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Thread: FUNCOM beware you might do something bad

  1. #1

    FUNCOM beware you might do something bad

    With the proposed fix for Nano crystals that do not disapear you plan on making used ones not work any more, BUT there is a serious gap in the logic here as this will create NON BENEFICIAL EXPLOITS, as opposed to the beneficial exploit that is present right now, as you should know by now this exploit is nothing as serious as free IP and stacking treatment.

    The first exploit is the selling of "dead" nano crystals, the one that comes to mind is nullify sphere which goes for well over 5mill and thats just flushing creds down the toilet, people could sell dead nano crystals for LOADS of cash and screw honest people

    The second is con artists claiming that they were sold a dead crystal by the seller and saying they deleted them... or they upload and then it becomes dead and they claim that t was dead in the first place and demand thier money back, and the honest player will fork over the cash.

    THESE and probably more will surface with the this fix being implimented I warn you, DO NOT PUT THIS ON LIVE find another way to fix this because, getting ripped off for millions will make some people quit, haveing a spare crystal will not, and it does not throw off game balance, YOU DECIDE

  2. #2

    Question where ?

    Can you quote the text where you see this fix. I may be dumb but didn't see this anywhere.

    And, btw, i agree with you this kind of fix would kill tradings with honnest ppl and some cheaters that want a refund for something they uses and cheaters that sell something that did not work anymore.

    Anyway i was glad to resell a nanoprog that have stayed in my inv after learning it. I thought it only happen to me. That is not the case, now i know.

  3. #3
    Haha, a very widespread exploit.. whats Funcom going to do? ban us all??

  4. #4
    I would think the best way for FC to fix this exploit is not try to deactivate used crystals, but just make sure the charge # is checked from now on. For example:

    - PlayerABC has been trading a nano around and selling uploads
    - Funcom makes the patch
    - The next time PlayerABC trades the nano to someone and they upload it, the charge-checking code has been fixed, and so the crystal disappears

    This way, all the "master" nanos in the world basically have one more charge, and then they'll disappear. At least this way there can be no exploits like you guys have mentioned.

  5. #5
    if thats possible drussillus that would be the ideal thing to do but from what I hear over on the test server its not what is happening

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