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Thread: Absent Families

  1. #1

    Absent Families

    Submitted to the Rubi-Ka Times and the usual community gridsites today. Comments encouraged.


    Rubi-Ka has now spent two full weeks under the light of the new year, and although the deafening sounds of civil war echo throughout the planet, what pervades society as the most prevalent phenomenon is an all-encompassing silence.

    The July 29, 29476 issue of TAG was appropriately titled "Absent Fathers", due to the extended "disappearance" of both Council of Truth chair Henry Radiman and Omni-Tek Corporation of Rubi-Ka (OTRK) CEO Philip Ross. Yet, even though neither had spoken or emerged to lead their respective factions, other officials, such as OTRK media liaison Burton Shogren, continued to make themselves available for comment. Indeed, in the fathers’ failing, the families themselves rose as support for a confused and often-times lost population, albeit during a time of relative stability on Rubi-Ka.

    However, in recent months (yes, months) there has been an eerie silence from officials on all sides of the political spectrum. Granted, the Council of Truth has neither been heard from nor seen since the day of their abandonment of Tir, but what of the others?

    The Interstellar Confederation of Corporations (ICC)

    The ICC, although not historically vocal, fully deregulated the market for the mining of notum on Rubi-Ka, sparking what is quickly accelerating into full-scale civil war. ICC chair Isidra Derousse announced the ICC’s decision on November 28, 29476, and, despite the fact that this incompetent lack of foresight has proved directly contrary to the ICC’s stated purpose of peace and stability, Ms. Derousse has hidden herself away in her office and has apparently neglected to take her comm with her.

    Ms. Derousse is obviously a very busy woman, and more so now than before. However, is the ICC press-relations staff as willfully callous to its duties as its leaders? Certainly the organization charged with overseeing thousands of planets – of which Rubi-Ka has proved one of the most important in terms of the galactic economy – would have realized that, if nothing else, perhaps the economic markets throughout the galaxy require some form of reassurance during this crisis? Notum wars aside, even when the militant Sentinels clan seized control of Tir and thereby humiliated the ICC peacekeeping contingent in the eyes of those throughout the galaxy, we heard nothing. No condemnation of this destabilizing action; not even so much as a grunt from ICC head office. It is now quickly approaching the two-month mark since the last ICC “grunt”.

    The Council of Truth and the Sentinels Clan

    I am quite certain we all remember the day that the Council of Truth became “incommunicado”; it was a day that concurrently marked the arrival of ICC peacekeepers. Yet, in the ensuing two-plus months, we not only have received no word from anyone associated therewith, but haven’t even heard from any members of Omni-Pol or OTRK regarding the investigation into this disappearance. Is there an investigation underway? If so, by whom and in what manner is it being conducted?

    The Council of Truth inevitably fled for due reason; they did not suddenly decide to all go on simultaneous vacation. If they are in hiding, it is unlikely that they would make public appearances, or even risk making public statements. Yet the “whispers” often endemic of such mysteries – those involving rumour and speculation intermingled with veins of truth – are non-existent. Quite simply, someone on Rubi-Ka must know something, even if it remains a mere secretive rumour, and as the old saying poignantly states: “if more than one person knows, it’s no longer a secret”.

    It also seems as if the militant Simon Silverstone has been as taken aback by this silence as the rest of the population, as he has yet to speak and decry the “vicious corporate machine” (sarcasm noted) in light of his triumphant victory over the ICC. Nor has he arisen to urge his followers to war – to claim all available mining properties and thereby vanquish the evil Omni-Tek entity.

    Omni-Tek Corporation

    What is perhaps most disturbing, however, is the frank neglect shown by Omni-Tek Corporation and its OTRK subsidiary towards its employees. CEO Philip Ross last spoke on October 15, 29476. Yes, you read that correctly: the most powerful man on the planet, to whom countless numbers look for guidance and leadership, has not uttered a word for three months. Neither has Sergeyevich, nor any other high-level director of any OTRK departments.

    This is in light of the fact that Omni-Tek has been stripped of its most prized possession, albeit only at the mining level, and its employees are now fighting a war for which they had little need. Now, OTRK’s employees can no longer travel to Tir, and are violently assaulted if so doing. Now, clan militants are pressing ever south, into Clon****, Galway County (virtually at the gates of Rome) and even into Omni-Forest. Rather than rallying its employees to the defense of corporate assets, we have silence, and a terrifying prevailing opinion that the administration of OTRK and Omni-Tek no longer care for its employees.

    The Result

    This lack of guidance is far more than troubling. In recent weeks, employees (both neutral and active), as well as members of the clans, have boarded shuttles bound for other, more stable worlds, while others have resorted to wandering aimlessly about in search of answers that many believe do not exist. Similarly, citizen grid communications media – such as the grid forums – are rife with discord and chaos. The population – rather, the children of these neglectful families – lack direction and guidance, and above all else have no one to whom to turn in these troubled times.

  2. #2
    Well said, Malcolm. I am especially disturbed by the lack of any sort of formal response on the part of Omni-Tek. Given the succession of moral blows Omni-Tek citizens have been forced to weather in recent months, especially the loss of exclusive mining rights, I would have thought that SOMEONE in a position of authority would want to offer some type of response.

    Maybe the silence is more telling...


  3. #3
    Anyone have any idea where Mr. Ross is at present?

    If so, vote here!

  4. #4
    Alamexis I have heard rumors that the members of the CoT are hiding somewhere underground. I have no clue where, and neither do my sources. So the Clans feel much the same way as many Omni-Tek do.

  5. #5
    *cough* bump *cough*
    Randa "Lesentia" Forejt

    Whisper's Edge

    "Why oh why didn't I take the blue pill..."
    -Cypher, The Matrix

  6. #6
    This could do with some bumffage.

    Garret "Bonefish" Silvestrini
    Director - SPARTA
    Chairman of the Omni-Tek Security Council

    Founding Member of the Omni-Tek Security Council (OTSEC)

    The Omni-Tek Security Council is dedicated to ensuring the company’s security and interests against all threats, coordinating any action deemed necessary to protect corporate assets and personnel. |

  7. #7
    What? You'd think I'd know where C.E.O. Ross is? Probably on some other planet, taking care of business. Omni-Tek is a big company.

    The Council of Truth? Listen, I just got here, and if you think you're in the dark, really, you have no idea...

    What do I think of all of this? What is it with your bloody questions? What? Are you in the media or something? I'm a soldier, I do what my superior officers tell me, and if I can't contact them, I am free to make my own decisions, and right now my decision is to ignore you, and get a drink.

    ...what do you mean they don't serve sake here?

  8. #8
    Originally posted by Shiseiji
    What? You'd think I'd know where C.E.O. Ross is? Probably on some other planet, taking care of business. Omni-Tek is a big company.
    And Mr. Ross is the Chief Executive Officer of Omni-Tek Corporation of Rubi-Ka, not of the parent company nor any subsidiary or affiliate thereof. As such, unless his "business" currently involves an extended vacation with either Isidra Derousse or his security droid, I would imagine he is delineating quite substantial from his tasked role.

    Originally posted by Shiseiji
    The Council of Truth? Listen, I just got here, and if you think you're in the dark, really, you have no idea...
    Hence my reason for wondering, and for calling out in this manner.

    Originally posted by Shiseiji
    What do I think of all of this? What is it with your bloody questions? What? Are you in the media or something?
    As an employee of this corporation, I have every right to ask for direction from management and the board in times of crisis such as that current present on Rubi-Ka. Furthermore, it is all too easy for those "above us" to overlook their more humane tasks and tend instead towards silence and internal consulation, while the population drifts further and further into madness.

    Originally posted by Shiseiji
    ...what do you mean they don't serve sake here?
    Actually, the best sake I've had to date was in the Glass Floor Lounge of Reet's Retreat in Stret West Bank. Though I do tend to avoid that location aside from GSP parties - Captain Lewison is quite the loud-mouthed old bugger who tends to interject his foul manner into every audible conversation.

  9. #9

    Ah damn, won't you just leave me alone?

    I'm sure that Ross is doing his job, just not as publicly as he used to... Besides, he's the C.E.O. not some... news anchor or... someone else who appears publicly frequently...


    You know, I swear there's something I should be doing than answering mere questions like... umm... hell...

    Fine, fine, ask away. It's not like I'll really have answers. Probably have better luck talking to Omni-Pol or something...

    You know, I'm going to settle for a beer, though undoubtably I'll regret it.

    Who did you say you were again?

  10. #10
    Originally posted by Shiseiji
    Who did you say you were again?
    He's Mr Kettle. Which would make you Mr Pot.

    Security is everyone's concern.

    Omni-Tek protects.

    Garret "Bonefish" Silvestrini
    Director - SPARTA
    Chairman of the Omni-Tek Security Council

    Founding Member of the Omni-Tek Security Council (OTSEC)

    The Omni-Tek Security Council is dedicated to ensuring the company’s security and interests against all threats, coordinating any action deemed necessary to protect corporate assets and personnel. |

  11. #11
    And both boil. Intensely.

    It seems as if over the course of the next few days, these words may be the last few we will ever utter on the grid.

    /me sighs heavily in mourning

    Not too much left to substantiate "thriving", now is there?

  12. #12
    Right, I'm with the insane and the depressed, unless this joker here is insane and depressed... and you're depressed and insane, thus making you two psychological twins, and giving me yet another reason why I should drink alone.

    <mutters> Why do I get myself involved in these conversations anyways?

  13. #13
    Originally posted by Alamexis
    Anyone have any idea where Mr. Ross is at present?
    Awwwwwwww you gottit ALL wrong! He's been with Tarryk all this time!

    Emiliy Age
    Unit Leader, Foreign Relations
    Speak your heart, don't bite your tongue...

    Whisper's Edge | Gridmail | Engy's Workshop | Tir School of Engineering

    Bliqz on Shadowlands: "Gonna make it hard to decide who I can and cant eat."

  14. #14
    Lesnetia laughs.

    I don't think that Tarryk would have put up with him for this long...
    Randa "Lesentia" Forejt

    Whisper's Edge

    "Why oh why didn't I take the blue pill..."
    -Cypher, The Matrix

  15. #15
    I remember during one episode of Talk Deviant a few months ago we had everyone convinced that Radiman was off on a safari and Ross was tied and gagged in my basement.

    We never did say anything about having let the man go. :P
    --The connections that enable us to learn are infinitely more important than our state of knowing.

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