, it all goes back to that. You reap what you sow.

    Henry Radiman was a good man. Simon Silverstone is a bad man.

    The Clans used to garner sympathy and respect from members regardless of their faction. Now, it's a slightly different story.

    My guess why Jobe and the rumored portal to some mysterious Shadowlands isn't opened yet is because the powers that control such lands can't decide who to put Angel wings on and who to put the Devil wings on anymore. For the longest time I would have said that only Neutrals would be eligible for sanctification on this dusty rock. Now, I agree that the whole planet is becoming full of haters.

    Thank you ICC for making Rubi'Ka a fine interpretation of what some people's Hell would look like. Thank you Council of Ares for pushing some of the only rational thinkers you had into hiding. Thank you to certain Clan orgs for so harrassing the Neutral community that they move to these lengths out of frustration more than anything else.

    Yes it's so much more 'fun' to be living on this planet than it was only 6 months ago.

  4. #64
    Originally posted by Bionitrous
    So sad to remember the very birth of all this nonsense. People supporting the Coucil of Wargod (errr .. 'Ares') in its overthrow of the Council of Truth. Yes, it all goes back to that. You reap what you sow.

    Henry Radiman was a good man. Simon Silverstone is a bad man.

    The Clans used to garner sympathy and respect from members regardless of their faction. Now, it's a slightly different story.

    My guess why Jobe and the rumored portal to some mysterious Shadowlands isn't opened yet is because the powers that control such lands can't decide who to put Angel wings on and who to put the Devil wings on anymore. For the longest time I would have said that only Neutrals would be eligible for sanctification on this dusty rock. Now, I agree that the whole planet is becoming full of haters.

    Thank you ICC for making Rubi'Ka a fine interpretation of what some people's Hell would look like. Thank you Council of Ares for pushing some of the only rational thinkers you had into hiding. Thank you to certain Clan orgs for so harrassing the Neutral community that they move to these lengths out of frustration more than anything else.

    Yes it's so much more 'fun' to be living on this planet than it was only 6 months ago.
    Ahem...The CoA never overthrew the CoT. The CoT asked the CoA to stand down, and the CoA complied under the impression that the CoT would become active again. One moneth after the CoA disbanded the CoT fled from Tir. No one from the Clans pressured the CoT to leave. I was a Captain of the CoA Guard, and my friend Benjacrat was a Council member. And I guarantee you the CoA did no such thing.

    Benjamin "Fixerben" Bacarella - L212 AL10
    Haywood "Brawlking" Jablomy - L220 AL21

  5. #65
    OK, my memory must be clouded, then. I remember one group of 'citizens' who wanted the CoT to go away. They thought the CoT didn't provide enough 'action'. I thought they were named after the ancient war god, but might have been mistaken.

    I thought that it was through the highly visible actions of whatever group this was that 'the powers that be' interweaved the desires of this group into the actuality of this world. At least in my mind, I have no doubt that this group's desire to be rid of the CoT was the prime reason they disappeared.

    Some guy whose name looked like 'Murder' spelled backwards was involved with this and as I recall was a brash and none so eloquent proponent for 'making things happen'. Perhaps 'the powers that be' mis-interpreted the true intentions of whatever group this was, but the end result is that the Mr. Radiman is gone and with him, his ideals.

    I remember a push for 'action' and less '***** footing'. 'Citizen' empowerment blind to cries that empowering the average 'citizen' would lead to nothing more than the 'You're Black, I'm White, I will now Kill you' situation that we have now. Somebody, I can't recall who, I was arguing with incessantly that 'the powers that be' absolutely must not cave in allow the CoT to be written out of the script as it would be a recipe for disaster.

    I also remember a recant of the beligerant stance at a later date by whatever group this was and I recall earning respect for the entire new mission statement of whatever group this was.

    I'm sorry if I misspoke by thinking it was the Council of Ares.

    Whatever group it was, I'm positive that there was as much 'citizen' involvement in the removal of the CoT as there was with respect to this announcement regarding Ian Warr. The former would not have happened without 'citizen' input and I know for a fact the current situation wouldn't have without 'citizen' input.

    So, to whoever it was amongst the Clans who wanted the ouster of the Council of Truth, I'll redirect my 'reap what you sow comment at'cha'.

  6. #66
    You are correct in the assumtion that CoA was there to either overthrow the CoT or get them to actually DO something other than hide behind their walls, hidden from view. The CoA stepped down when the CoT asked them was shortly thereafter that the CoT disbanded, but it was the CoA forcing them to. As CAS Vice-Commander at the time I was heavily involved with the politics of the day.
    -Finalizer Vixentrox-
    Former President and Founder,
    -Whisper's Edge-
    Former Member of the Atlantean CoT Clerical Staff

    Socializer 73% Killer 53% Explorer 53% Achiever 20%

    Kissysuzuki -
    WTB small enough brain and lack of imagination to be able to sit and solo hecklers for 5 days straight.

  7. #67
    OK, then. Don't you agree the situation is worse now? Don't you agree that the splintering of the Clans' support was the #1 reason Omni-Tek was able to drive through the heart of the Clans with whatever propaganda they decided to spew and get the CoT to flee for their lives?

    Don't you think if the Council had been more actively defended in their darkest hour that Silverstone would not be in Tir.

    Regardless of the motivations of whoever it was that wanted the ouster of the CoT. It was their actions towards lowering the respect level of the leaders of the major Clans that lead to their downfall. I would tentatively use the words 'noble but misguided'.

    At the time, I couldn't see what the intentions were. I didn't understand what the Council was actually expected to 'do'. The planet was at peace. The clans had their land and Omni had theirs. Skirmishes amongst the militants were infrequent and typically involved the same young guns time after time. It was almost a golden age.

    I still maintain that questioning the legitemacy of the CoT to speak for the majority of the Clans has led us to this point. If the Council of Ares had not put their leaders legitemacy into serious doubt, we would not be where we are now. At least not so quickly.

  8. #68
    The planet has not been at peace since the Amnesty (and even that wasn't all that peaceful). It has been constant low grade warfare. If you want to blame anyone, blame the ICC for opening up free mining without ensuring the protection of said mining operations.
    -Finalizer Vixentrox-
    Former President and Founder,
    -Whisper's Edge-
    Former Member of the Atlantean CoT Clerical Staff

    Socializer 73% Killer 53% Explorer 53% Achiever 20%

    Kissysuzuki -
    WTB small enough brain and lack of imagination to be able to sit and solo hecklers for 5 days straight.

  9. #69
    Vix, Honestly, How did the CoA make the CoT flee? No one has a clue why they left. And it was not the CoA that made them leave...

    Benjamin "Fixerben" Bacarella - L212 AL10
    Haywood "Brawlking" Jablomy - L220 AL21

  10. #70
    Originally posted by Fixerben
    Vix, Honestly, How did the CoA make the CoT flee? No one has a clue why they left. And it was not the CoA that made them leave...
    That's my point...the CoA didn't make them was Bionitrous that made that conjecture hun.
    -Finalizer Vixentrox-
    Former President and Founder,
    -Whisper's Edge-
    Former Member of the Atlantean CoT Clerical Staff

    Socializer 73% Killer 53% Explorer 53% Achiever 20%

    Kissysuzuki -
    WTB small enough brain and lack of imagination to be able to sit and solo hecklers for 5 days straight.

  11. #71
    ((OOC)) My point was that a group of players wanted them gone. FunCom obliged. However, I agree that FunCom wanted this 'capture the flag' PvP stuff to happen anyway and used it as an excuse. I honestly think they thought the Clans would like Silverstone and his active style of leadership. Look at the headlines of the time 'Tir Liberated!'. Liberated from who? I don't recall seeing any oppression during the time the ICC was babysitting in the CoT's absence.

    (IC) It was through their weakened support base that Omni-Tek was able to slap allegations out with absolutely no offered proof and knock on the gates of Tir to potentially abduct members for 'questioning' which most probably would have ended in a 'misfortunate accident' or other such happening.

  12. #72
    Remember that feeling Nelida.. take a good look at it. That bitterness is what your neutral friends felt when the Sentinels slaughtered them time and time again...

    I would advise that you think about that before you decide to take any kind of action....
    President Anisha "Trisagiona" Kenley of the Desert Winds

    "Here is the price of freedom:
    Your every drop of courage,
    ounce of pain, pint of blood.
    Paid in advance."

  13. #73
    Originally posted by Bionitrous
    ((OOC)) My point was that a group of players wanted them gone. FunCom obliged. However, I agree that FunCom wanted this 'capture the flag' PvP stuff to happen anyway and used it as an excuse. I honestly think they thought the Clans would like Silverstone and his active style of leadership. Look at the headlines of the time 'Tir Liberated!'. Liberated from who? I don't recall seeing any oppression during the time the ICC was babysitting in the CoT's absence.
    ((I agree Bionitrous. I think the Shadowland avatars is a dead give away. Devils vs. Angels....I bet I know who Funcom is rooting for. ))
    Garret "Necc" Scheer press officer of Desert Winds (MSAS)

    Karma, the world's true equalizer.

    Free Rubi-Ka!

  14. #74
    Originally posted by Vixentrox
    That's my point...the CoA didn't make them was Bionitrous that made that conjecture hun.

    Fixerben grins sheepishly

    Sorry Vix, I luv jo0!

    Benjamin "Fixerben" Bacarella - L212 AL10
    Haywood "Brawlking" Jablomy - L220 AL21

  15. #75
    Originally posted by Bionitrous
    ((OOC)) My point was that a group of players wanted them gone. FunCom obliged. However, I agree that FunCom wanted this 'capture the flag' PvP stuff to happen anyway and used it as an excuse. I honestly think they thought the Clans would like Silverstone and his active style of leadership. Look at the headlines of the time 'Tir Liberated!'. Liberated from who? I don't recall seeing any oppression during the time the ICC was babysitting in the CoT's absence.

    (IC) It was through their weakened support base that Omni-Tek was able to slap allegations out with absolutely no offered proof and knock on the gates of Tir to potentially abduct members for 'questioning' which most probably would have ended in a 'misfortunate accident' or other such happening.

    Whoa whoa slow down there. Silverstone's active style of leadership? He hasnt said a word since NW came out either...

    And the arrest of some of the members did cause unfortunate accidents. 2 members of the CoT were captured, but killed while being taken to interrogation. Their NCU's were found and last we heard Omni-Pol had people trying to rebuild their memories from the NCU. /end plot line there

    Benjamin "Fixerben" Bacarella - L212 AL10
    Haywood "Brawlking" Jablomy - L220 AL21

  16. #76


    Have we not strayed from the subject?

    As a member of the Neutral community and with friends on both sides I find this new contract on Clanners apalling. Neutrality is about accepting people for what they are and what they wanna be, not for what they are forced to become.

    I harbour no love for the Clanners constantly attacking neutral towers, and yes more Clans than OT guilds attack neutral towers, but I still feel that the price of taking retaliatory actions will be too high for both the planet and the individual. This doesnt mean that I wont defend our tower from agression. It only means that when the aggressors realise either that they are wrong in attacking innocent and peaceloving neutrals (phat chance any Clanner or Omni will ever see that side of it) or when they realise that we arent as weak as u might belive from seeing our low side bonus (more chance of that since it seems we have more luck defending our towers consistantly than either OT or the Clan) I dont want to go about grumbling or plotting revenge. I wanna see them in Newland enjoying our hospitality.

    I think most Neutrals just wanna go about their buisness without getting verbally or physically abused by "powercrazed" Clanners or Omni. I'd rather see Clan and Omni restrain from attacking our towers out of healthy respect for us then out of fear of retaliation...think about it...we should welcome every and all to our cities thereby creating a thriving, bussling and prospering community.

    Its to the gain for all...Neutrals, Omni and Clanners alike...

    Mebby we could even learn to live by the Golden Rule "Do for others what u want them to do for u."

    Its so easy.

    But the clan seems to have forgotten their Ideals and are now more in it for power and money than OT.

    Just some thoughts...mebby worth nothing in this world but its my honest neutral opinion...

    Take care...

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