Could we somehow focus the bug reports? I'll give it a try, feal free to add your observations:
- Offhand weapon (pistol) unequipping each time you zone, although requirements are met. This even occurs after starting AO.
- NPCs nuke through several rooms/walls - without any line of sight.
- Specials are not always properly registered as performed (same forum: "wait for your previous attack to complete"
- Once detected in leet (sneaking) form the NPCs wait for minutes (15+) in the start room always detecting you upon entering. -> Sneaking impossible . They return to their rooms faster, if you are not in leet form when leaving the mission area. I consider this a a major nerf, that renders a whole part of my character useless.
- Executing of nano formulas completly blocked while morphed into reet (Forum 'Test Server Bugs': Reet form bugged on live
- Leaving the advanced shop (in Borealis) causes reshuffle of the inventory.
- Self-targeting (F1) is not working entirely correct. You sit down, heal yourself, loot the corpse and are 'untargeted' although the target that is shown (upper left corner) are still yourself. Only way to solve this is changing the camera view and target 'manually' with the mouse (rather annoying).
- The Newland map is still not working.
- A map for the Wailing Wastes? (Missions to this playfield are quite common these days )
- Spamming message in the Grid (~10 times) ' Your Computer literature has to be xxx to use this ...' - it is high enough.
- Clan NPCs attacking neutral players? - happened once
- The 'energy beam' weapon animation for the desert reet obviously does not start from the weapon, but from the 0/0 corner of the playfield your are in. -> Moments after the fight is over, energy beams start hitting the dead target. Funny and performance killing.
- (To) high regenaration rate for MOBs/NPCs in mission areas.
- Doors do not open any more after lockpicking them.
Far from being complete and byassed by my character's view. But a start. I tried to sort the 'bugs' in a somewhat objective manner (more general to profession specific, more important to minor).
So long,