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Thread: Missions too tough, forced to blitz. Looks like I'll be bankrupt soon!

  1. #1

    Unhappy Missions too tough, forced to blitz. Looks like I'll be bankrupt soon!

    I play a Fixer.

    lvl 57 and only 75 or so equipment.

    I got 1500/1300/1400 AC and 1500 HP

    I Blitz most of my missions, since I have been unable to do a mission in less than 3 hours and after having to Zone more than 50 times on 50% or thereabouts missions.

    I have written down the "statss" on a 50% mission I did once in Clon****:

    Mission objective: Find and describe item (Item was a QL 39 Match Pistol)
    Total traveltime to get to the mission area: 43 minutes
    Total time for the mission: 4 hours 27 minutes
    Number of Yellow mobs: 7
    Number of Greens: 23
    Number of Greys: 18
    Number of Healers: 6 (Two in the same room: Took 33 minutes and 6 zones to kill them)
    Number of deaths: 4
    Number of zones (For healing): 59 times.
    Highest Crit: 423
    Highest Burst: 520
    Mission reward:
    QL 54 Titan Plasteel Armor Sleeves, 16323 credits (No token inspite that I cleared the whole dungeon, this might have to do with the fact that I was doing greys)

    At this time I was lvl 54 myself and carried around armor not less than QL 67 and using a QL 77 Mausser.

    I wrote all of this down for fun, but since then I have not done a solomission above 30% in the right "way"

    Why would I?

    Now I blitz for cash and hunt for XP.

    Tokens you ask? Ha, I got the same chance of getting a token as I do of sprouting wings and flying off into the sunset.

    So now I blitz and this is somewhat how it goes:

    Mission Terminal. 20 mins or so to get 3 missions in the same area.
    (Rewards: Greater Omni Forest: 6K Lush Fields: 10K Stret East Bank 20K Clon****: 24K All missions where at the mission terminal at the plateau in Ent at around 70% for me at lvl 57)

    Three missions in Clon****.

    I get down there.

    I start my runs:

    First Dungeon: Quite simple: Enemies are Orange to Red Clan Crats, NTs and Fixers. I watch out for the Roots stay pretty much clear of any serious damage. I find my item, pick it up and bolt out of there.

    Second Dungeon: Very Annoying. Enemies: Scooplets and Diglets of an Unknown difficulty as I can't target them. I run like hell, gets cought in the Edge Bug and dies from the 15 or so OT issue Scooplets and Diglets that I have been told shouldn't be there. They hit for like 150 or so each time and I am a sitting duck coz I am stuck.
    Two tries reveals that there is no way in hell I will be able to complete this mission.

    Third mission: Very annoying. Enemies: Red Tac 88 runaways with an incredible runspeed. I have a runspeed of about 550 without my vehicle and these guys were on me like flies on.... cake. I survive for about 30 secs in which time I have aggroed 3 Tacs that hit me for about 200 Chem dam a pop.

    Now for the all finishing touch:

    One weekends worth of work:
    More than 30 missions taken:
    12 Completed rest abandoned
    Income: 260K
    Total value of items: about 60K (Incredible amount of clothes and tools such as Mission dupers and other worthless stuff.)

    Prepatch 12.8 I could blitz missions for 260K in less than 2 hours. I had tonnes of locations to choose from. And I actually got stuff that I or others could use.

    So now I ask what logic lies behind this.

    320K will get me maybe one piece of bodyarmor that i can use and new healing kits.

    All i can say is Poor docs. I am glad I don't rely that much on Nano. Must suck to have to play an entire weekend at 20% missions to afford nanokits.

    Can we get a statement on this?

    Is this really how its supposed to work?
    Gontrokka 155 Enforcer
    When the going gets tough, the others start running!

    Captain Baxie Orbin 204 Trader
    - Baby, you look good enough to eat!

    Countezz 23 Adventurer
    - Who'd have thought a Steve Irwin wannabe could kick so much ass!

    "Baby, you look good enough to eat!"

  2. #2
    1st off ill say Find and describe missions are the lowest token % in the game seeing there manly blitz missions.If you want tokens try these settings 100% stealth 100% money 3 find and return missions nearly gets me 3 tokens every hour. Being a stealth mission more chest and better loot. 6 missions at lvl 60 got me 300k.

    where did you get your 50% mission from omni ent again ?

    43 mins to get to the clon**** lol ever heard of the grid?

    Prepatch 12.8 I could blitz missions for 260K in less than 2 hours. I had tonnes of locations to choose from. And I actually got stuff that I or others could use.
    You said it there i guess they dont want poeple blitzing missions.

    I personally have no problem with mission glad there close now Oh how i missed agean missions.

  3. #3
    Agreed Baxie, although my problem is different.

    I don't blitz, I sneak, and pre 13.0 I could sneak full red missions with no problem. And by sneak, I don't actually mean sneak around, I buff up conceal, pop on the cloaker and run through, the mobs never see me.

    Post 13.0, I sneeze and have the mobs are dancing on my head. Can't pick locks or conceal breaks, can't sit or it breaks, can't jump or it breaks.

    I tried 8 missions, all full reds, most had red cyborgs or other human mobs that spotted me as soon as I walked into the main room. And I tried all the different conceal tricks, like cloaking in the entrance room etc. still nothing. I hear some people are having no problem, I guess I suck... but I am not the only agent complaining about this, spoke with a few in my guild that had the same problems. Conceal is complete borked so I can't run cash missions anymore. I even tried a 75% for kicks and giggles, exactly the same thing with yellow - orange mobs.

    And blitzing is not an option, the cash I would make is not worth the med packs I'd use.

  4. #4

    Mission impossible

    Originally posted by Thrin
    As a NT it costs me somewhere around 5-10k (sometimes more depending on mission difficulty) for the FAs, NAs, Healing and Nano kits just to complete one mission.

    I play a doctor in RK1, he's lvl 66 now. This new patch has really changed things.

    First of all, hunting is not an option anymore as all mobs are aggroing me instead of those mongoslamming tank-enforcers i used to group with. Just one or two team heals and they all are on me. Sure, with some creative chainhealing and HoT I can stay alive for a while, but eventually i will run out of nano. And until recently I did all my heals inside kodiak that allowed me to outrun aggoed mobs, but that option seems to be disabled too.

    Well, I was a bit tired to hunting anyway, so I decided to do some missions (last time i did missions was when i was lvl 20 and that Freedom arms / pistol nerf occured). I went to avalon and took 2 25% missions to aegean and one 60% mission to that same location. I felt strange as those 2 missions had rewards of 15k and 60% mission-reward was 25k. (50 QL90 nanochargers I use are about 20k so that's really not that much money.)

    But at the mission location things went strange again. I ran through the dungeon and found my mission objective. As i tried to identify the item a text appeared on screen stating that mission check will not be done while in fight. Great.

    So now i have to kill all mobs inside to complete mission? Hmm, I wondered, how an earth i could accomplish that? I haven't used any IP's to weapons skills for a long time as the only light blue wep-skill is pistol and those have been useless for a long time. They just dont bite it and dual-wield is impossible for decent QL pistols.

    So my only attacks are DD-nanos (shatter bone: about 50-120 melee dmg and gouge flesh, 150-250 melee dmg ) and two veeeery slow stackable DoT's that do 52 and 54 dmg / tic and with these two only thing that you can kill are leets at the newb ground. (Go refresh the DoT said releasenotes.. just wondering who can stay alive long enough to do that?)

    But anyway, packed with these options i returned to the mission. Buffed up with team HP buff that seems to work without team again and painfully short self-HP buff (6mins duration!) add HoT (for 2min duration) and in i go.

    I fought greens and greenish oranges inside with modest success. I had to burn my entire nanopool + 1-3 nano FA's to accomplish that but I did kill those mobs without sweat (thanks to HoT).

    So, doing fine? That mission area just happens to be quite large. after 2 hours and 50 nanochargers i completed the mission. And what did i get? Looted ql30-40 garbage until my inventory was full, looted 8k from the dead mobs. And the reward: 22k and a token + grey pants with waterlily print (2k in Miiir).

    Unfortunately those 50 chargers (QL90) and 30 nano FA's are just about 25k. So that didn't help me at all. I have 450cr and it seems that it will stay that way forever.

  5. #5


    scooplets in omni missions aye they are very annoying, to target them use control + tab as they are on your same side.

  6. #6

    Control Tab huh?

    How about we press the "Funcom told us they would be fixed. Funcom told us they had been fixed. Funcom go fix it" button instead.

    I might as well go hunt Slayerdroids as blitz missions with Scooplets and Diglets in it. My chances of survival are less than 0 and I wouldn't get XP even I killed some of them.

    Oh and Muftak. The 43 minutes was to get to the grid, through it and out in clon**** then to my mission area. (This was before my Car and my Gridrunner. Had to rely on the lowest Run buff fixers get. Add to that that it was as south in clon**** as you can get. Poor NTs without cars. And I had to go there 4 times. Once for each death.)
    Gontrokka 155 Enforcer
    When the going gets tough, the others start running!

    Captain Baxie Orbin 204 Trader
    - Baby, you look good enough to eat!

    Countezz 23 Adventurer
    - Who'd have thought a Steve Irwin wannabe could kick so much ass!

    "Baby, you look good enough to eat!"

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